Two Strangers On the Bed - 8 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Two Strangers On the Bed - 8

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Two Strangers On the Bed - 8

Two Strangers On the Bed

A steamy hot romantic thriller!

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“For the first time I am hearing something like this!”

Sameera was looking straight into the face of Susmitha who exclaimed like that after hearing the false story from Sameera which she told to Purnima also. Just like Purnima, Susmitha also was feeling very much surprise! She was absent to the bank on the previous day Sameera went and only the next day Sameera could meet her. Sameera immediately came back to the house on that day when she came to know that Susmitha was absent. The next day, Sameera called her into the cabin and started explaining everything to her which she said to Purnima and by the time she finished Susmitha was also just like Purnima surprised to the maximum.

“Are you sure that you have not hit hard your head with anything during your sleep? Most probably with the front seat. Without anything like that how this partial memory loss happens to you?”

“I am hundred percent sure that I have not hit my head with anything like that during that sleep or any other time.” With little irritation in her voice Sameera said. “Have you forgotten what I have said? It was not just I who suffered with such a problem. That girl also has been suffering like that just in the same way from that moment.”

“I just.............I just..............cannot understand! How both people at the same time, same place face the same problem?” Susmitha knitted her brows together.

“You need not break your head to know about that as I have been doing only that from the moment it occurred.” Sighing heavily Sameera said. “What all you have to do is; you have to help me with everything in the bank until I completely recover my memory. Many a thing I just cannot remember now.”

“Do you need to ask me like this?” Sameera felt just like current passed through the body when Susmitha took her right hand into her hands and squeezed it gently. It was the first time or in before also Susmitha clutched Pramod’s hand like that Sameera did not know. Even her soul was a woman how she was feeling thrill like that by the touch of a woman just because she was in a male body, she could not understand. It was just like that even the soul left the body; all the male characteristics left with the body itself. “I not only help you to do the work in the bank but in recovering your memory also.”

Sameera slowly relieved her hand from the hands of Susmitha and put herself into thinking. There was no surprise in Purnima’s feeling fear. Even more aged than Purnima, Susmitha was more beautiful! It was indeed difficult to think that she was a mother of a seven years aged daughter.

“Thank you very much!” with full gratitude in her face and voice Sameera said.

“Don’t dare to thank me at all!” with an angry expression in her face Susmitha said. “If you are feeling too much grateful for what I am going to do, you just do one thing.”

“Tell me what it is?” Sameera started feeling fear thinking what she was going to ask.

“Come and have tea in my home in the evening.”

“Such a simple thing! Really I do love it.” Sameera laughed still feeling uneasily.

x x x

On the evening of that day, Sameera went to the house of Susmitha in Susmitha’s car. But by the time they both reached the house of Susmitha, her husband Pallav and daughter Renuka were moving out. By the way of their both greeting her, Sameera understood that Pramod was quite known to them both.

“After a long time I took my friend to our home and you both are going away?” Susmitha angrily asked looking into the faces of her daughter and husband.

“I am really very sorry. But I have promised to our daughter to take her to a movie. If I don’t take her now, she eats me away.” With a sorrowful expression in his face Pallav said.

Renuka, Susmitha’s daughter was beautiful just like her mother but Pallav was a lean personality with five feet height. There was no surprise at all if he did not have much sexual libido.

“Never mind. You both go and enjoy for the present. I come to your home again to spend time with you both.”

After that Pallav and Renuka moved away from that place. Before moving away from there, Pallav looked into the faces of Sameera and Susmitha with a sort of expression which Sameera felt very much odd.

“You have got a beautiful family! Cute daughter and nice husband! You ought to be very much happy.” Sipping the coffee which Susmitha gave to her while adjusting herself for more comfort in the chair she sat, Sameera said.

“This itself proves that you have forgotten certain important things!” Susmitha slumped in the chair opposite to Sameera with a coffee cup in her hand. “But I have no objection to refresh your memory.”

Sameera did not ask feeling fear what Susmitha would say if she asked. But it appeared that Susmitha was going to tell even she was not asked about that.

“I really don’t mind Pallav’s doing a name sake job. The money I have been getting through my job is enough for all our purposes. But I already told you, shedding all my shame,..........” she paused for a second and closed her eyes as if she could not look into the face of Sameera. “I just cannot understand how he has given me such a beautiful baby! Everything happens just in seconds. When he puts it in and when takes it out only he knows. A long time back only on one occasion he could manage to keep it there until releasing the seeds so the result was Renuka.”

