The Tales Of Dark Web - 3 in English Horror Stories by Vaibhav Surolia books and stories PDF | The Tales Of Dark Web - 3

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The Tales Of Dark Web - 3

Part 3: The Dark Web Unveiled

Chapter 10: Uncovering Secrets

Aiden’s brief encounter with Specter had left him rattled. He spent days avoiding the dark web, convinced that every digital shadow held a threat. But as time passed, the fear faded, and curiosity took its place. He wanted answers—who was Specter? What exactly was The Vault hiding?

One night, Aiden couldn’t resist the pull any longer. He turned on his computer, reconnected his VPN, and opened the Tor browser. This time, he was determined to dig deeper, but he needed a way to do it without being detected. He set up a proxy chain, a technique where his connection passed through multiple proxy servers before reaching the dark web. This way, even if someone tried to trace him, they would hit a dead end.

Navigating back to The Vault, Aiden used the decryption key he’d saved, and once again, the eerie green text filled his screen. He scrolled through the files, avoiding the documents he had previously downloaded. This time, he clicked on a folder marked “Phantom Operations.”

The files contained coded messages and surveillance logs, each one more chilling than the last. It seemed like this “operation” had been going on for decades, involving secret experiments and covert monitoring. The names were redacted, but Aiden could tell these were real people. He felt like he was reading the plot of a horror movie, yet it was all too real.

Chapter 11: A Sinister Revelation

As he delved into the Phantom Operations files, Aiden found a document titled “Subject 47 – Incident Report”. He opened it and began reading. It was a first-person account of someone who claimed they were followed, watched, and ultimately confronted by an unknown entity. The report described sightings of shadows moving in the night, distorted faces appearing in reflections, and cold hands reaching out from the darkness.

Aiden’s skin prickled as he read on. The report ended abruptly, with the writer recounting how they woke up one night to find someone standing over their bed, only to have that person vanish when they blinked. Aiden took a deep breath, reminding himself that it was just a file, just words on a screen.

He clicked on a link within the report, which led to an encrypted video file. He hesitated but opened it. The footage was grainy, shot from what looked like a surveillance camera. It showed a figure moving through a hallway, glancing over their shoulder as if they were being followed. The video cut out just as the figure seemed to scream.

Aiden’s hands were shaking. He closed the video and leaned back, staring at the screen. He couldn’t tell if what he had just seen was real or some twisted prank. Either way, he felt a creeping sense of dread. He knew he was prying into things he wasn’t meant to see.

Chapter 12: The Pursuit

Aiden tried to shut down his computer, but his fingers felt frozen. He had always believed that curiosity could be harmless, that knowledge was power. But now he wasn’t so sure. He felt watched, as if eyes were on him from somewhere in the darkness. He forced himself to close the files and power down his computer, but the feeling of being watched lingered.

He spent the next few days feeling paranoid. Every noise seemed louder, every shadow seemed darker. He was jumpy and anxious, second-guessing every decision. He was even tempted to delete everything from his computer and go offline for good. But something stopped him. He wanted to believe that he could end this on his terms.

Finally, Aiden returned to the dark web, determined to confront Specter. He sent a direct message, typing quickly, “What do you want from me? Why are you following me?” The reply was instant, as if Specter had been waiting: “You wanted to know the truth. Now you have it. The question is, what will you do with it?

Aiden had no answer. He felt as if Specter was taunting him, daring him to go further. He closed the chat, frustration bubbling inside him. But he knew he had reached the point of no return. There was no going back now.

Chapter 13: The Final Warning

Days turned into a week, and Aiden tried to resume his life as if nothing had happened. He went to classes, met up with friends, and told himself that he had escaped. But the feeling of being watched never left him. One night, as he was lying in bed, he thought he saw a shadow move across his room. He sat up, his heart pounding, but the room was empty. He brushed it off as a trick of the light, but the experience left him uneasy.

Aiden began to hear strange noises at night—soft footsteps in the hallway, whispers just out of earshot. He checked the doors and windows, but they were always locked. He even installed extra locks, convinced that someone was trying to get in. But each morning, he would wake up to find nothing amiss, and he would tell himself it was all in his head.

One night, his phone buzzed with a new message from an unknown number. “A as hp” Aiden’s blood ran cold. He had been getting these cryptic messages for days, but this one felt different. It felt like a final warning.

Chapter 14: The IntruderQAa we

That night, Aiden woke to a sound that was too loud to ignore. He lay still, his heart pounding as he listened. There it was again—a creak on the floorboards outside his bedroom. He reached for his phone, but it was dead. He felt trapped, lying in the darkness, trying to convince himself it was nothing.

Then, he heard the doorknob turn. The door creaked open slowly, and he could feel the cold air rushing into the room. He held his breath, straining his eyes to see in the darkness. A shadowy figure stood in the doorway, motionless. Aiden tried to scream, but no sound came out. He could feel his pulse racing as the figure took a step forward.

Just as suddenly as it had appeared, the figure seemed to fade back into the shadows. Aiden scrambled to turn on the light, but the room was empty. He checked every corner, every closet, but there was no one there. He was alone.

Shaken, he sat on the edge of his bed, his mind racing. He knew he had crossed a line, and now he was paying the price. The dark web had drawn him in, but it had also unleashed something sinister. He didn’t know if it was real or a trick of his imagination, but he knew one thing for sure: he wasn’t safe.