The Childhood Enchantment in English Poems by Asmita Madhesiya books and stories PDF | The Childhood Enchantment

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The Childhood Enchantment

I would like to express my gratitude to :
My family members who have supported me throughout my journey and showed confidence in me , that I can write my book .
 My own beautiful childhood memories that was only possible because of people having beautiful heart and soul .
 Without all my loved ones this book would not have been possible .Thank you everyone my heartfelt gratitude to all of you .
“Childhood whispers”
Childhood days , created beautiful memories in mind ,
    Taught how to be so kind ,
Waking up in the misty mornings,
          The door ajar,
   Adhere to jog,
      To walk ,
         To go far .
In village there was no mileage ,
      No barrier of age ,
  Chasing butterflies ,
Following traditions,
      Having smile on my face ,
      No barrier race ,
  Everybody looks happy ,
     No snappy ,
           Quite muddy ,
               Unconstructed roads,
        With a happy faces ,
      Showed life’s different phases ,
     Happy and crappy ,
But no snappy .
    But no snappy .
Drizzling weather ,
        Birds feather ,
    Muddy and wet earth ,
       Muddy smell ,
  Water from the well ,
       Smell of the wet mud ,
 Sudden pouring of the rain ,
  Forever sustain ,
     Forever sustain .
“Childhood friendships “
For that time ,
     Little sweet little lime ,
Actual , real ,authentic , genuine , honest ,
Or forged friendship ,
Laughing for no reason ,
              Trying to find out reason ,
            Again laughing for no reason ,
 Own world of Enchantment , fascination , allurement , attraction ,
      Sometimes creates distraction,
         From studies ,
  Having innocence ,
           Who cares ,
After all we were buddies ,
      After all we were buddies .
Marvellous, great and nostalgic time ,
    When imagination reigns ,
That drizzling of water ,
   Before and after ,
  It heavily rains ,
      Gives as environment to dream,
     And no reason to scream ,
            And no reason to scream ,
       In class feeling so happy ,
        As if got something ,
   But nothing ,
  Just a beautiful weather ,
          Chirping of a bird ,
  Shanked under the tree ,
     Feeling happy ,
      For weather ,
      But sad for a feather ,
Falling from the tree .
       Falling from the tree.
“Childhood Bag Baggage “
"Childhood Bag Baggage "
Childhood days ,
     No need to search for ways ,
 Own world of allurement and Enchantment,
         Excluding amendment ,rectification or correction ,
     In the habit of carrying bags having textbooks and notebooks ,
        That weighty bag ,
   Strain on shoulder ,
        Younger or older ,
  Every body has to carry it,
     It's obligatory
 If not then get scolded ,
Mandatory for every child,
Going to school,
    It's a worldwide rule ,
Special tool ,
For education ,
     For education .
Still memories linger of aching back ,
   Have to follow time table ,
    Nutritional food gave so much strength ,
         Don't care much about bag weight,
      Just feel great ,
   To meet friends ,
         To meet friends .
Discuss all the gossip ,
     Having lunch ,
   And water sip ,
Remembering about incomplete work ,
        Completing it fast ,
It will be checked in the last .
Nostalgic about those days ,
       Tears roll down ,
           Reigning in our own world of imagination ,
        Feels good to remember those days,
      Hard to put rays ,
      Hard to put rays .
Have to carry bag again home ,
  Bag on back ,
 Heavy but not heavy ,
     Good stamina worked ,
     With lots of glee,
        Seams butterflies in the garden ,
            Peacock under the sky about to dance with an opened feather ,
         Feeling weather ,
 Birds chirping all around ,
     Early sunbeam ,
            Fresh air of the misty morning ,
       Makes ready for the next day ,
      Nostalgic about childhood days ,
     Eyes fills with water ,
          How beautifully created by creator ,
      Childhood is the marvellous part of the nature ,
           Marvellous part of the nature .Childhood days ,
     No need to search for ways ,
 Own world of allurement and Enchantment,
         Excluding amendment ,rectification or correction ,
     In the habit of carrying bags having textbooks and notebooks ,
        That weighty bag ,
   Strain on shoulder ,
        Younger or older ,
  Every body has to carry it,
     It’s obligatory
 If not then get scolded ,
Mandatory for every child,
Going to school,
    It’s a worldwide rule ,
Special tool ,
For education ,
     For education .
Still memories linger of aching back ,
   Have to follow time table ,
    Nutritional food gave so much strength ,
         Don’t care much about bag weight,
      Just feel great ,
   To meet friends ,
         To meet friends .
Discuss all the gossip ,
     Having lunch ,
   And water sip ,
Remembering about incomplete work ,
        Completing it fast ,
It will be checked in the last .
