Stowaway Soul - 2 in English Horror Stories by Sunil Kapadia books and stories PDF | Stowaway Soul - 2

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Stowaway Soul - 2

Surya was still puzzled about the girl sitting beside him in the hospital room. He could not remember anything about the accident as if like his brain, he had created a cover to hide the painful accident or something else. It was bugging like non-scratchable itch. This added pressure to his brain and thus made him unconscious. Surya had become silent at that moment due to medically induced coma.

As Surya lay there in the hospital bed, his body resting under the effects of the medically induced coma, whispers and stories filled the world outside with a varying degree of speculation. People often wonder about the nature of relationships, and this case was no exception. Shivani Sinh, the devoted wife, had become something of a legend within the sterile, whitewashed halls of the hospital. She was always there, reassuring, a constant by his side: reading softly, adjusting pillows, or just simply holding his hand when the night fell silent.

And even though the doctors and nurses respected her strength, they remained curious. Very many had seen families torn asunder by lesser roughs; and here was a woman who had not left her husband's bedside, who seemed to embody the vow she had made-to him, not merely in sickness and in health, but in the very fabric of her soul.

Shivani sits beside the quiet, silent self of Surya, eyes gleaming with the mixture of hope and determination as in the quiet moments, she whispers softly to him, telling the stories of their life together, from her words trying to somehow bridge the chasm between consciousness and the void where Surya is staying.

But rumors persisted. Was it a romance in which Shivani was depicting absolute love, or was there to the rapport between the two that no ordinary man could understand? Hospital staffs, while keeping up with their professionalism, always found themselves swept into speculations during break time, questioning aloud what was their true link. Some postulated Shivani as just another woman carrying out her task while others idealized this notion of unbreakable love against all odds. She did not fail to see the eyes she could feel upon her, nor the soft whispers that followed her down the corridors. Still, she gave no one a second glance. Her attention was single-mindedly focused on Surya. Each passing day she brushed his hand with her fingers lightly tracing over the lines of his palm as if through touch alone she could pin him to the world they shared. She spoke of past adventures, of dreams for the future, of little everyday moments that wove the tapestry of their life together. She wished to remind him of all they had shared, all they still could share, if he would only come back to her.

In the depths of her heart was a secret Shivani kept to herself: a fear so profound that it had threatened to consume her. It took Surya's memories more than just that. It also shook the foundation of their relationship. She feared that when he would wake up again, nothing from all of this: her, their life, the love they had so assiduously built, would remind him. And that fear is one she cannot share with anyone locked within her, hid behind strict dedication. On the third day, as the doctors prepared to gradually bring Surya out of his coma, Shivani’s heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and dread. She held his hand a little tighter, her eyes fixed on his face, searching for any sign of recognition, any flicker of the man she knew. They had warned her at the hospital that she should prepare herself for the slowness, the shocks of remembering or not remembering at all. Still, Shivani was prepared to rebuild herself. She needed to reintroduce herself to the man she loved, even if it meant an initial start from scratch.

When Surya's eyes fluttered open, he shifted his gaze to the light, blurring everything. Shivani leaned forward, her chest going tight with a pounding heart. She whispered his name into the night, hoping to catch the flicker of recognition in his eyes. For an instant, he looked lost, eyes unfocused. Then, and only then, did he cautiously search hers out, and she was rewarded by the glimmer of something familiar-something not of memory, but of a bond forged in the deep trenches of their shared past. Then it was that Shivani knew she would walk beside him, no matter what the future held, through the darkness to the light.

Something was odd. Surya was unable to ignore his gut. His gut was telling him something was not right. He was looking sheepishly towards his wife and there was pure and sheer torrent of love streaming from her eyes towards him. There was nothing to doubt. Surya was an Inspector, and it was his duty to doubt. But then a few warm droplets of water touched his skin on left arm. He felt that heart warming feeling that his wife was there with him, and he felt safe and loved.

Was this true love or something more sinister was lurking around the corner? Was his wife’s devotion a genuine reflection of her love or was it masking a darker reality which was waiting to be unfolded?  Was this a fleeting doubt for Surya which might lead to a dangerous and worst episode of his life? To know more continue reading the episodes. Please rate and review.