The Tales Of Dark Web - 1 in English Horror Stories by Vaibhav Surolia books and stories PDF | The Tales Of Dark Web - 1

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The Tales Of Dark Web - 1

Part 1: The Gateway

Chapter 1: A Curious Click

Aiden Gray had always felt at home behind a computer screen. A college student majoring in computer science, Aiden’s fascination with technology began when he was a child, cracking into his family’s Wi-Fi network for fun. Now, he spends most of his free time exploring various corners of the internet. He knows about the dark web from a few tech forums, but he’s never had the urge to explore it—until tonight.

Scrolling through an online discussion board for cybersecurity enthusiasts, he stumbles upon a thread titled, “The Deep Dark Web: Beyond the Surface.” The topic captures his attention, so he clicks on it. Inside, he finds people discussing the hidden layers of the internet—places ordinary users never visit. These aren’t just webpages hidden behind passwords; they’re entire websites invisible to search engines like Google. He reads about the dark web and deep web, learning that the deep web consists of everything not indexed by search engines, from academic databases to private social media profiles.

The dark web, however, is a different beast. It’s an intentionally hidden part of the internet, accessible only with special software. Most notably, the dark web requires Tor, which stands for The Onion Router. The name itself intrigues Aiden, hinting at something layered and hidden. The post explains that Tor offers anonymous browsing by encrypting and bouncing a user’s internet activity through multiple servers worldwide, adding layers of security like an onion.

Aiden’s curiosity is piqued. He downloads the Tor browser, a software tool that makes it easy to access these hidden sites. It’s straightforward to install, and soon he’s looking at a new browser window, one unlike anything he’s used before. The Tor logo—a small onion—appears in the corner of the screen. It’s almost surreal; he feels like he’s stepping into a different world, one where anonymity is the rule.

He enters his first dark web address, which he copied from the forum. The screen changes, loading slowly, as if it’s traversing a long, winding path before reaching its destination. Finally, a simple black webpage appears with a line of text: “Welcome to the Abyss.”

Chapter 2: The First Glimpse

As Aiden clicks around, he realizes the dark web isn’t as glamorous as it’s made out to be. The first few websites are unimpressive—old, clunky interfaces, broken links, and strange graphics. But then, he finds something called The Marketplace. This site isn’t a typical shopping website. Instead of electronics or clothes, it offers items like stolen credit card information, fake IDs, weapons, and drugs. He feels a jolt of shock as he scrolls through the listings, items casually listed as if they were ordinary products on an online store.

The prices are displayed in Bitcoin, a digital currency that allows for anonymous transactions. Aiden has heard of Bitcoin before, but seeing it used like this feels surreal. On the Marketplace, Bitcoin is the norm because it’s difficult to trace, offering buyers and sellers a layer of anonymity.

As Aiden browses, he notices a live chat feature at the bottom of the page. It’s a space for users to negotiate deals and exchange tips. He reads messages that are both casual and chilling. Users are discussing drugs, stolen data, and other illegal goods as if they’re talking about grocery shopping. It’s unsettling, and yet, Aiden can’t look away.

Suddenly, he sees someone mention VPNs (Virtual Private Networks). Aiden knows what a VPN is, but it takes on new significance here. A VPN hides a user’s IP address, which is like a digital fingerprint identifying their device and location. By rerouting their internet connection through remote servers, a VPN helps users remain anonymous. The chat is full of references to VPNs, Tor, and other tools that people use to mask their identities on the dark web. Aiden quickly realizes that while Tor is useful, it isn’t foolproof—people layer their security for added protection.

He decides to take a step back. This world is both fascinating and terrifying, a strange mixture of curiosity and fear tightening in his chest. But before he can leave, a new message pops up on his screen. The username reads Specter. The message is short but unnerving: “I see you’re new here. Be careful where you click. Some doors are best left closed.”

Aiden’s heart races. How did this person know he was new? He quickly closes the browser, shutting down Tor and turning off his computer. He stares at the blank screen, the weight of what he’s just seen settling over him like a shadow. He tells himself he’s done, but part of him already knows that he’ll be back. He’s not ready to let go just yet.

Chapter 3: The Obsession Begins

The next morning, Aiden can’t shake the thought of Specter’s message. It feels like a warning, but also a challenge. He spends the day researching, reading more about the dark web, and its dangers. He learns that the dark web is home to hackers, data thieves, and other cybercriminals, but also to journalists, activists, and others who value privacy in a world where every click is tracked.

By evening, he decides to go back in. This time, he’s prepared. He installs a VPN, thinking about the conversations he’d seen the night before. A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, adds another layer of anonymity. While Tor hides his browsing by bouncing it through different servers, a VPN masks his original location. The VPN routes his internet connection through a server in a different country, making it look like he’s browsing from somewhere else entirely.

Feeling a bit more secure, Aiden opens Tor again, and this time, he avoids The Marketplace. Instead, he starts exploring forums. These aren’t like the forums he’s used to; the topics range from conspiracies to underground trading and even threads on how to hack into secured systems. It’s a world without rules, where anonymity grants freedom but also harbors danger.

In one thread, users are discussing a site called The Vault. According to the comments, The Vault is a hidden database rumored to hold secrets—classified documents, hidden research, and things the public isn’t supposed to see. Aiden’s curiosity grows as he reads on. The Vault isn’t just another site; it’s a hidden place within the dark web, accessible only to those who know how to find it.

Aiden spends hours piecing together clues, jotting down notes on how he might access The Vault. The steps are complicated, involving encrypted addresses and hidden entry points. He’s so engrossed in the task that he doesn’t notice the new message on his screen until it blinks several times. The sender? Specter.

“Curiosity killed the cat, Aiden.”

Aiden freezes. How does this person know his name? He looks around, feeling suddenly exposed. He thought he’d taken precautions, but clearly, they weren’t enough. A cold sweat breaks out on his forehead as he quickly shuts down Tor, closes his laptop, and powers down his entire computer.

He sits in silence, the room dark and quiet, except for the faint hum of his router. His thoughts are racing. Did Specter somehow trace his IP? Did they hack his system? How did they know he was browsing?

In that moment, Aiden knows he should stop. He’s barely scratched the surface, but already he’s in over his head. And yet, something about the mystery pulls at him, tugging at a part of him that he can’t ignore. He tells himself he’s done, but deep down, he knows he’s lying.

Aiden Gray has opened a door to a world he doesn’t understand—a world that’s already watching him.