For the Sake of Love - 2 in English Classic Stories by Syahi books and stories PDF | For the Sake of Love - 2

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For the Sake of Love - 2


I would never look up to anyone ahead like that, and there the paradise aging to it's best, calling me a blossom, rise and shine together. The station took no time to lose the charm, the streets be calling out a 'sus' to me, I abide to not listen to that tunic head again and lost flames of heart rested quietly. 

Shhhhhhh; enough of what she had, she better gaze herself 

And I followed my angle sphere, maybe greens are my new favourite and the tint of navy blue to it's best, the glory of nights, and do we talk of rains anymore!?? Yess, we do, while the downpour sweeps my gloomy mind, reconnects this soul to be alive more. 

But there's this one thing I adopted as my daily routine, remember the Church gate library??

The one where "it all started"; became my frequent tour of the day, and a little fun part comes here, I used to find a flower and a ticket to the left rail, to every book which I return back, EVERY DAY!!

Suspicious, isn't it!?? Well, one day I went to the librarian to investige on the same, turns out there's no clue of who did it. But above all of it, it had a positive aspect to start my day with a big smile on face, right there, so I let it happen.

Days passed, there were months in and it's all a constant yet the difference, I started receiving the flowers in a row of a routine, but not in an exact routine, let's say, I did not receive the same flower registered to every week of the day,( you know what I mean, certainly if it's rose, then not every Monday was for roses) and clearly tells nothing about the sender still I did not loose hope to find that person but every time, I failed to meet that someone around. 

Happens to be, one early morning I headed to the library to catch that person, I was about to look, and that someone is a 'he', well he has a cap and a muffler which masked his face and I could've found out but he rushed and left. Again I received a flower and that ticket. It made me to sleepless nights, into thinking that why does 'HE' keeps doing this!? Is he someone I know!? I hope he's not a freakkk!!!

The next day, it was a loop, to petals and papers but I didn't take it, instead I wrote a note to that 'stranger' asking to reveal his identity and left it to the subsequent book and borrowed no book that day. It was a week and no news, no flowers, no smiles. It was becoming a thriller to look onto day by day, and it was months. Gradually I stopped receiving them and but the part to be noted is, the note was taken.

I forgot about all that mess, around a year.

(I wander the station got all the roles) so at the station, a fine evening, while I didn't had to catch the rail, but I was stuck, whyyy (again) the rains!! It felt like a warm hug to my soul, bliss,beauty and the smiles were back around the corner, 

'Same place, a year back

Why do I keep getting resemblance!!!

Forget it........ This evening made me realise, people leave, memories don't, promises leave,fate don't 

'Maybe it was in my fate........................and someone came running to me, with an umbrella, rushed through, we got hit and some of keys fell from his pockets 

I went there, held those keychains, and it had these miniature notes, colours and graphics and most importantly the flower trails!!

Thr muffler!????

The cap!!????

It was clear in my mind, that this person is the library guy. I followed him till the exit but in time he vanished off. 

(And about those notes????)

It felt like disclosing pearls out of shells, saphire, every note described me, and how minimal, each phase of being me, was I reading it into a mirror, 

He wrote....;

"Why to call sun and moon a glare, past lives it's her eyes deep down embracing life, fair; stare unlike the peep holes but to holy streams of lasted warmth her smile, giggles; they say tides function a malfunction of water an element, she flairs her hair through the hand in her neck simply glides, safice; the leaves and flowers to having bees, say tenants of growth;but it's her presence, the breath, mystique scent of love, heartbeat a score, counting,to my graveyard, she's the only flower on me,countless to her beauty until my last breathe. "

OMG!!!!!! I almost freaked out, these stanzas portray that someone special, it's not romantic, well it's a way someone can simply adore the fact of love, let alone the other person. 

(And then comes the last note!!)

The keychain fell down, I was way more in dilemma after my last emotion. What just happened was not possible;

'It's not possible, how, why!??

'Who is that person, who is he!!!!???