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Rain Flower - 24

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Recently I am seeing you often typing something. What it is?” Williams asked Rose

 “I am writing a book ‘dealing with feelings’.” She smiled. “Once I finish it, I give this to you for reading.”

“Not before that? I want to read it now itself.” He said again.

“No objection. I always feel happy whenever you read my book.” She stood up. “Come and read.” Offering the laptop to him she said.

“Not now. Not now.” He said. “I am not in a mood to read anything now. But I want to ask you something. Are you interested in continuing your practice?”

“Very much! Why you are asking about that?” she frowned. “I think you know very well the reason why I am not practicing it now.”

“I know that it is for me.” He hissed out heavily. “But I am alright now. The only problem with me is; I just cannot remember the past. I may remember whenever I am destined to remember. I hundred percent wish that you do continue your practice.”

She chewed on her lower lip for sometime. After a pause she said. “I know that you say this. But ….I just don’t want to take a risk. My career is not more important to me than you. I cannot excuse myself if something happens to you in my absence.”

“Nothing happens. Don’t feel like that at all. Just see if it is possible to you to continue your practice. You may start your own clinic or join in the Black Ant Mental Care again.” He said.

“I shall think………. I am feeling very happy that you are feeling confident yourself in this way.” She stopped for sometime.  “Anyhow I want to talk with my boss.”  

She felt surprise that Williams did not remember his recent behavior. Sometimes he was behaving very violent. She was feeling fear that he would do something dangerous to himself while he was like that. She understood something should be done fast and she came to an opinion on that already. Especially to discuss about that she wanted to meet her senior Charles.


“What you are thinking to do then? Start practicing here again? I do feel very happy if you take such a decision.” Once Rose explained to Charles the conversation between Williams and her, he said.

 “Of course, I feel very happy to work here again but not now.” Rose smiled and said. “Williams is not out of the problem completely. Even he is thinking that he is alright in all respects he is not. You too know about that.”

Charles took off his spectacles and started chewing one of its hands thoughtfully. “You are right. I just forgot that you are a fully professional and matured psychologist.”

“I still want to take some suggestions from you.” Rose said. “You are more experienced and matured than me too.”

“I am always ready for that and you too know about it. Just ask what do you want to know?” reclining in the chair Charles said.

“Is there a chance that Williams remember all his past at once suddenly?” she asked him.

“You know the answer to this question. Tell me what you are thinking may happen?” knitting his brows he asked.

“Yes. There is a chance. All the memories of his past may suddenly dawn on him at any time.”

“Exactly. Just because he is struggling to get back his memories of the past does not mean that there is no chance that all the past may jump on him at once at any time.”

She hissed out heavily. “If it happens like that what would be the consequences?”

“I know that you are just reconfirming yourself the answers. First I want to hear what you are thinking.”

“I am thinking his reaction may be wild. Not mild like in the past especially when he remembered about that particular incident.”

Charles nodded his head. “Yes. You are right. Upto ninety percent the chances of the past especially that incident may have a crude effect on him and make him behave wild rather than mild. I recommend that you may better prepare him and yourself also for that.”

“Preparing in which way?” Rose was trying to be steady but she could not. She expected some soothing remarks from her senior. But he was confirming every fear she felt.

“First thing to this all. Can you make any guess at all what your husband has seen in that palace?”

“Of course, yes. But I am not hundred percent sure.” she explained to him about John’s going to Tippu’s village and later finding Tippu’s mutilated body. Then she told him what she was suspecting that Williams has seen in that palace on that day at that time.

He hissed out heavily. “So by now it has become quite clear without a spec of doubt that he had seen something in that palace. The only thing we need to know is what it could be exactly. Not just assumptions. So far yours is an assumption.”

“You are absolutely right.”

“Then could it be true?” looking straight into her eyes he asked. “Can your assumption be true?”

“I said I am not hundred percent sure, it may not be..” She smiled weakly. “Tippu, Chief and some other people may also know about it. But…..…..”

 “Try to think how much it could be true. Only something like that you are thinking may make a healthy man dummy like that.”

 “I already did that and I am sixty percent sure of that. And basing on that I have a plan.” She explained to him her views.

When she finished saying about it, there came a startling expression on the face of Charles.

“Your plan is good. What all I can suggest to you is to be on alert. Be very careful! If he becomes wild with the onslaught of the memory of that incident, he turns to be dangerous not just to himself but to everyone around.” He paused for a second before saying again. “I am sure, except that which he has seen on that day in that palace, none of his memories would be disturbing to him. But that memory which has such an effect on him on that day can have a different sort of quite dangerous affect on him.”

