Surfing in Timeline with my Bro - 2 in English Science-Fiction by Kumar Venkat books and stories PDF | Surfing in Timeline with my Bro - 2

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Surfing in Timeline with my Bro - 2

Martin :- "What are you talking bro? Why do you want to quit after you achieved so much in Army."

Kevin :- "You know I never wished to join in army. After i lost my parents in accident, Uncle lucas and Aunt Mary became my parents. I really had a good time spent with my family. But i am too unlucky that i lost another Mom. It seems like my fault, So i leaved to Military school. But i want my life to be normal like everyone else. Having a good family, A caring wife and loving kids, A weekend time with you Martin. That's it."

Martin :- "It's not your fault Kevin, I wish we could spent the time like that again."

Kevin :- "Yeah, No one could change what was already happened. We have to focus on what's happening in the present. I am really happy to see you again Martin." 

Martin :- "Kevin, There is something i want to ask you."

Kevin :- "Come on bro, Ask anything."

Martin :- "I want your help, I can't trust anyone in this world except you. You are the only person who can understand me better than anyone Kevin."

Kevin funnily :- "Suddenly, Why are you talking like a girl who is in love with me? Bro."

Martin :- "This is not funny Kevin, This is not the right place or right time to talk about it. Meet me at our old cafe on tomorrow evening." 

Kevin :- "Ok Martin, Cool..."


Martin is eagerly waiting at Cafe, Kevin came after some time. 

Kevin :- "Sorry bro, I'm late. I went to meet my old friends. And the traffic in this city is really boom...." 

Martin :- "Don't be sorry Kevin, Actual you never has to be."

Kevin confusingly :- "what? I said I'm sorry bro. I'll never come late again."

Martin :- "No, I really mean it. You don't have to bother about time again."

Kevin :- "What are you talking about Martin? Is everything ok?"

Martin :- "Yesterday in my Dad's funeral. Many scientists and business men are came to gather details about my dad's last project. Some one insisted to ask but some people directly asked me. I said I don't know, But i actually know what they are looking for"

Kevin :- "If they really seeking for it, It would be really an advanced weapon or an Super AI. Is it?"

Martin :- "No, It's more than that. Everyday after 11.45 PM my dad used to come to my room to check on me. But i didn't heard anything from him for 2 days. So i went to lab, Luckily i have access to it. That's when i found that my Dad left me from this world." 

Kevin :- "Uncle died in his lab??"

Martin :- "Yes, That's where i saw the thing that he's working on. After watching that i forgot about my dad's death and i spent the whole night studying about that thing, till morning. Then i called for medic's." 

Kevin shockingly :- "That's really creepy Martin, What's that thing that make you forget about uncle." 

Martin :- "It's a time machine." 

Kevin :- "You're joking right? That's impossible" 

Martin :- "I expected these words from you. Come on, We're going to my dad's lab. You can see it with your own eyes."

Kevin and Martin came to Lucas Lab, 

Kevin :- "This is smaller than i thought, Military lab is more huge than this one." 

Martin walked towards a Wall clock and pulled its oscillating pendulum, then the wall opened a way where there is an elevator. Kevin silently walked into elevator with Martin. The elevator taking them below the basement level to an underground. When the elevator door opened. Kevin eyes were turned into a complete shock. 

Kevin :- "No way, This is larger than the Military base." 

Martin :- "Get ready to become the witness to the world's advanced and powerful God's power. This is what my dad has been working with." 

Kevin saw a huge rings structure which looked like a vortex. And a large tube structure is surrounded around the lab room. 

Kevin :- "Woaah, I can't believe my eyes. Is this the thing you were talking about." 

Martin :- "Yes it is."

Kevin :- "What those huge Ring's do?"

Martin :- "That creates and holds the small Wormhole generated by the quantum field." 

Kevin :- "What about the large tube around us, Is it for a tour ride in lab."

Martin smiled and said "No, That's a hydrohen collider. It creates the energy required to open a wormhole." 

Kevin :- "Then why are we still waiting for? Let's travel in time. We can save our parents and We can save the world from so many Chao's and calamities. We can be heroes.. No no, We can be God's. We can travel in time...."

Martin :- "We can't do that Kevin."

Kevin shockingly :- "What...?"

Martin :- "This time machine is not for travelling in time, We can't travel in time with this, My friend." 

Kevin confusingly :- "Did you even understand what you are saying, What we can do with this time machine, if we can't travel in time. 

Martin with pride smile :- "This thing is not for time travelling, This is for Surfing in Time."