Predicament of a Girl - 2 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Predicament of a Girl - 2

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Predicament of a Girl - 2

Predicament of a Girl

A romantic and sentimental thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Are you thinking interviewing and testing six hundred candidates is not an enough task for this purpose?” Madhukar knitted his brows together. “After disappointing himself with each of those candidates, Tarang is thinking to make you the heroine of this movie. Even you are not a new face to the movie field and has been known to the audience there, you satisfied some extent the requirements here.”

“I really hope that your friend gets the best heroine for this movie. I don’t feel even a little bit if I have not got the chance to act in this movie.”

“I know about it, you need not tell me.” Sighing heavily Madhukar said. “For the first time I am getting frustration. When I have failed in my own state, in my own language, he gave me the opportunity to prove myself and we both became good friends also. Now when he wants to produce his dream project, I just cannot be big help to him.”

There was some silence then which was broken by Madhukar himself. “This is all so odd to you is it is not?” he said with a smile looking into the face of Charitha. “You need to be in this field to understand how all this is.”

“She cannot even imagine like that.” Prameela laughed and said. “Her family never think even in their wildest also that that their daughter does act in movies. You know one thing! They don’t even like her staying with me just because I am acting in movies. They are that much orthodox.”

“It is not so.” With an uneasy expression in her face Charitha said. “The main thing is; I never have any interest on acting even though I watch movies with interest.” She forced a smile onto her lips.

There was silence once again and this time Prameela was going to say something but then Madhukar’s friend Tarang has entered into that room. Madhukar and Prameela immediately stood up as soon as he entered into that room, Charitha instantly understood who he was and she also stood up.

After initial greetings and smiles, he asked Madhukar in Tamil. “Who is this girl?”

“Friend of Prameela. She took her here just for time-pass as she is feeling bore in the house.” Madhukar also said in the same language and then looked into the face of Charitha and said in Telugu. “My friend does not know our Telugu at all. You don’t mind.”

“I don’t know Tamil even a little.” Charitha said with a smile. “Anyhow no problem.”

Tarang looked few seconds into the face of Charitha before looking into the face of Madhukar. “Come with me Madhu. We should have very important discussion between ourselves.” He said in Tamil.

“Yes, we have to decide whether we compromise ourselves with Prameela or still try for someone more suitable to the role.” Madhukar also said in Tamil and then he looked into the face of Prameela and Charitha before saying in Telugu. “Both of you wait here. Just in half an hour or so, I do come out.”


It was not indeed half an hour before Madhukar coming to Prameela and Charitha and Prameela said with a smile. “What your friend has decided? Make the movie with me or find someone more suitable?”

“I just don’t know what to say!” with absolute uneasiness and gathered frowns on his forehead, Madhukar said.

“Come on, why do you feel like that? I have no objection to quit if you people want to find more suitable one. I just pray to god that you get someone absolutely suitable to this role.” Adjusting herself in the chair for more comfort Prameela said.

“Do you need to tell me, cannot I know it?” with the same irritation in his face Madhukar said. “Matter is completely different and quite unexpected!”

The conversation was going in Telugu.

Prameela and Charitha exchanged surprising glances on hearing that. “Tell me about it fast. I cannot manage my suspense for long.” With a curious expression in her face Prameela said.

“My friend is feeling...........” Madhukar stooped forward and balanced his both arms on the table in between. “...............your friend can be the absolutely perfect option for the character in his movie.”

For some seconds there was stunned silence until it was broken by Prameela. “I already told you what type of people her family are. They all just hang to death if Charitha acts in movies and I have no doubt in it at all.”

“I told this to my friend but he is feeling very much that your friend can be the best person for this role. I have tried my level best that your friend never does agree to it but he is adamant and asked me to mention about this to her, so I am mentioning it to her.” Then his gaze covered Charitha’s face.

“Then my answer is absolute and flat no. I cannot even imagine acting in a movie.” By then Charitha came out of her shock and said with firmness.

“I myself have thought a little before deciding to try the role in this movie as it is mainly the story of a prostitute. It is just impossible that Charitha ever does agree to it. No, tell your friend that it is just not possible. I am absolutely sorry to disappoint you both but from her side I myself am saying that is never possible.” Prameela’s voice also was with firmness.

“I am also very very sorry.” With a regretful expression in her face Charitha said. “I am feeling very much that I have to disappoint you and your friend but it is such an impossible thing!”

