Too Much is Too Bad in English Health by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Too Much is Too Bad

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Too Much is Too Bad

                                           Too Much is  Too Bad 

We all know about the benefits of many fruits , nuts and vegetables . Each one is packed with different kinds of vitamins , minerals and nutrients . We are not discussing benefits, rather  this article throws some light  on their consumption. on a large scale .    But at the same time each one has some demerits or side effects . Hence  consuming too much might not be beneficial rather may result in some negative results . 

Here are restrictions with some of common things we eat - 

Spinach  - 

Spinach is  healthy green leaves but it has some down sides also . It is high in Oxalate ( a natural compound found in plants and the human body that can bind to minerals ) . Normally 100 - 200 mg Oxalate a day  is good . A usual serving bowl may contain 400 - 600 mg of Oxalate which might be bad as Too much oxalate frequently may cause health issues with kidney stones , thyroids problems , gut issues , joint pains and skin issues . 

Oxalic acid can lead to problems in the body's  ability to  absorb some nutrients .

Vitamin K in spinach may interfere with blood thinners .

Spinach has a chemical purine which can cause gout / arthritis .

It is normally safe to take 100 gms of spinach thrice a week .


Almonds and its milk  are healthy undoubtedly but beware of its downsides - 

Some people might get allergic reactions like nausea , vomiting , skin rash etc.  

Almonds too have excess oxalates and Omega 6 fats and vitamin E.Oxalate has been discussed earlier. Too much Vitamin E can cause blood clot , blurred vision ,diarrhea .

It may cause digestive issues like constipation , diarrhea , bloating and abdominal cramps .

Almonds contain Phytic acid which can cause reduced absorptions of some essential minerals .It  binds with Calcium , zinc and iron making their absorption difficult. 

It can cause acid reflux if taken too much . 

Almonds consumption shouldn’t be more than 25 gms - 30 gms of nuts a day .

As almonds are high in fats and calories it may cause weight gain . 

Bananas - 

They are a good source of fiber , potassium, calcium , vitamin B6 and also have antioxidants . But there are some down sides also like - 

Not suitable for diabetic patients , kidney failure and high blood pressure patients. 

Short term effects - Allergy , tooth decay as it sticks with teeth and attracts bacteria   , constipation , weight gain , abdominal pain , drowsiness , digestive issues including bloating , gas nausea etc.

Interaction with medications for hypertension and diuretics .

Long Term issues - Hyperkalemia ( excess of Potassium ) migraine , spikes in sugar level in  type 2 diabetes .

NB- It is advised to limit banana to 2 a day 



An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a good phrase . But again do not overstep as it has other side effects  too - 

Apples are high in carbs and can cause spikes in sugar level and weight gain .

Heart issues - Eating apples empty stomach can trigger triglycerides.

Digestive issues - Excess eating of apples can cause gas and  bloating .

Worsens sensitivity to insulin .

Tooth decay - It is acidic and can cause teeth decay.

Apples have high carbs which can’t be burnt easily .

There is a Risk of residual pesticides on apples .

It can have allergic reactions and interact with some medications 




 Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C . One or two oranges a day is okay beyond that orange too has negative effects like -

Digestive issues - high levels of VitaminC can cause issues like bloating , nausea , abdominal cramps and diarrhea . It enhances symptoms of GERD ( gastroesophageal reflux disease ) 

Tooth decay - Its acid can corrode teeth enamel .

It can cause a spike in Potassium levels .

Some people can have allergic reactions and it can  interact with medicines .Excess excretion of oxalate may form crystals and stones in kidney 

Grapes –

Grapes are delicious and can be eaten easily . But take care of the serving amount as you will be consuming too much calories and carbs .

Side effects of grapes 

Grapes may cause cough , dry mouth , headache , and diarrhea

Grapes are high in sugar and carbs . It can cause a spike in sugar level and weight gain .

Grapes are also high in Potassium . It can cause hyperkalemia and interaction with medications like beta blockers .

Usually grapes are not advised during the final trimester of pregnancy .

Some people Can have allergic reactions and interaction  with medicines .

Recommended quantity of grapes depends on individual health and age . However for  normal adult can take a bowl of grapes a day ( 30 pieces ). Red grapes are good for heart health .

Walnuts -

Walnuts are good source of Omega 3 fatty acids which is good for heart health but on the other side walnuts have some negative aspects like - 

Walnuts have common allergen and might cause mild reactions to even severe sometimes . Common reactions are - skin rashes , respiratory issues , coughing and wheezing .

Walnuts are also high in Oxalates and excess amounts may cause formation of kidney stones .

Digestive issues - Eating walnuts in excess can cause gas , bloating , diarrhea and abdominal pain . Being high in fiber it may cause ulcers in some .

It can slow down absorption of some minerals Calcium , Iron and Zinc 

It is safe  to take 6 walnuts per day. 

Peanuts -

Peanuts are not common in our country but some people use them as nuts or butter . It contains some proteins , vitamins and minerals but it has pros and cons . Cons of peanut butter - 

Peanuts contain a substantial amount of Aflatoxin which is a mold toxin  and can cause cancer . These are fungal pathogens which often occur in hot and humid atmospheres . These might be picked during storage or farming ..

Peanut butter contains high amounts of Omega 6 fats which are harmful in oxidized state . This can cause insulin resistance , heart issues , inflammation besides other issues. We already get Omega 6 from diet ( in vegetable oils , soy , corn  , canola etc.

 Peanuts also have some oxalates which contribute to kidney stones and other gut problems like diarrhea , constipation and bloating as said above.

As it is high in calories it contributes to weight gain .

Some people Can have allergic reactions like skin rashes , running nose and respiratory problems . 

So peanuts should be taken in moderate amounts 15 pieces a day . .

Mangoes -  Many people call it the king of all fruits .While mangoes are tasty and  also nutritious when taken in excess it can be bad . Negative side of mangoes are -

Digestive problems - Eating too much at a time can cause gas , bloating , diarrhea , abdominal pain and indigestion . 

Blood Sugar - mangoes are high in natural sugar which can cause spikes in sugar levels particularly for sugar patients.

Weight gain - As this fruit  is high in sugar and calories but low in fiber it may cause weight gain .

Allergy - Mangoes may cause allergies like rashes or redness of skin and  swelling .

Electrolytes imbalance - Excess mangoes can cause Electrolytes imbalance especially Potassium which affects heart health  and kidney functioning. 

Note - Mangoes should be  soaked in water for a couple of hours and washed properly before eating .

It is better to  take them as snacks and not as meals . Half of a big size mango is said to be safe .

Bottom Line  -This article is not meant to discourage uses of any nutritious edible . Like  every medicine has its benefits and side effects , eatables too have merits and demerits . Medicines are to be taken only in limited doses. We can avail benefits of nutritious eatables in recommended quantities .