The Tales Of Dark Web - 2 in English Horror Stories by Vaibhav Surolia books and stories PDF | The Tales Of Dark Web - 2

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The Tales Of Dark Web - 2

Part 2: Into the Shadows

Chapter 4: A Step Too Far

Aiden Gray knew he should stop. He had promised himself that he’d be done with the dark web after the warning from Specter. But curiosity is a powerful thing, and despite his better judgment, Aiden felt pulled back. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was on the edge of something significant—something bigger than anything he had ever encountered.

That evening, Aiden carefully powered up his laptop and logged back into the dark web. This time, he was even more cautious. He activated his VPN again, ensuring his true IP address, a unique identifier that could reveal his location, was hidden. With a VPN, his internet traffic was rerouted through servers in another country, adding an extra layer of protection on top of the anonymity Tor provided.

Tor, short for The Onion Router, works by bouncing users’ internet traffic through several layers of encrypted servers around the world. Each layer hides where the traffic came from and where it’s going, making it almost impossible to trace back to its original source. However, as Aiden had learned, even Tor was not foolproof. The added security of a VPN gave him more confidence, but a part of him knew he was still vulnerable.

Determined to find out more about The Vault, Aiden scrolled through forums until he found the hidden address he’d been looking for. Unlike regular websites with URLs that end in “.com” or “.org,” dark web addresses often end in “.onion”. This top-level domain is specifically for Tor-based sites and cannot be accessed by normal browsers.

Aiden typed the .onion address he found into Tor and hit enter. The page loaded slowly, almost as if it were dragging him into its depths. Finally, a blank page appeared with a message: “Enter the Key.” He remembered this from the forum—The Vault was encrypted, and without a decryption key, he couldn’t get in.

Encryption is a way of securing information by transforming it into a code. Only those with the right key can decrypt or unlock the original content. In the world of the dark web, encryption ensures that even if someone stumbles upon sensitive information, they can’t read it without permission.

Aiden glanced at his notes and entered the key he’d found from an old forum post. The screen changed, and suddenly, he was insideThe Vault. 

Chapter 5: The Vault Unlocked

The Vault was unlike any site Aiden had seen. It was sparse, with a black background and rows of file names in bright green text. Each file name was cryptic, labeled with numbers, dates, and seemingly random words. He hesitated but clicked on one file named “P53_Project_1986.” A series of documents loaded on his screen, detailing something that looked like research—medical terms, test subjects, and chemical compounds that Aiden didn’t recognize.

Aiden realized that these were classified documents, possibly related to some kind of experiment. He scrolled through the file, feeling a chill. This was sensitive information that he shouldn’t be seeing.

Just then, a chat window popped up on his screen. It was Specter again: “Curiosity’s price is steep, Aiden. Are you willing to pay?”

Aiden’s hands hovered over the keyboard. He considered ignoring the message, but his curiosity won. He typed, “What do you want from me?”

Specter responded almost immediately: “Not me. What do you want from here Information comes at a cost. You’re in too deep.”

Aiden swallowed. He closed the chat and quickly downloaded some of the files to an encrypted folder on his laptop. He didn’t know what he was looking at, but he wanted to find out.

Chapter 6: The Cost of Knowledge

After a sleepless night, Aiden decided to take a closer look at the files he had downloaded. The files were encrypted, but he had managed to break the encryption using a cipher he found online. A cipher is an algorithm used to encrypt or decrypt information, turning readable text into seemingly random characters and vice versa.

As Aiden sifted through the documents, he realized they contained information on a covert operation involving human testing. The files mentioned codenames, dates, and locations. Aiden felt a sense of dread; this wasn’t just obscure data. These were records of real people and real events. He knew he had crossed a line, but he was too deep in now to back out.In the corner of his screen, a message flashed: “You shouldn’t have done that, Aiden. We’re watching.”Aiden’s pulse quickened. He felt exposed, as if someone were right behind him, watching his every move. He quickly closed the files and shut down his computer. He needed to figure out how to protect himself.

Chapter 7: Digital Footprints

Aiden spent the next day researching digital footprints and how to erase them. A digital footprint is the trail of data that someone leaves behind when they use the internet. It can include things like browsing history, cookies, and IP addresses. The thought of someone tracking his every move terrified him.He learned about data wiping tools that could permanently delete files and make them unrecoverable. He also read about RAM scrubbing, which clears the temporary memory on a computer to remove traces of recent activity. Despite these precautions, Aiden knew that nothing was truly foolproof. Once something is online, it’s hard to erase it completely.

Desperate for answers, he logged back into the dark web, searching for information on Specter. He found a post that mentioned Specter as a “gatekeeper” for The Vault. Apparently, Specter had a reputation for exposing people who tried to dig too deep.Aiden’s fingers trembled as he typed a response, asking why Specter was targeting him. The answer came swiftly: “You took something that wasn’t yours. Knowledge has a price, Aiden. Are you prepared to pay it?”The message disappeared, replaced by an ominous countdown timer on his screen. He had five minutes.

Chapter 8: The Chase Begins

Aiden’s mind raced as he tried to think of a way out. He realized that Specter might have access to his personal information. In a panic, he disconnected from the internet and powered down his computer, hoping that would sever the connection.

He knew, however, that simply turning off his computer wouldn’t erase his traces. He had learned that once data is out there, it often stays there. He needed to go further to cover his tracks, so he used his phone to research data encryption software and read up on how to encrypt his entire hard drive. Encryption is a method that scrambles data, making it unreadable to anyone without the decryption key. This would make it harder for anyone to access his files, even if they got a hold of his laptop.

As he frantically worked, Aiden felt as though he were running out of time. He knew that Specter—or whoever was behind this—was closing in.

Chapter 9: A Final Warning

Just as he finished encrypting his hard drive, Aiden received a message on his phone. It was an unknown number. The message read: “Leave The Vault alone, or there will be consequences. Last warning.”Aiden’s heart sank. Whoever this was, they had found his phone number, possibly his location. He realized that he had underestimated the risks of the dark web. It wasn’t just a hidden part of the internet; it was a place full of people with the skills and connections to cause real harm.

Feeling trapped, Aiden knew he had no choice but to abandon his pursuit. He spent the next few hours using a tool called BleachBit to wipe his laptop clean, removing any trace of his dark web activity. BleachBit is a software that permanently deletes files and cleans up data on a computer, making it nearly impossible to recover.As he watched the progress bar fill up, Aiden felt a sense of loss. He had set out to explore the dark web, hoping to uncover secrets and push his limits. But he had found something far more dangerous than he had anticipated. The thrill of discovery had turned into a fight for survival, and now, he was just hoping to escape unscathed.