The Tales Of Dark Web - 5 in English Horror Stories by Vaibhav Surolia books and stories PDF | The Tales Of Dark Web - 5

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The Tales Of Dark Web - 5

 Part 5: Resolution

Chapter 20: Unraveling the Truth

In the remote cabin, Aiden felt a little more secure with Ethan by his side. But as days passed, he couldn’t shake the growing suspicion that something wasn’t right. Ethan had been supportive, but sometimes he seemed a little too comfortable with the danger, a little too knowledgeable about The Vault. Aiden brushed off his doubts, chalking them up to paranoia. After all, Ethan was his best friend.

One evening, as they pored over the files again, Aiden found a document labeled “Specter” in the metadata. He clicked on it, only to find it encrypted with a complex cipher. “I can crack this,” Ethan said, reaching for the laptop. But Aiden hesitated. Something about the way Ethan was handling this whole situation didn’t sit right with him. He decided to take a closer look at the file alone.

Later that night, while Ethan was asleep, Aiden went through the files again. He ran a few programs to analyze the Specter document and found hidden code that referenced his own name and location—information that only someone close to him would know. As he scanned through the data, a chilling realization hit him: every step he had taken on the dark web, every encounter with Specter, had been orchestrated.

Chapter 21: The Revelation

Aiden confronted Ethan the next morning, accusing him of knowing more than he was letting on. Ethan laughed, his demeanor shifting from friendly to sinister in an instant. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this,” he said. “But yes, I’m Specter. I’ve been guiding you through the dark web, nudging you deeper and deeper, watching you flounder in your own curiosity.

Aiden’s heart sank. Ethan had used their friendship to manipulate him, to draw him into a web of lies and deception. “Why?” Aiden demanded, his voice breaking. Ethan shrugged, his expression cold and indifferent. “Because I wanted to see how far you’d go. I wanted to see if you could handle the truth about the dark web. And now that you know, there’s only one way this can end.”

Chapter 22: The Final Trap

Ethan convinced Aiden to move once more, to a remote cabin even deeper in the woods. Aiden reluctantly agreed, hoping to find a way to escape or expose Ethan’s treachery. That night, as they sat around a small campfire, Ethan’s demeanor grew increasingly hostile. He began to taunt Aiden, recounting how easy it had been to manipulate him from the start. Aiden realized he had walked into a trap.

Suddenly, Ethan lunged at Aiden, his hands closing around his neck. Aiden struggled, but Ethan was stronger, fueled by a cold, calculated rage. Aiden’s vision blurred as he fought to breathe, his life slipping away with each passing second. In his final moments, he understood the depth of Ethan’s betrayal. His best friend had orchestrated everything, from the messages to the files, all to lead him to this very moment.

Chapter 23: The Aftermath

When it was over, Ethan stood over Aiden’s lifeless body, a chilling smile on his face. He pulled out a phone and typed a final message into the dark web forums: “The curious don’t last long. Stay away from the dark web, or end up like him.” It was a message to anyone who dared to follow in Aiden’s footsteps—a warning wrapped in the guise of advice.

As Ethan disappeared into the night, he knew he had covered his tracks well. No one would suspect him, and Aiden’s fate would serve as a cautionary tale to others. The dark web had claimed another victim, but this time, it was a victim of manipulation, not curiosity.

Epilogue: A Message to the Reader

To anyone tempted to explore the dark web, remember Aiden’s story. It’s a place of shadows, secrets, and hidden dangers, but the biggest threats may not be strangers—they may be closer than you think. Stay away, or risk being consumed by the darkness within.

Writen By 

-Vaibhav Surolia 

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