For the Sake of Love - 3 in English Classic Stories by Syahi books and stories PDF | For the Sake of Love - 3

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For the Sake of Love - 3

Flashbacks from over a decade it felt, an era and how not!?
And that promise, it was the only thing I was left with, a statement, and hallucinations. 
Mr.Mystry asked me,
:You have greens all over more versatile 
'Yess,they have space in my heart
:May I get a way to find this place,closer to your heart 
(The hush of breathe, frozen, stale)
'I.....I didn't get it
:Why is it everytime that you lie, in front of me, to my face!?
'Sorry, but be more precise 
:You know what I said, that's it!!
He walked away without explaining things and before I could actually understand anything, he left me speechless 
I wonder why guys like to keep mysteries around!? Why can't they just simply speak in words, to word?
The very next day I came across this place, unknown, bare sided, it was all 'green'. Now there's this comfort I would call it. In the lap of profound beauty, I was shut. I felt relief like nothing better in near soon recent times. Away from myself, that I left the old me, the bizzare head to a total pause, mute. That smile on my face, out of grief it was locked and now all free. I did not feel to go back. Like it was an end, into thinking and this shadow from behind, it was a pale evening, not too late, but that was strange. I headed back and to a place near my house, Mr. Mystery showed up, holding his phone;
: 30 calls and number of texts, where were you???(in a very angry mood, he literally screamed)
Are you a kiddo!??
'But liste...
:Nothing. Just nothing! Shut your mouth 
This is not a way to behave. What if something would've.... Don't you understand. Do I really need to make you understand!? 
'I know....
: What?? What do you know!?? Do you have any idea if, I still would not have found you than I would've....
(He stopped right there)
'I'm sorry!! But my phone was silent and...
:This should not happen again! Did you get it!?
'Yess, I was telling that....
:You better go home. Let me drop you.
'But I...
:C'mon let's go.
We drove to my house and he was still not ready to talk.
'I'm sorry
:Fine. Go inside! 
:Get in. We'll talk tomorrow 
He waited till I went in and then left. His eyes, they were willing to tell me something. That fear, the fear they held when he was talking. He could've left early but he waited and was all tensed. It felt like he was afraid of losing me.
'He's such a keeper!
The next day it is and realisations hit;
Sunshine, 'butterflies ', the glory,'gloomies',the wind, 'weather'.
An ungrown thought, he literally showed me a mirror;
He made me realise of what we have around us is precious than what we've lost. The beauty lies in the eyes of the spectator and when we have a certain someone to look upon, we take them for granted and rant on things we had back in time. 
This is life, people come and go, but your true one's will be a 'constant' to your change.
A life lesson, indeed. I would never leave his hand to every step in life, as a guardian, a friend, a close one....
(The phone notify, a message)
_ Good morning moonlight 
Did you see that merry face, it cheered up.
It felt it back to normal, like yesterday never came. But I had to apologize on whatever the situation became.
With a fresh start, I texted him to meet me at the library (!)
.....just there,the bell rings and there's a letter for me
I received a letter,
I opened it and there's this...
(shuhhhh, my dear mind, please be shut) 
A big sketch of "guitar" in green. Amongst the greens, of the valley, "near the cliff, the streams, sore evening and...."
The letter slipped off my hands.