Flu and Heart in English Health by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Flu and Heart

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Flu and Heart


                                                   Flu and Heart 

Influenza  will be  knocking at the door very soon . Normally Influenza  happens from November to February in India but it can circulate anytime in the year . The illness caused by Influenza is called flu .

Flu is a viral infection and it can easily spread from one person to another . Most common symptoms of flu are - Fever , cold , cough , pain , headache , chills and sometimes diarrhea . If neglected it can cause bronchitis pneumonia , sinus and ear issues . 

We know about risks of heart attacks and strokes , But with heart problems plus  flu risks might be more severe and even fatal cardiac arrest as per doctors . Older people , kids under 5 , people with weak immunity, pregnant women  and  people with chronic medical issues are at bigger risk of getting flu.  Timely flu vaccines can reduce the seriousness of the effects of flu even if you catch the virus. 

Flu affects heart 

As flu can result in bigger respiratory issues like  Pneumonia , bronchitis and any other lung  infection it’s better to check it before its onset .  It's hard to define flu’s effects in parts  as many people suffer cardiac issues weeks after the onset of flu. 

Recent studies have shown that after exposure to the virus patients are significantly more prone to heart attacks in coming weeks. More Cardiovascular deaths have been noticed  in flu season  .

Effects of Flu virus on heart 

When our body gets any viral or bacterial infection , inflammation is the first response of our body  . Our cells have to work harder to fight any infection. We get feelings of swelling , fever , chills , weakness etc. Such additional activity can add to existing hypertension and heart issues which might cause blood clots or swelling in the heart .  Sometimes This can  cut off oxygen supply to the heart or brain leading to heart attack or stroke . Pneumonia or bronchitis  can also result in heart failures or poor heart rhythms . Our body’s inflammatory response to influenza  virus is the cause of stress on the heart and cardiovascular system. 

So what can be done to protect ill effects of flu on the heart - Flu vaccine is  the main protector . It is advised by doctors to get the flu vaccine about two weeks before the onset of flu season . However it can be taken anytime around the year . 

In studies it has been noticed that vaccination is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular issues , even if you get the flu. Among the higher risk cardiac patients the vaccination has shown  even better results. 

Many doctors and international societies strongly recommend getting flu shots annually . As the flu virus is mutating and changing the scientists are also trying to  get vaccines  modified accordingly from time to time  . 

Advisory  to avoid exposure especially for cardiac patients - 

Get flu shots annually before the onset of the flu season .

Mask up especially in public places to avoid exposure to this virus .

Follow good hand hygiene like - washing or sanitizing hands before eating and after coming from outdoors .

Keep hands away from face and eyes .

Try to be at home and take a rest .

Drink an adequate amount of liquid .

Run the humidifier 

Take your medications and diet as recommended by your doctor .  

Bottomline - The flu virus causes extra stress on our body .This can affect our B.P. normal heart rates  and other functions of the heart .It has been found in studies that heart attacks happen more likely during flu or a week after exposure to flu . Most importantly older people are more prone to it