Nostalgic about those days ,
       Tears roll down ,
           Reigning in our own world of imagination ,
        Feels good to remember those days,
      Hard to put rays ,
      Hard to put rays .
Have to carry bag again home ,
  Bag on back ,
 Heavy but not heavy ,
     Good stamina worked ,
     With lots of glee,
        Seams butterflies in the garden ,
            Peacock under the sky about to dance with an opened feather ,
         Feeling weather ,
 Birds chirping all around ,
     Early sunbeam ,
            Fresh air of the misty morning ,
       Makes ready for the next day ,
      Nostalgic about childhood days ,
     Eyes fills with water ,
          How beautifully created by creator ,
      Childhood is the marvellous part of the nature ,
           Marvellous part of the nature .
Childhood is life’s best phase ,
         Lots of daydreaming ,
      Don’t know the real meaning ,
  Enchanting something or the other ,
    Nothing is there to look back ,
     No problems full of sack ,
          Work to put books in rack ,
     Creativity on the peak ,
     When dreams being unfolded ,
      Ignored when got scolded ,
   Reign of own innovation,
          Best time for creation ,
  Those twinkling eyes ,
           Thought of flying high in the sky ,
         Vision of doing all great ,
   Everything is straight ,
    Eating junks ,
 And no worries of weight ,
     No special diet ,
 No hurry to catch flight ,
       Envisioning something new in life ,
     Reflects on face ,
     Childhood is the marvellous phase ,
      With no life race ,
      No worries of getting something ,
     Mind’s eye of inventing new thing ,
     Lots of glee ,
      No cumbersome in life ,
Always feel free ,
 This is there happiness key ,
  Vision takes to mountain , hills and near the sea ,
Sitting on the bench ,
    Dreaming about lunch ,
       Tiffin , food ,
     And controlling craving ,
        Sweet whimsy ,
  Strong allurement and attraction ,
       Sometimes leads to distraction ,
 Talent emerges ,
     Becomes excellent when ,
Knowledge merges ,
    Wakes new urges ,
To go something great ,
  Having Spartan life ,
    No worries ,
 Strong visualization will manifest something great ,
Till alive ,
    Till alive .
Childhood playing nostalgic ,
       Having magic ,
  Creates adventures ,
  In little creatures ,
      My mind is full of joy ,
      Sometimes indoors with toys ,
    Sometimes outdoor with screams and joys ,
   Childhood is beautiful phase ,
      No time race ,
         Lots of space ,
   Tremendous journey ,
     Remembering brings tears eyes ,
     Reminisce I spy ,
            Visualising takes high in the sky ,
      Vision of helicopter ,
     Reading new chapter ,
 Still doesn’t forget to play ,
       Either with clay ,
    Or toy ,
    Having full joy ,
     Having full joy .
Those playful antics ,
       Solving sums ,
     Freezing cold ,
    Escaping scold ,
     Creating own tricks ,
      Still doesn’t forget to play,
 Either with mud or bricks .
 Childhood shenanigans ,
         Mirthful laughter ,
     Ready for school ,
         Behaving cool ,
 Misty morning ,
    Giving positive vibes ,
     Romping here and there ,
       Don’t know going where ,
    Seems belongs to community tribes ,
      Childhood time creates beautiful memories ,
     Takes to different world ,
         Only word nostalgic ,
       Creates magic ,
    Creates magic .
 Tantrums of those cute little hands ,
   Innocent face ,
          Small foot steps ,
   Falling down ,
           Those twinkling eyes ,
      That soft skin ,
        Small chin ,
            Melts hearts ,
      Only knows playing ,
      No staying ,
 At one place ,
        How marvellous is this phase ,
         Lost in carom board ,
      Scream, cry ,
    Again with strong will power ,
     Strong determination ,
  Decided again to try ,
    Decided again to try .
Those juvenile antics ,
       Tantrums , emotional curiosity ,
        Teasing conversation ,
       Mischievous behaviour ,
            Those fantasies ,
       Mind wandering and roaming all around ,
 For no reason ,
        No care for any season ,
    Whether scorching heat ,
      Drizzling beat ,
              Strong pouring ,
   Water logged ,
      Muddy road ,
     Clothes wet ,
 Mind is set ,
   Play and play ,
  That’s a joy of that age ,
    Free of negative thoughts cage ,
        Lovely life stage ,
  Can’t go back to that age ,
     Can’t go back to that age .
As I close this hope you have loved reading it and enjoyed it fully .
        For me it’s nostalgic to reminisce about my childhood days and I hope you also felt the same .
      Thank you for joining my journey .