Rain Flower - 26 in English Detective stories by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Rain Flower - 26

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Rain Flower - 26

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Yes, your decision is correct Rose. We must not let him suffer more. We both have expected a situation like this also. He is involuntarily trying to remember his past. It is indeed better that we make him remember everything in a prepared way rather than leaving on its own” after hearing her thoroughly, Charles said.

“But I am feeling fear how the situation is going to be. I am feeling that he sure does become wild mad this time.” There was anxiousness in her face.

“Then you have me and the Black Ant Mental Care also for you. Take him here and I also help you in all respects.”

“I know about that. But it is not necessary. It will be too intimidating to Williams if we do it like that.” Rose smiled and said.

“May I also present while you are trying to make Williams remember that?”

She leaned back in the chair, closed her eyes and thought for sometime. “No Charles, that is also not necessary” after few seconds pause she opened her eyes and said.

“Do that as you think better. I hope and wish everything shall be as you wish it to be. But just remember one thing! My staff, Black Ant Mental Care and I are always ready to do anything for you.” Looking assuredly into her face he said.

“I know that” her charming smile climbed onto her lips again. “Anyhow thank you very much.”

“You need not thank me for anything Rose, we are beyond that and bound to help each other for anything.” He adjusted himself in his chair for more comfort. “I want to ask you something.”

“Just ask that Charles. Do you need to take my permission like this?” Rose knitted her brows together.

“I am feeling optimistic Rose. Everything shall be alright after this. Will you then please start coming to Black Ant Mental Care again? We are feeling a lot of deficiency without you here.” with a pleading expression in his face, he asked her.

She involuntarily laughed on hearing that. “Sure I do come. Williams also is encouraging me either to come to this mental care or start my own.”

“Please opt for the former only” the pleading expression in his face was still so.

“Hundred percent it shall be so. I love this place and working here. You are a protecting shield to me and I cannot have it in my individual practice.” Still keeping her charming smile on her lips, Rose said.

“Thank you Rose. You made me feel happy. Just in one month or so you will be here again as a practicing psychiatrist.”

“You just said that there should no thanks between us”

“Sorry Rose.”

“There should be no sorrys either”

“Alright then” Charles laughed.

Before leaving his chamber, she has some more discussion with him. She came there just to be assured by him to follow what she was thinking best for Williams and she got that. 


 “Sis, what you have said is true? I cannot believe this at all.” looking amazingly at her sister Rose said after hearing her completely without interruption.

 “Yes, its true.” Liza’s cheeks blushed. “But I don’t know what decision I have to take.”

“Once he is in love with you that much, what would be the problem at all?”

“He is terribly younger to me Rose. Nearly fourteen years! He can have quite a younger one in my place.”

“You are thinking quite foolishly, sis. There is no age like thing. It is only in our minds. You have given him confidence, happiness and life. You both developed such an intimacy in between yourselves. It is quite apt that you both marry.”

“He also said just like this to me. But………..” Liza tried to say something but Rose waved her hand impatiently to stop her.

“Just listen to me. I am taking his threat seriously. Considering what he has said to you, he cannot  live without you at all. Don’t delay it anymore. First let him know that you are ready to marry him and you have no objection whatsoever to it.”

Liza put herself in thought. She was still in dilemma.

“You have given him the life and confidence. Don’t yourself take them away from him. Delaying in matters like these shall have serious consequences. I want you to call him in my presence and tell him the good news.”

“Alright then. I will do it now itself.” Liza took her cell-phone which was behind her on the bed and about to call the number of Swaroop. But before she called the number, someone called and the miniature screen of that cell phone lit.

“Surprising! He himself is calling.” She attended the call and said “Swaroop” excitedly before he said anything.

“Yes, I am. Still living. This is my last call to you. I do take the decision after hearing from you now.”

“Please… please………. Don’t do any such foolish thing. I am ready to marry you. I am ready to marry you at any time you want. But on one condition…...….” the excitement was still like that in her tone.

“Put him on speaker. I want to hear him.” Rose said.

“Oh, sure.” Liza said and put the cell phone on speaker. “After marriage, if you ever felt bad for marrying an old woman like me, I am not going to be responsible for that.”

“Never, never it happens like that.” This time Rose and Liza both could hear the excitement and happiness in his voice. “Are you really saying this or I am just imagining all of it? You are so adamant until this moment.”

