The Tales Of Dark Web - 4 in English Horror Stories by Vaibhav Surolia books and stories PDF | The Tales Of Dark Web - 4

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The Tales Of Dark Web - 4

 Part 4: The Chase

Chapter 15: A Friend in Need

Aiden hadn’t told anyone about his dark web adventures, partly because he wasn’t sure anyone would believe him. But after that chilling encounter with the intruder in his room, he knew he needed help. He decided to confide in his best friend, Ethan Cruz, a fellow tech enthusiast who had a knack for understanding complex systems.

Ethan had always been the level-headed one in their friendship. Where Aiden was impulsive and curious, Ethan was analytical and cautious. Aiden knew that if there was anyone who could help him navigate this mess, it was Ethan. He called him up and asked him to come over.

As soon as Ethan arrived, Aiden locked the door and took a deep breath. “I need to tell you something,” he began. Ethan raised an eyebrow, sensing the seriousness in his friend’s tone. Aiden launched into the story, explaining everything from his first foray into the dark web, his encounters with Specter, and the files he had downloaded from The Vault. Ethan listened intently, his expression a mix of fascination and concern.

So, let me get this straight,” Ethan said when Aiden finally finished. “You’ve been exploring the dark web, stumbled onto some classified information, and now someone’s watching you? And you think it might have been Specter in your room?” Aiden nodded, relief washing over him as he saw that Ethan believed him.

Chapter 16: Formulating a Plan

Ethan took a moment to process everything. “Okay, first things first,” he said. “We need to secure your system. I know you’ve been using Tor and a VPN, but we need to go deeper.”

They spent the next few hours working on Aiden’s computer, installing additional layers of security. Ethan showed Aiden how to use Tails, an operating system that runs from a USB stick and leaves no trace on the computer it’s used on. Tails is specifically designed for privacy, making it nearly impossible for someone to track or recover Aiden’s activity once he shuts down.

Ethan also introduced Aiden to Signal, a secure messaging app with end-to-end encryption. This would allow them to communicate without fear of being intercepted. As they set everything up, Ethan couldn’t help but express his excitement. “I’ve always wanted to test out Tails,” he said, grinning. But Aiden could see the worry in his eyes.

Once they were finished, Ethan leaned back and crossed his arms. “Alright, now we need to figure out who Specter is and what they want. You said there were files in The Vault that seemed related to some kind of operation, right? We should go through those and see if there’s anything we missed.”

Chapter 17: The Hunt for Specter

Over the next few days, Aiden and Ethan poured over the files Aiden had downloaded. They were cautious, using Tails and encrypted drives to ensure they left no trace. As they combed through the documents, they discovered several references to an entity called “The Phantom Network.” The files hinted that this network was a loose organization of individuals working in secrecy, possibly for espionage or illegal trade.

This must be what Specter is involved in,” Ethan speculated. “It makes sense that they’d have eyes on The Vault. It’s probably their data repository.” Aiden felt a surge of determination. He wanted to know who Specter was and why they had targeted him. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was on the edge of uncovering something huge.

They decided to track Specter by analyzing the metadata on the files, hoping to find clues about their origin. Metadata is hidden data within files that can reveal information about when and where they were created. Although it was a long shot, Ethan knew how to extract metadata without alerting the file’s source.

The more they investigated, the more Aiden realized just how deep the rabbit hole went. They found hidden code within the files, encrypted in a way that hinted at military-grade software. “Whoever these people are, they’re serious,” Ethan said, his face pale as he realized the implications.

Chapter 18: The Encounter

One evening, as they were sifting through the files, Ethan received a message on Signal from an unknown contact. The message read: “You’re in over your heads. Walk away now, or face the consequences.” Ethan showed the message to Aiden, both of them feeling a fresh wave of dread.

They quickly disconnected from the internet and sat in silence. It was clear that whoever Specter was, they had resources far beyond anything Aiden had imagined. “We need to be prepared for anything,” Ethan said finally. “I think we should go off the grid for a while. Take this information somewhere safe and analyze it without being connected.”

Aiden agreed, though he could hardly believe how far things had gone. They spent the night packing up their gear, preparing to leave town and find a secure location where they could continue their investigation.

Chapter 19: The Second Intrusion

Just as they were about to leave, Aiden’s phone buzzed with another message: “Leaving so soon? We’re closer than you think.” Aiden froze. He realized that Specter was watching them even now. Panic surged through him as he looked around, half expecting to see someone outside the window.

Ethan placed a reassuring hand on Aiden’s shoulder. “We’ve prepared for this. We need to stick to the plan.” They moved swiftly, leaving the house and driving to a remote cabin owned by Ethan’s uncle, where they would be completely off the grid.

When they arrived, they immediately set up a secure perimeter, using tools that Ethan had brought along to detect any hidden surveillance devices. Once they were satisfied, they sat down and resumed their work.

But that night, Aiden woke up to the sound of footsteps outside the cabin. He glanced at Ethan, who was sleeping soundly, and crept towards the window. He peered out, straining his eyes in the darkness. For a moment, he thought he saw a figure lurking among the trees. But when he blinked, it was gone.

Aiden’s heart raced as he crept back to his bed. He knew that the threat was real, and that he and Ethan were being hunted. The dark web had opened a door to something he never expected, and now, he had dragged his best friend into it. As he lay there, wide awake, he couldn’t help but wonder what they would find—and what it would cost them.