Rain Flower - 25 in English Detective stories by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Rain Flower - 25

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Rain Flower - 25

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“We have not talked much after your marriage.” She said with a small voice. “Are you feeling comfortable in all respects here?”

“I am feeling more than comfortable.” Rose smiled. “You have provided me with everything. Gave me full freedom. How it would be that I don’t feel comfortable?”   

“I recognized the great sacrifice you made. You did neither go to the hospital nor started your own. Your prime concern is still Williams. I did not expect that you would be this much dedicated. I am feeling really very happy.” Margaret said.

“Williams is my husband.” Rose said with firm voice. “How it would be I don’t care about him? Everything else comes after him to me. I like psychiatry a lot and working as a psychiatrist is a dreaming career to me. But it too does not override Williams’ priority.”

“How nice! How wonderful! No man on the entire earth can be as much fortunate as my son. No one can get a devoted and loving wife like you.” Margaret’s face lit with happiness.

There was silence then. Rose understood that her mother in law wanted to talk something particular with her. It might be something inconvenient to her to say straight, so her mother in law was dodging the issue like this. She could imagine what that thing also.

“Want to talk anything about Williams?” Rose asked her.

Margaret sighed. “Yes, you are right I want to talk about Williams.” She paused for a moment and then said “How is Williams’ condition now?”

“Not bad.” Rose replied. “He became active and enthusiastic. He is behaving jovially and actively just like a mentally and physically healthy man. I think you also have observed him and found that. The only troubling thing is his memory status. Except the dreams regarding that girl, there are no other incidences of remembering the past.” She did not want to say about Williams’ recently violent behavior.

“Is there no chance whatsoever then that he can remember the past?” there was anxiety on the face of Margaret.

“It is not so at all.” Rose said. “For the present he did not remember anything about that past before his madness. He may remember everything about that past in future. Why he remembers or why cannot he remember………..” she paused some seconds before continuing “………..we cannot say. 

Margaret did not say anything at all. She was just hearing intently what Rose was saying.

“In fact I am not trying to make him remember particularly anything. I just wait and see some more days. If he does not remember anything at all about that past naturally, I mean, without any effort on his part in the next two or three months, then I shall consider using some methods to make him remember that past.”

In fact considering the past incidents she was thinking to implement the methods possible much sooner than she said. Even she was feeling fear how the reaction in Williams would be after remembering that particular incident, she did not want to linger it long. His unintentional struggle to remember the past was becoming more and it was even more dangerous to him. Anyhow she did not want to discuss everything with her mother in law now.

There was instant anxiety on the face of Margaret. “Dear, is it is important that he remember his past? Is it is not possible to make him not remember his past including that particular incident?”

“I can understand your fear. You are also thinking in the same way I am thinking. But it is not possible to make anyone not to remember anything forever. We never can have a grip like that on anyone’s mind or to that matter even on our own mind. Mind is such a complex thing. Moreover programming like that may have other type of serious effects also.”

“I want my son hale and healthy all the time. Whether he remembers his past or not does not matter to me.” Closing her eyes and hissing out heavily Margaret said. “Moreover if the prospect of his remembering past will be bad, I prefer he would not remember that.”

Rose took her mother in law’s right hand into hers and squeezed it gently. “I can understand you. But don’t feel fear! I am sure except what he has seen on that palace on that day, nothing of his past will be damaging to him even he remembers. I am not only his wife but his psychiatrist also and I always stay with him and see there would be no danger to him even he remembers that particular incident. ”

Margaret opened her eyes and looked into the eyes of Rose and smiled. “Even in this hardship also one thing for which I can feel happy is that you have become my daughter in law. I am having full confidence on you. Just do whatever you think fit to do.”

So amicably and lovingly that conversation went on like that for some more time.


Rose suddenly woke up and she could not understand why she woke up like that. It was just like some subconscious prompting woke her up and when she looked at her left side she found Williams sat straight.

She put her hand on the shoulder of Williams. “Will. What?” 

Then she noticed further that he was completely different! His whole body filled with sweat and it was shivering. He was grinding his teeth. It was just like he was still in some dream.

“No………” he said.

She took her hand off. She understood that his subconscious mind was trying to force some of his past onto the surface. It would be better if it happened all by itself rather than using methods.

He nodded his head, got off from the bed and went near to the fridge there. He took a bottle from it and emptied it fast.