“Give that cell to me Liz” Rose asked Liza and Liza put the cell into Rose’s hand.

“Mr.Swaroop” Rose said in the cell.

“May I know who it is?” Swaroop asked her.

“I am Rose, sister of your would be.” Rose said.

“Yes, yes, Liz told me about you. You are a psychiatrist, are not you? In the beginning she suggested me to go to you.” Swaroop was still in excitement.

“But my sister herself proved as a best psychiatrist for you.” Rose laughed. “I am the witness for what my sister has said. You are not imagining and it is true that my sister would marry you as soon as possible.”

“Thank you very much.” There was a pause and it was felt that he said it heart-fully. “How….how it has become possible?” by his voice it understood that he became completely relaxed.

“I did some repair to her mind and put it in the right track. It works in the best way from now on. Don’t worry about it at all.”

“When she comes to me then?”

“It may take little time. In the meanwhile, if you don’t mind, why don’t you come yourself here.”

“Sure I do come. I cannot remain much longer without seeing her.”

Then Rose told him the address and cut it off. “A big problem solved, is it is not?” throwing the cell towards Liza, she said.

“Yes… yes… yes… Thanks a lot. You relieved me from lot of pain. But if he comes here…Is it would not be a little awkward?”

“Never… now we do need as many people as we want. I am feeling happy that he is coming here.” Rose said.

“He lost his parents in his childhood itself and grew up at his uncle. After his getting a job, he came away from them and living on his own as his uncle family has no affection on him after eating away all his properties. His ex-wife was proposed to him by some distant relative, he liked her and married her but it turned out like that.” Liza said.

“Good riddance I must say.” Remembering what her sister said about his ex-wife Swapna, Rose said. “Now you both are going to be one and your union shall be quite happiest thing to you both also.”

“You are absolutely right.” Nodding her head Liza said.

“Liz, now I am going to ask you a very big favour.” After few seconds silence Rose said.

“Before, that either call me sis or Liz but not sometimes that and sometimes this” Liza said.

“No, I do call you in whichever way I want” Rose angrily said. “Don’t come into my freedom.”

“Alright then” Liza laughed and said “I do feel very happy to be any type of help to you and you know that. First tell me what I should do?”

Then Rose explained to her about the recent changes in Williams and told her what she wanted to do. Liza startled on hearing that all. “Is it is safe? Can you venture to do that? What if his reaction is violent now? You did not at all agree to this when I first suggested and I am thinking you are right.”

“But the situation changed. Now he is very much struggling and involuntarily forcing himself to remember his past. I have expected this also and I am always with a plan. If I have not made him remember that in the best way possible, it shall be dangerous. I have discussed this matter with my senior also.” She explained to her what Charles and she discussed.

“Then what type of help I can be to you?” Liza asked her.

“I want more controlling hands. Once the truth comes out after Williams remembering that incident, we need to control not only Williams but Jasmine also.”

“How many people you need when you do use your method on Williams?” Liza asked her.

“You, me, John and if Swaroop agrees, he also.” Rose said. “Jasmine also will be there but she cannot be helpful. I am afraid we have to control her also.”

“If I say Swaroop all this completely, he sure does agree. But he is completely a stranger to this.”

“You are going to tell him everything and prepare him for that. By his saying he would be here by tomorrow evening.” Rose said as if she did not hear what Liza said to her.

“But he is completely a stranger to all these affairs” Liza still objected.

“A person who is going to marry my sister should not at all be a stranger. Tell everything to him and prepare him.” Rose was stubborn.

“Alright” Liza nodded her head and asked “You don’t need anyone else to be present there?”

“I don’t want to make it a crowd. We have to keep it as much peaceful and calm as possible.”

“Don’t you want your mother in law there?” Liza asked her.

Suddenly there has come a serious change in the face of Rose. “No. I don’t want her to be present there. I am not going to tell her about my plan either.”

“But Rose………...why? I cannot understand! Moreover if you are feeling fear for Jasmine on knowing about that, you have to feel fear for your mother in law also. She is his own mother!”

Rose did not say anything but remained silent. There was no change in her serious expression.

“My God! Rose……. You already have guessed it, don’t you?”

“Please don’t ask anymore questions sister.”

Liza nodded her head. “Alright then. The last question. When you are planning to do it?”

“On coming Friday. Every Friday my mother in law goes to that old palace and would not return until it is afternoon.”

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)