“If my assumption is true; it shall be hundred percent so. Yes, you are right. None of his past would be dangerous to him even her remembered except that incident.”

After saying that she closed her eyes and remained silent. She opened them again when she felt Charles’s hand on her shoulder.

 “I can understand your anxiety. It is quite natural. You always said we must overcome our feelings. We must remain without being influenced by feelings.”

Suddenly she laughed. She never had thought her own ideas would be boomeranged to her like this.

“I shall always be with you. Black Ant Mental Care always will be with you. Don’t worry, just try to be confident, optimistic.”

“Thank you very much sir. That is what I am trying to be.”

She talked some more time with him before leaving that place.


Quite reluctantly Rita went to the hotel that Chief dictated her father to send her. A room was already booked in a fictitious name and she said that to the reception clerk and she was promptly guided into that room.

It was large, super luxurious and ornamented with a king size bed in the middle. She could think of what would happen to her in the hands of that Chief and her heart filled with disgust remembering him. If it was not for their neck deep debt to that all powerful, cruel and sadistic Chief, she never would have agreed to this at all. Remembering the foolish thing that David did, she got anger upto her neck on him. There was no problem with the recordings if he had not forgotten his cell phone like that at Williams. If her game with that Williams continued like that she would have become his wife by now and there have been no troubles to them. Their debts were nothing before the super-richness of Williams’ family and there would be no necessity to feel fear to this chief. As her father suggested, she sure could have maintained relationship with David also and after few days her father promised to get rid of Williams from their way. But because of David’s foolishness, a situation like this has arisen.

 She hissed out heavily and closed her eyes. She liked sex, would enjoy it and want it with as many people as she liked. She felt the urge so strongly even at her sixteenth year itself and guided that Williams to do it perfectly. All the time she made him believed that she was having it only with him and she loved only him. It was only because of that fool……her palms turned into fists with anger. This chief....she had seen him and he was disgusting to her. He might be handsome at one time but not now in his old age. It was against her will. She was trying to be relaxed in the chair she sat which was not at all possible to her.

“I have expected that you would be here.”

She opened her eyes when she heard the voice. She stood up involuntarily while looking at him with disgust. His cruel and sadistic eyes……..his old form……..were creating only hate on him.

“Your father very well knows what happens if you are not here as I want.” His voice was rasp and irritating.

“What happens if I did not come?” she became angrier.

“Your defiance is making you even more beautiful. You want to know the consequences from me?”

His face suddenly became cruel. “Just in one hour I can make your family on to the road. I can do many a thing also. Just ask your father how I do get people killed if I want.”

“Alright. Be straight. What do you want?” trying to cover her inner fear with a brave expression she said.

Chief chortled. “Are you a child? Don’t you know what I want?” he paused for a moment. “You are in my mind for a long time. I can get you a long time back itself if I want. But I waited. There is pleasure in waiting for sweet things.” He said.

She hissed out heavily. “Alright. You want to have it with me. Just get it over and I do go.”

“What you are thinking about me? You want to complete it as a liability? You have to put your whole heart in it. You have to make me completely satisfied. Otherwise it is as good as you did nothing, understood.” He paused for a moment as if to accentuate what he was going to say. “It shall have the same consequences.”

“No, not at all.” She felt fear. She knew very well that Chief could do what he said. “Just tell me what should I do?”

Then he said to her what she should do and how it should be. She had sex with many people by that time but never had in such a disgusting, indecent and humiliated manner! He satisfied all his kinks with her and made her do all the nasty things on his body. For the first time in her life, she started hating sex. She felt relieved when it was completely over and he got off the bed.

 “You can go from here when you do feel like going. You are marvelous! But you have to come to me whenever I want you.”

Even in that helpless and unmovable state also her body jumped on the bed when she heard what he had said in the end.


“Are you busy with something?”

Rose hastily looked at the door hearing the voice of Margaret.

“Not at all. Please come inside. Please come.” Rose speedily got off from the chair she sat. Even after six months or so of her marriage also, she was still feeling the same awe and affection towards her mother in law.

Margaret entered into the room of Rose. “Sorry if I am interrupted you from anything.”

“It is not at all so. There is no important thing to me than you in fact. Please make yourself comfortable.” Showing the chair opposite to her Rose said.

Margaret delicately put her butt in that and reclined. She breathed deeply and hissed out heavily.

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)