“I cannot bear this. I just cannot bear this at all.” He took his head into his hands after putting the bottle again in the fridge and closed the same.

Rose went fast near to him. “What Will? What is happening?” she put her both hands around his shoulders.

“I got a dream. May be it was my past. It was so disturbing, so heart crunching, but I forgot it as soon as I woke up.”

“Don’t force yourself to remember that. Please.” Rose pleaded with him.

“No.”  Williams nodded his head in negation. “I must remember that. It is something very crucial that related to my life. I think that very piece of the past made me mad like that. I must remember that.”

She nodded her head and said. “Its alright. Then I shall see that you do remember it. But not now. Come and sleep.”

“I can’t.” he nodded his head in negation. “You cannot know what is happening in me now. Hell is breaking loose. Why the bloody hell my mind is making me suffer like this?”

She remembered the way she programmed him. The soothing voice she used, the mesmerizing looks, the sweet kisses. But he was mild then. Now he was appearing disturbed. Any how she decided to use that voice, those looks, etc. now also.

“Will…you are coming back. You are listening to me. You are moving towards bed.” She turned her voice into one of the smoothest one.

“No. You cannot make me hypnotized. Those tricks don’t work now.” He said irritatingly.

“You are listening to me. You are moving towards the bed. Your mind obeys me.” Looking straight into his eyes she said.

“No.” he tried to say something more but he could not. Looking straight into her eyes he could not say anything at all.

“You are coming back. Coming back to the bed and sleep there. You obey me. You feel happy to obey me.”

He silently walked towards the bed and laid himself on it.

“Now you are slipping yourself into sleep……….. There would be no other thoughts in you at all. …………You are terribly feeling asleep……You just cannot manage anymore awaken…..…..you are falling asleep………….you are falling asleep……....”

To her relief she started hearing his snoring.               


“What’s better in your opinion to do now?” John sat opposite to Rose in his house. Early morning on that day she visited his home. Jasmine and Rose visited him in his house on one occasion before and Rose had enough acquaintance with him. He was the only son to his family, lost his both parents two years back and living all alone in his house. He surprised himself a lot on her visiting so. She explained to him what was happening to Williams. On hearing that, he too became anxious and asked.

 “There is no other way. I have to make him remember his past.” With firmness in her voice she said.

“But is it is not dangerous?” he asked anxiously.

“May be. But I have to take the risk. There is no other way at all.” She said after a small pause. “Leaving him suffering like this is even more dangerous.”

“My God! Why it is like this?” he closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. “Jasmine does become even more upset if anything worse again happen to him.”

“I came to you with a particular purpose John. You should help me.” As if she did not hear him, Rose said.

“You need not hesitate to ask anything. Just tell me whatever it is.”

Rose stooped forward in the chair she sat and balanced her arms on the table in between the two of them. ”By now it has become quite clear to us that Williams has seen something in that palace which made him mad like that. Williams and Jasmine were own brother and sister. If that incident has such an effect on Williams, I think it shall have the same effect on Jasmine also, once she comes to know about it.”

“Right you are.” John instantly said. “Is there a chance that she comes to know about it?”

“Once Williams knows about it, Jasmine also, you and me too.” Rose said. “I want you also present there while I am making Williams remember his past.”

“I sure shall present there if you do want me. I help you in the way you want.”

“Thank you John. In fact I want your help in before itself. You have to prepare Jasmine to some extent to the severity of that something she is going to know about.”

John hissed out heavily. “In whichever way I may prepare her it hurts her in the worst way I afraid.”

“Why you are thinking like that?”

“Unless it is something like that it would not have turned Williams in such a way. I am not a close friend to Williams. But I know him very well. Before that incident he was hale, healthy, active mentally and physically.” John said.

“My thinking exactly!” Rose also sighed heavily. “But it is unavoidable. I said to you how Williams is behaving sometimes. It does not stop here. He is involuntarily forcing himself to remember all that. At any moment he can remember everything. If it has happened when none of us are present and without any preparation from our side, I cannot say how the consequences would be.”

“Is the situation going to be dangerous?” John knitted his brows.

“Terribly dangerous! If something has not been done fast for this, he may become mad again. But not mild mad as before. Wild mad! If he becomes wild mad we cannot say what he would do.”

“My God! No, we are not going to take such a risk. Please plan fast whatever we have to do. I shall be there and help you in all respects.”

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)