‘My god! What I am hearing!’Sameera’s heart beat increased! She should not have come to this place at all. But she could not deny that making Susmitha dissatisfied knowing how much of Susmitha’s help she needed in future.

“I always think how it is having that thing fiercely moving up and down in my thing while my body has been crushing under the weight of a man! A man like you handsome and strongly built! I just don’t know how much I have been craving for that.”

Sameera’s heart beat increased even more. She understood how painful it was without having it sufficient for a woman. For the first time she came to know it was not just men suffer with starvation of sex but women also.

“You may feel wonder why cannot I have it with someone and satisfy myself. Men are more than enough to give it if a woman like me asks them for it. But I just don’t know why but I cannot have it with anyone else except you. I have the feeling and desire to have it with only you but with no one else. I even forsake my promotion as a manager and remained in the bank to have that with you. But you are so cruel Pramod, you never do consider about my wish.”

Sameera’s heart was filled with shock! That scoundrel Pramod did not tell her that this thing was this much deep. She did not know what to say.

“You don’t feel fear Pramod. I never force you to have it with me unless you come yourself to me for that. But when you do that.........” suddenly there was a serious expression in her face. “..............don’t forget that you are doing a great favour to me.”

“What your husband thinks if ever he comes to know that you are thinking like this?” with full uneasiness in her heart Sameera asked her.

“Long before he acknowledged his weakness and my absolute dissatisfaction because of his weakness. He told me many a time that he has no objection if I satisfy my urge with anyone if I want. He knows that I have a strong feeling on you and he provides an amicable opportunity to both of us to have it together. In fact when I phoned to him that I was coming to home along with you, he planned himself to go out with our daughter only to facilitate it to us both.”

“I just don’t know what to talk and what to say.” With complete confusion and shock in her face Sameera said. “I don’t remember any of this even a little bit.”

“Then you forget about everything what I said.” Leaning back in the chair Susmitha said. “My cooperation in the bank to you will be as I promised. You need not doubt it even a little bit.”

“Alright then. May I go home now?” Sameera got off from the chair she sat. “Purnima may be waiting for me in the home.”

Susmitha nodded her head and she also got off from the chair she sat. But feeling the same uneasiness and discomfort in her heart Sameera came to Pramod’s house.

x x x

“My friend is a reputed psychiatrist of course. But he believes in paranormal also which I don’t like at all.” Purnima’s uncle Ratnarao said. The problem has been explained clearly to Ratnarao by Purnima and she said about Pramod and Sameera both the issues all clearly basing on whatever she heard from Sameera.

As promised to Anurag, Pramod phoned to Sameera and told her that he also wanted to see the same psychiatrist that Sameera was going to see and said to her that Anurag wanted to see her also. Then the next day morning itself Anurag and Pramod came to the house of Pramod and talked with Sameera and Purnima. On that evening itself all of them went to the house of Purnima’s uncle Ratnarao whose friend was the reputed psychiatrist.

“Such a paranormal thing has taken place in our lives. As such I am thinking that it is better to see a psychiatrist who believes in paranormal also.” Sameera said.

“Then its okay. I secure an appointment with him. Then you both go and see him and tell him the problems you are facing. I am hundred percent sure that he will certainly be helpful to you people.” Ratnarao said.

“Is it is not possible to go straight and see him?” Anurag asked him.

“He is a very busy psychiatrist and seeing him without an appointment is not possible. I try to secure an appointment to you both with him as soon as possible and let you know.” Ratnarao promised to him.

After spending sometime with that Ratnarao, all of them went to their respective homes.

x x x

“As you both have subjected to the same problem at the same time and at the same place, I am thinking that it is better that I do see of you both at a single time. Ratnarao very clearly told me about you both and your problem along with your names.”

As promised Ratnarao managed appointment of the psychiatrist Manohara Rao on the next day evening itself.  Pramod, Purnima, Anurag and Sameera went to him at that appointed time.

Pramod and Sameera looked into each other’s faces with happy expressions. “We have no objection to that doctor.” Pramod said and Sameera also nodded her head in agreement.

“May I also present with them doctor?” Anurag asked.

“First I talk only with the patients and then I allow the relatives also with them. After having full discussion with these two, I discuss about it with you both also. First I have to ascertain what is the reason for this phenomena.” Manohara Rao said.

Anurag and Purnima looked into each other’s faces and nodded their heads with uneasy expressions.

“You both go outside and sit in the chairs there. I call you both inside when I finish with these both.”

With the same uneasy expressions in their faces, Anurag and Purnima came out of that chamber.

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)