broken ? in English Short Stories by No Antry books and stories PDF | Broken ?

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Broken ?

Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser.

"Two years!!! Two years I have been giving my everything!! I told you what has hurt me and you used it against me! I hate you!!" I screamed at him as I turned around, grabbed my keys and ran sobbing to my car....I have no idea how long I was driving before I came too and realised it was dark and I needed to find a motel. After a few miles I saw the lights of a overnight motel next to the road and pulled in. The lady behind the counter looked at me funny as I paid for a room, my hair ruffled, my makeup smeared all over my face and my clothes looked like I had climbed out of the dirty laundry basket. She handed me the key and I stumbled out as a new wave of tears overcame me....

I went into the room and collapsed on the bed in the dark, not even bothering to switch on the light. My heart was broken and my whole world shaking.

I had no idea what to do or where to go. + the happenings of the day came flooding back
to me....

The day started like any other. I got up and got ready for work, my boyfriend( Adrian) was still in bed as he did not work on Saturdays. When I was about to leave, I leaned over him for a kiss bye...I didn't notice it then but thinking back now I do. His lips was pressed thightly together and he showed no interest in me leaving for work. I walked out the door and drove off to work. As I arrived I saw a comotion and one of my colleagues walked over saying I can go home as the offices are under water. There has been a plumbing fault.

Relieved I had the weekend off, I decided to stop at the supermarket on my way home, the idea of surprising Adrian with a special lunch forming in my head. We haven't had a date in awhile or any other romantic time lately. I got everything and drove home. His car that was always parked infront of the garage was gone. He usually goes to the gym on a Saturday do I didn't pay much mind.
Once inside I dropped my shopping bags on the counter. Realising my handbag is still in the car, but deciding I would fetch it later. As I have pulled into the garage and closed it so from streetview it looked like noone was home. I started cooking lunch. I was just about done when I heard Adrian's car pull in. He wouldn't know I was home as the door leading from the front would lead him to the bathroom for his usual shower after gym. He would only see me after.

Suddenly I froze...I heard the clear giggle of a woman. My heart sank to my feet. I couldn't move. I tiptoed to our room when my limbs came to life and stood in the open door... Adrian and the woman were locked in a passionate kiss, his hands fondling her clothes to take it off....She laughed again and I heard her say:"Babe, slow down! We need to stop doing this and tell her". He just groaned too overcome with lust to hear what she said. She gave in and allowed him to take her shirt of I couldn't watch anymore and turned aro stumbling to the kitchen. Collapsing at t + kitchen table The sounds of their lovemaking
kitchen table. The sounds of their lovemaking tearing through my soul. It went quiet after what felt like forever.

I heard footsteps in the hallway and then Adrian stood in the kitchendoor wearing only his boxers. He went as pale as a sheet when he saw me sitting at the table crying. He didn't know what to say....I looked at him, tears streaming down my face..."Was she worth it? How long has this been going on?" I asked him still crying. He stared at me, at a loss for words. Then I heard him finally say..."Almost a year, I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you. I know what happened with Ryan(My ex). And I didn't want to do what he did. Please you have to believe me!"...He pleaded.

"Two years!!! Two years I have been giving my everything!! I told you what has hurt me and you used it against me! I hate you!!" I screamed and the rest well brought me to this dark motel room. Broken, crying and alone.
It has been hell picking the pieces of my life back up. I had many nights of crying and blaming myself for his mistakes. But I have finally moved on. I heard him and the woman dated 6 months when he caught her with her boss. I was left broken and sad but definitely wiser. I will never blindly trust again. I won't ever give anyone the power again to use what broke me against me.