Soul got snatched out! in English Short Stories by Sayant books and stories PDF | Soul got snatched out!

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Soul got snatched out!

6 o'clock in the evening. In front of Amar's office:
Amar took his usual bus but a little earlier than usual.
He was a normal salaryman who traveled to the west of India for his first job. Until now he lived in the hilly side village of the country his whole life in the over-protected environment. After convincing his parents, it was his first time living on his own, far away from his shielded environment created by his mother and father.

In a very peaceful and black night of amavasya with mysteries, Amar was riding back to home by bus sitting at the backside of the bus, stuck in between the bus crowd.
The bus stopped at the bus stop where few people got off and few steps in, this went for few more stops. Amar stop was last, with him there were two more people. On every amavasya, the bus to his area will not depart after six and he got off from work at six. After one hour of ride. He got off, then walk after a ten minutes walk, crossing a small temple to the south where he visits every morning without fail for the past six months. He would reach home where he would cuddle the house owner's brown dog named Mukti and would entered stress free. Then he usually call his parents first, whip himself a dinner and sleep at 11 o'clock. This was his usual routine after work and on weekends he would be hanging out with his friends which he made while working. Nothing was out of ordinary until he followed the rules of his parents and his locality.

But after a year since their son started working, things started to fall off for Amar's parents. Because of his work overload due to closing of financial year, his calls reduced from morning and night to morning or night, then only night, after that it turned to messages now and then and now over a month he hasn't contacted them or messaged them or emailed them anything. His whereabouts were missing for them.
"Rishu, has Amar contacted you?", they asked their younger son,
*- Rishabh a.k.a Rishu, twenty years. 1st year of master degree in agriculture is fiver younger than him, currently in his healing period from getting dumped by his ex for being boring and not outgoing.
"No. He left me on read when I asked him, if I can come over few days ago.", he said irritably, .
Now mom started panicking and crying, afraid that her son might be in danger or something bad must have happened to him to not contacting them from so long.
"Amar ke papa, why don't you just go there and check whether he is ok or not? Its amavasya today!", she asked bawling,
This time father tried his only friend's number he can count on but no luck. The friend of Amar was hospitalized because of a horrible car accident a month ago.
This made her worry more.
Brother brushed off worry and mother might be overreacting but deep down he knew something was wrong about him.
Father was arranging his office work and field work as soon as possible.

Seeing their parents dead worried, at night he tried calling his brother. It rang for long for several times but no one picked up. After trying multiple times he tossed his phone on the bed shut his eyes in anger. Around one o'clock his phone rang *rings* he jolted up and picked up the phone in hurry after seeing it was his brother's call.
"Hello, Amar bhaiya? Where are you? why did you keep ignoring our calls? It's been over a month you hadn't called us nor messaged us, where were you? If it is ladki ka chakar then you should had tell me in advance. Mum was crying frantically because of you. Where are you now? Are you okay? Did you eat anything yet?",
He waited for a response but all he heard was bubbles sound, "Hey! Where are you now! Just tell me are you safe? Yo-", then he heard a loud wave noise,
He was sickly worried for him. Then he heard him saying, "I am done doing fine. I am fine, wherever I am. Don't ever try to contact me again. Love you all and don't disturb me ever again or else-.", then with the splash of water sound call eneded. He was so confuse and scared. He knew it was not his brother. He packed up his bag. Booked the earliest plane ticket.
He called his parents told them about what happened, "Wait a minute, I will play the call recording."
He searched up one week data but in recent call records it was his friends who were mocking him for being a scaredy cat. Panicking, he searched up his call history, again there were no trace of Amar's receiving call. Then he tried calling him once again. It remained silent.
His phone rang, it was Amar. As soon as he received the call in speaker his phone burst out of an angry scream mixed of a man, that's Amar and some strange women and the water, splashed all over them and the house. They were trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. Everyone was shocked. Then they heard Amar's voice crying for help.
"Help me, Rishu!... help me Maa! Help me Baba! Everything is so cold, dark and scary here! Please save me from her!", he was sobbing, pleading for his life.
He picked up the phone in hurry, "Hello? Bhaiya? It's me Rishu. Where are you now? I am-", then he heard a loud bang and slash sounds with Amar's scream seems like his last scream, then instead if water a load of blood started gushing out from the phone and surprisingly, neither the water nor the blood left the house and no one can hear or see the commotion inside the house. People was roaming normally outside their house.
Rishabh couldn't figure out what he had to safe his parents. He threw the phone on the water and tried to open the window, break the glass, break the door but nothing worked. Its like they were sealed inside their two story house. He moved his parents to his room upside, tried to open the door but both father and so failed. Then out of nowhere that mobile surfed on the water and slashed his mother and sucked something out of her mouth, then it turned to the father and did the same thing brutally and got his soul sucked out. Then it was his turn to die. He threw books and his laptop on it but nothing help. Mobile phone tripped him under the blood water then tried to strangle him with the cords but suddenly it snapped. The big cord just snapped out of nowhere. He got a time there, he took his dumbells and smashed it into pieces. The bloody water stopped flowing, everything seems normal but not him. All he could see was his parents chopped off floating in the water. He took his parents body parts and tried to place them together in its original form. But he couldn't do so, they were practically mixed in the water as one. He was weeping in the water, couldn't process what had just happened now. How he became an orphan in just a matter of seconds. Then he saw a light flashed beside him. He glanced beside him, it was that phone coming back together. This time a black shiny hand came out of it, grabbed and dug its nails into his neck, "Aaahhh!!", he screamed in pain.
He felt something flowing in his bloodstream. He felt weak in his knees, he can't keep up struggling. Then he felt a sudden heavy force in his heart. He spit blood from his mouth. He felt his energy gathering in the middle. His vision was blurry, heavily breathing. He kneeled down.
The hand released him and signaled something with its hands to come out.
*rips* "AAAaaahhhh!!!!!" his chest was torned,
"I...will!... avenge you!", he spits blood and soul in the form of white ball came out. It took his soul and vanished into the thin air.
Phone drops on the dry floor and shattered and vanished in the air just like their family presence. They all vanish into the thin air.
The day turned back into night, one o'clock. The night of amavasya. The morning they saw was just an illusion to get them together.

A neighbor reported a missing complaint after a month of their mysterious disappearance. Police investigated it for a year without a single lead except their eldest son was also missing for a month prior to their missing and after his and his friend's horrible accident. He was safe and sound but sounded bit off and vanishes as his family. Everything was normal and one day it boomed and everyone was vanished. They locked up the house for safety but being on the middle of the village they can't ignore it for eternity. Village head perform an exorcism and put that house for sale. After two years of waiting, a young couple moved in. Nothing out of ordinary had ever happened in before or after their moving. As the time goes by everyone forget about their existence and fear of something. They were blessed with two sons in that mysterious house. It was like a dream come true for them but who knows what future holds for them especially their sons? Who knows? What was so dangerous about amavasya? Who knows?
Rishabh! Who's soul's little part was able to freed himself and vowed to revenge.