The lost Baby Ray in English Short Stories by Monika Verma books and stories PDF | The lost Baby Ray

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The lost Baby Ray

One day a baby ray of light wandered in a space and entered in a special world.
Here all the stars can move as they want. After seeing unknown stars the baby light
started crying. All the stars came to him and asked the reason for his crying. The baby
light told them with sobbing, “ I wandered. I couldn’t find the way of my world. I
wanna go to my mom and Dad.” And started crying loudly.
All the stars trying to make him calm. An old star came near to him and said:
“My child! Don’t cry. We shall help you to reach you to your parents.”
The baby light smiled and said:”Really! So kind of you”
The old star: You walk only in straight line, Right?
Baby ray: yes.
An Old star: Okay, Then all the stars, are you ready?
All the stars of that world excitedly said: Yes…..
The Old star: Then let us all line up in a circle. We all are 72 stars.
Old Star to little ray: Dear little one!, In this world you can save your past images.
Means, when you travel from one star to another, your past path will be saved as a
line. So you can see your whole path pattern at last.
The baby ray of light feels exciting and forget his pain. All the stars numbered
themselves from 1 to 72 and lined up in a circle.
The old star; Now listen little ray, Go to the 1st numbered star. And add 30 then go to
the resultant numbered star. Again do the same for number 2, 3 and so on. When you
will get enough energy to escape this world, you will reach to your mom and dad.
Baby light (excitedly): 1 + 30 , It’s 31. 32 to 2, 3 to 33 yeah….
And so on. I completed. Hey it’s a circle. But Alas! I couldn’t get
enough energy to escape this world.
A star from the cluster: Oh clever light! Don’t be disappointed.
Let’s try with another operation. Okay, tell me. Which number do
you like most?
Little light: 3.
Star: Okay now multiply with 3.
Baby light : Hurray…
1 to 3, 2 to 6, 3 to 9 and so on …. It’s completed.
Hey, It’s Nephroid.
But still I didn’t get enough energy.
A baby star came to him and said, “Dear friend! Don’t be upset. Idea!
My favorite number is 2. Now you multiply with number 2.
 Baby light: Yeah … Let’s start.
 1 to 2, 2 to 4, ….. 71 to 70 and last one 72 wooooh…..
 The baby ray of light got enough energy and left that world in a straight
line and reached to his mom and dad who were searching of him. Luckily his little one
reached to him.
Father light: Where did you go? We were really worried for you. 
Baby light told everything.
Father light; Then we have to thank that special world.
They all reach to that world. The father ray show that world and said, “Hey! This world
is cylindrical shaped.”
His parents met and thanked the cluster of stars of that world.
The baby light excitedly asked to that old star, “Which shape formed at last?”
The Old star: It was cardiod.
Father light: Cardioid, the heart.
I promise you.We shall always form a Cardiod shape in all cylindrical thing.
And today we can see cardioids shape when source of light passes through a
cylindrical shaped thing.