Two Strangers On the Bed - 6 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Two Strangers On the Bed - 6

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Two Strangers On the Bed - 6

Two Strangers On the Bed

A steamy hot romantic thriller!

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

 “I never do develop any unnecessary doubts as I have absolute faith on you.” Sighing heavily Purnima said. “Now tell me what it has to do anything with you?”

“After waking up she said to me that she also started feeling some memory problem. She also has no idea why it was so to her.”

“I just cannot understand!” Purnima knitted her brows together. “Why she also has to face the same problem?”

“Just like me she too has no idea why it has happened like that to her.”

“How much better you both know about each other?”

“Till we met in the bus, only to a little extent. Even less to friendship. We studied in the degree college together and just know the skeleton details of each other. But after meeting in the bus, we shared many a thing together.”

“Did she say that she has any problem with her memory in her past life?”  Purnima’s knitted brows were kept like that.

“I did not ask her particularly about that.”

“Now I ask you the same question. Did you have any psychological problems in your past?”

“I am perfect physically and psychologically. I never faced any such problem.”

“Alright. I just don’t know how to understand any of this.” Purnima released her brows. “Don’t worry I do believe you hundred percent.” She smiled but with an uneasy expression in her face.

“Thank god! I really felt very much worried thinking that you never do believe what I said.” There was relief in the face of Sameera.

“I know your character. I know what type of a person you are.” With a fixed expression in her face Purnima said but once again frowns gathered in her face. “Have you got her phone number with you?”

“Of course, I got it. We have exchanged our phone numbers while we were parting.”

“Then ask her how she is doing now. I am thinking as you both have got the same problem, at the same place and at the same time, the reason for it also the same for you both. Keeping tabs on what she is doing and how she is feeling also may be helpful to us.”

“You are absolutely right. I talk with her.” Sameera got off from the bed. “Now I have to go to the bank and see how the things are there. Once I finished with it, I talk with her.”

“But you promised that you don’t go to the bank the whole of this day.” Once again Purnima knitted her brows. “Have you forgotten about it?”

“I promised like that but I am thinking now that it is better to go to the bank and see how the things are there. I am sorry, that I have to break that promise.” With a sorrowful expression in her face Sameera said.

“But Pramod, are you sure that you can manage in the bank? You have forgotten even where is the bathroom in our house!” Once again there was anxiousness with gathered frowns in Purnima’s face.

“You just don’t worry. I take the help of Susmitha and you need not feel any fear about her. She is a very nice lady and she never has any intention like that.”

After saying that with a smile on her lips and with an assured expression in her face, Sameera came out of the house after kissing Purnima on both her cheeks. But she phoned to Pramod and told him everything and advised him what better he would do in before itself rather than after her finishing the job in the bank.

x x x

Sameera did very nicely by saying like that, Pramod in the body of Sameera thought, saying like that would make the situation for him also easy and convenient. Anurag went to the office and his son was still sleeping by the time Sameera’s phone came and Pramod felt very much happy on hearing her. After finishing talking with her, Pramod remembered that he did not take a bath yet. He went to the cupboard there, opened it and found Sameera’s several dresses in it. There were several sarees also but he did not know how to wear a saree, so he selected a Punjabi dress from that and went into the bathroom.

That bathroom was a big and spacious one, clean and neat reflecting the richness of Anurag just like the other places in that big house. There was a big size mirror also in that bathroom, Pramod went and stood before it. Sameera was so beautiful indeed! Even with the dishevelled hair, rumpled clothes her body was appearing marvellous! He has to see it would be just like that until Sameera entered into it again.

But when that was going to happen? He was seeing the frowns gathered on the beautiful forehead of Sameera. Even he was feeling thrilling and happy to be in the beautiful body of Sameera, in an opposite sex which he was so much desired, the idea how long he has to stay like that was making him feel anxiousness. What if he has to remain in this body itself forever? That thought itself was very much horrifying but he understood one thing! There was no use in breaking head like that. He just has to wait until that soul transferring would happen again and till that moment enjoy himself with his strongly cherished desire all the time.

He sighed heavily and started taking the clothes one after one from Sameera’s body. He was feeling mesmerised as marble like body of Sameera was being revealed to him little by little. When her both milky breasts were freed up from the brassiere also, they jumped up to their full length and he crossed his hands and took them both into his hands. The touch of them was smooth and silky but he was not feeling thrill in touching them in the body in which he was then.

