Part And Parcel Of Life - 2 in English Short Stories by Shreeya Desai books and stories PDF | Part And Parcel Of Life - 2

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Part And Parcel Of Life - 2

You are only human after-all
I keep recalling incidents from past and certain people, people who are still in my life and even those who left me, but mostly I recall people who left me and I try to think where it all went wrong and as much as I have understood from one certain incident I can say that I try to put a broken glass back together rather than just getting another glass. I can’t let go off people easily and in the middle of the night I scream internally “how does everyone leave?” but recently I read somewhere that we are a tree and people are leaves, branches and roots. Leaves are the ones who are in your life temporarily, people you can’t really rely on but they are a part of your life for some time and when the wind comes they depart from the tree. Some people are branches, they are the people who stick with you for a long term, people you can rely on and are always there for you and then some people are roots, its because of them that we are who we are they can be family and they are really rare and precious. So in my life I guess there are a lot of leaves and I was so attached to them that I cried at their departure but leaves cannot be with the tree forever afterall so its useless to mourn for such loss, new leaves will come branches will grow and roots will become stronger and we should move forward. We cannot control things in life but we can accept them and the sooner we accept them, the easier it is to let go because there are just so many questions we don’t get answers for we can’t be stuck on them. Yes bad things happened but I can’t waste my time trying to figure out why it happened or seek revenge or keep crying about it. I believe in the law of karma and according to it whatever happens to us is the result of our past karma and no human remembers their past lives so you won’t get the answer to why it happened, and that’s sad I know but I just tell myself “it is what it is.” I have tried loving people, hating, befriending, trying to fit it but none of that works unless you accept  yourself for who you are, I have heard people talking so many things about me, so many versions of that one incident, I used to be angry at first but now I just find it funny. You will see different versions of yourself throughout your life so please be kind to yourself first, no you are not losing it, no the world is not against you, and yes you can achieve it all.

 Don’t suppress yourself for other people, express yourself regardless of what others would say.  The only person who will be on your side throughout your life is YOU!!