“What option I do have except say this to my friend?” nodding his head helplessly, Madhukar said and got off from the chair. “It really infuriates you but I just want to tell. The initial remuneration has been increased to forty lakhs if your friend agrees to act in this movie. If the movie has become a hit, she shall be paid even more.” After saying that looking into the face of Prameela, Madhukar went away from that place into his friend’s room.

“What the bloody hell he is thinking? He can buy you with money?” Prameela said with irritation and then looked into the face of Charitha.

It was just like another shock to Charitha and she became straight in the chair she sat. Forty lakhs, my god! It did not take much time to her to digest that piece of information after he has said. Even she worked her whole life in four offices, she could not earn that much of amount. If forty lakhs amount has come into her hold, all her problems would be solved and their family would be put into very comfortable position.

“My friend and I have to go out now and you and your friend may move out please. Anyhow your friend has been given two days time to intimate us, if it is agreeable to her.” After ten minutes or so Madhukar came out again and said.

“Alright then.” Prameela said and got off from the chair she sat and Charitha also followed her suit.


“Don’t worry too much. I hoped that this rascal would be helpful to us but it turned out like this.” While Charitha was relaxing herself in the sofa with an odd expression in her face , Prameela slumped beside her and said.

“I have expected that and I am not worrying about it.” There was change in Charitha’s expression and Prameela has little difficulty in understanding it. It was just like Charitha was thinking about something but not worrying.

“I am really sorry. You just don’t know how much I wish that your problem would be solved out. In which other way I can find a good job for you, I cannot understand!” Sighing heavily Prameela said.

“You are already helping me a lot and don’t bother yourself to find a job also for me.” Putting her both hands around Prameela’s shoulders and looking into her face, Charitha said.

“I just always do feel happy to help you like that. You need not say it time and again.” Pretending little anger in her face, Prameela said.

“But how long and how much?” frowns gathered on the forehead of Charitha. “If we don’t clear the ten lakhs rupees debt we took from a private financier mortgaging our house, he is going to make our family evict the house. Every month we have to expend lot of money for my mom and dad’s medical expenses and there is expenditure for my brother and sister education also. There is other expenditure also to meet with and I just can manage to send them pittance every month.”

“I sure do increase the amount I am giving from the next time and you can pay it back whenever you can. Just forget all about that and feel happy.” Prameela also put her both hands around Charitha and said.

“Are you really thinking that there ever shall be a situation that I can pay your money back?” Charitha knitted her brows together. “I cannot hope even a little bit like that.”

“I have a strong hunch that your problems are going to be solved and most of my hunches in before came true. So please don’t worry yourself like that and just be happy. Just believe in your close friend.” After saying that Prameela released her hold around Charitha, relieved herself from her hold and yawned heavily “For the present I am feeling very much sleepy and want to sleep and I advise the same to you also.” Then she got off the sofa and took four steps to move away from that place into her bedroom then she heard Charitha.

“How it is if I accept the role and act in that movie?”

Prameela instantly turned back and looked into the face of Charitha with a shocking expression in her face. “I never expected that you do say this!” after pausing for few seconds she said again “You do act in the movies? I know about your family more than you also. I did not exaggerate the situation when I said all your family members hang themselves to death if you act in movies.”

“You are right!” Charitha nodded her head, got off from the sofa and came near to Prameela. “But is death not better than suffering themselves so? Acting is not illegal and when my taking up that role solves all my family problems, why should not I do it?”

Prameela took her lower lip between her teeth frames and started chewing on it while deep frowns on her forehead were insinuating she was just thinking very much furiously. “I think I said to you about the story of that movie.”

“Yes, you did.” Charitha nodded her head. “In that movie the heroine fell into love with a guy who is a friend to her cousin. As her parents did not agree to her marriage at all, she eloped with him to a faraway place. There after taking advantage of her, he sold her to a brothel house. There she has been introduced to the hero, who came there for a girl and they both fell in love. While staying in that brothel house, the girl was changed a lot. With the help of that guy, she not only freed herself from that brothel house but freed the other girls and married that guy and settled with him.”

“Then do I need to tell you it is a sex oriented movie? I myself could not immediately agree to act in that movie. In fact I really do feel relief if someone else has been selected for that role in my place. Are you going to play such a role however much suitable you may appear to that blasted guy for the remuneration he is going to pay?”

(I hope that you enjoyed this novel till here. I update the next chapter as early as possible. Please don’t forget to rate it and write a review)