Then he unknotted the petticoat and let it dropped at his feet, as Sameera did not wear anything inside her, nudeness of her under-parts completely came into his view. He stepped out of the petticoat and considered that public part. It seemed that Sameera shaved that part just two days or so back and there was little black stubble there. His wife Purnima never let him have a full look at her public part and on the few occasions when he managed to look at that part, he found dense black growth of hair there and it was indeed difficult to find her main thing under that growth. Even with hair also Pramod always interested to look at that place but Purnima never allowed him to do that.

With lot of thinking in himself, Pramod finished his bathing with shampoo and soap feeling lot of thrill while dealing with a female body like that.

x x x

“How was everything with you dear? Have you enjoyed your stay at your parents and the journey also? Is that alliance settled for your sister, will she marry that man?” in the night, when they both were on the bed together, taking Pramod near to him and kissing on his lips, Anurag asked.

‘Oh, it is indeed nice, wonderful, marvellous!’ Pramod thought. For the first time he understood how it would be to a woman in the hug of a male person, that too with a handsome guy like Anurag! He came to know how the reaction of a woman to that and he closed his eyes and crooned even more into Anurag’s body while enjoying it a lot.

“You did not answer my question. There is lot of furore in your family about that issue. That boy not belongs to your caste and your family is quite against it. I think by now all you people have arrived at a solution and I want to know what it is?”

Pramod startled on hearing that! Sameera did not say anything about that and what he would say now? Now without any delay he has to say to him also what Sameera said to Purnima. In fact Pramod wanted to say that to Anurag later, after having that wonderful experience with him but there was no chance now. Unless he said so to him immediately now, Anurag would become lot of confused and got doubts also.

“I have to tell you a very important thing!” making himself distanced from him, Pramod said. “But I am feeling fear whether you do believe it or not.”

“There is no question of my doubting with whatever you would say.” With an encouraging smile on his lips Anurag said. “Just tell me what it is with an open heart.”

“While returning from my parents’ home, during the journey, I have got memory problem.” With gathered frowns Sameera said. “I just don’t know how it has happened. But now I am not able to remember certain things of my past and life.”

“It is very much confusing! How something like that could happen?” Anurag knitted his brows together.

“I don’t have even a vaguest idea why it has happened like that! I fell asleep in the bus and slept considerable period of time and I did not have even dreams also during that sleep. But when I woke up, I got this problem. However much hard I try, I just cannot remember certain things!”

“Thank god! You did not forget me and our son also.” With relief in his face Anurag said.

“That is what my exact thinking also.” Sameera said.

“But dear..........” once again frowns gathered on the forehead of Anurag. “ something like that could take place? Anything surprising, out of the place to the natural took place before the journey or after the journey?”

“Nothing like that.” Nodding her head in negation Sameera said. “But one other surprising, coincident took place.”

“May I know what it is?” Anurag’s face was filled with a curious expression.

“In the bus I met a guy named Pramod. We were not very much close friends but studied in the college and knew each other. In the bus we sat side by side and shared about our lives and discussed many a thing. I think both of them slipped into sleep at the same time but by the time we both woke up, not only I but he also started facing the same memory problem. He also could not remember certain things of his past however much he tried.”

“What? You both have been subjected to a similar problem at the same place and at the same time!” Anurag sat on the bed straight.

“It is absolutely like that.” Sameera nodded her head. “He also felt happy as he did not forget about everything of his life. If we have forgotten about everything of our lives, we would have to wander on the road just like abandoned puppies.”

“You are absolutely right dear!” with the same anxious expression in his face Anurag said. “I once again thank god that it has not happened like that.”

“My sister’s marriage is one of those things I cannot remember at all! When I forced myself to remember, I am feeling terrible headache.” Pretending a painful expression in his face, Pramod said.

“Don’t do any such type of a thing. As long as you can see our son and my family in a proper way, there is no problem even you don’t remember certain things.”

“Thank you, thank you very much!” what Anurag said then indeed relieved Pramod a lot, he immediately sat up on the bed, put his both hands around Anurag’s neck and kissed on his both cheeks perfunctorily. “You are impeccably good.”

“There is no necessity at all to praise me. Anyhow what’s your wrong in whatever has taken place? Just feel relaxed and there is no problem whenever your memory sets alright.” With the same assurance and even more happiness in his face, Anurag said. It appeared to Pramod that these types of hugs and kisses in the hands of Sameera were not usual him.

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)