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Rain Flower - 19

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“I also read that and can remember some. It seemed to me that the author supported rapes.” Trying to remember what he has read, Williams said.

“He did not support rapes. He just tried to make us understand what possibly would lead to rapes. Women appearing to men in a provocative way in vulnerable circumstances may lead to dangerous consequences. Being in our care is always advisable.”

“You are right” with an understanding expression on his face, he nodded his head.    

She tried to say something more but he engulfed her and closed her lips with his. But he was steady as usual. She just did not know how much time had passed. But she felt more satisfied than usual. She did not know when she fell asleep.


By the time she woke up, it was eleven in the morning and she gasped. She was still fully naked and she got off the bed and ran towards the cupboard there and hastily took a dress from it. She dressed in full within seconds and once again observed herself in the mirror. She shocked seeing the red marks on her face. Williams not just perfunctorily kissed her but bitten her also. She was feeling little pain there and she applied the talcum on the dressing table not just to ease the pain but also to make those red bitten marks invisible. She was feeling the same sort of pain in some other places of her body also and she understood Williams used his teeth vigorously there. Sometimes Williams would behave like an animal! She had to warn him not to use his teeth anymore.

After looking at Williams one last time she was about to move away from the room. But she has got a doubt seeing the way he was sleeping. She immediately went near to him and put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

“Oh!” he startled at once and opened his eyes. “You saved me one more time. I have suffered like hell until this moment. It is just like that someone tied me with ropes to the bed.”

“If you try to sleep in the morning time, quite naturally you shall be subjected to sleep paralysis. Get up.” Trying to get him up pulling his shoulder Rose said.

“Sure I do that. I cannot dare sleeping anymore now.” Coming off the bed fast Williams said.

Both of them laughing went out of that room.


Liza was alone in her room. The phone call she had just received put her mind in turmoil. She could not decide what to do now. She still could remember the day that girl Swapna came to her.

 “I want divorce from my husband.” She said it straight.

That girl might have twenty one or two years of age but the arrogance was quite clear in her face. Liza generally would not show much interest in separating couples so the divorce cases were very few in number with her. She was not that much popular for divorce cases. Why this girl particularly came to her for divorce she could not understand.

She wanted to say the same to her and send her away but involuntarily asked “On what ground?”

“He is impotent.” Her face blushed while saying that.

Liza nodded her head. She wanted to continue it some more. “Is he is agreeing that he is impotent?” she asked again.

“Yes he is agreeing.” Swapna nodded her head.

“Then you have a right to take divorce from him. Is he is ready to give divorce to you?” she asked again.

“Yes he is ready.” Swapna said again.

“Then better you do take him also with you. If you both apply together, it will be easier to take divorce. “Liza suggested.

Liza did not believe what that girl has said. What she really wanted to do was talk with the couple when they were together and see that they would not take divorce.

The next day itself that girl took her husband with her and his name was Swaroop. Swaroop was indeed a handsome guy. He did not appear like impotent at all.

“So you both have decided to take divorce.” Looking into the eyes of both of them Liza asked.

“We have come here after discussing and deciding everything. We just want divorce.” That girl irritated.

“Why this boy is not saying anything?” looking at Swaroop she said.

“Yes, I also want divorce.” He said quickly. “As fast as possible.”

“I do want to talk to you both separately.” Liza said.

‘Why all this nonsense? We just want divorce. Cannot you manage it at all without subjecting us to irritation and frustration?” Swapna angrily asked again.

“Once you both fixed that much to take divorce no one can stop you. But this is all formality. Without fulfilling it I cannot get divorce for you.” Liza said.

“Alright.” Swapna adjusted herself in the chair and said. “First finish with me. Then you do bother with that boy.”

“He may come in the evening, if it is so.” Liza said. “Please go home and come at five p.m.” she said to that boy.

 Swaroop nodded his head and left that place.

“What do you want to talk to me now?” she was irritating in the same way.

“He is not appearing like an impotent.” Observing the girl minutely Liza said.

“You don’t know him on the bed. So you are talking like this.” Swapna hissed out.

“Who suggested to you to come to me?”

“No one suggested. I have seen on the name board that you are an advocate. I know that advocates manage divorces so I have come to you.”

“Nice thing you did. Yes, I can manage your divorce.” Liza nodded her head.” She did not want to say her that she was not famous for divorces

“For how long you both have been man and wife?’ Liza asked her again.

“Six months.” She replied

Liza did not feel surprise. For nowadays couples six months indeed a long time to consider about divorce. But this couple indeed beautiful! She did not like their idea to be separated.

“Have you both taken enough chance to prove him that he is impotent?” in fact she wanted to ask ‘Have you given him enough chance to prove that he was not impotent?’

“What you are thinking that we did for the last six months?” irritation on her face was like clouds on the sky but still she was appearing beautiful.

Liza nodded her head. “Have you consulted any therapist? I mean a sex therapist? It is foolishness to consider divorce on the ground of impotency.”

“Why?” Swapna raged on hearing that.

“There is nothing like impotency. This problem can be easily solved with understanding between the couple.”

“Enough. Is it is possible or not to you to get us divorce? We pay the fees.” The irritation in that girl became maximum.

Liza nodded her head helplessly. “If it is the life aim to you, I sure manage divorce for you.” She paused for a moment and then asked “Just answer my last question. Is your marriage a love marriage?”

“No.” Swapna nodded her head in negation. “If ours is a love marriage, this problem might not have arisen at all.”

“Alright then. I talk to that boy in the evening. Both of you come tomorrow. I shall arrange the necessary papers for your divorce.”

Swapna nodded her head and left that place.


Swaroop came exactly at 5 in the evening to her office as she asked him. Her office also was in her house itself. ‘Oh! You came. Please sit.” Showing him the chair to sit Liza said.

It seemed that he was feeling too shy and sat in the chair troublingly. She could understand why he was feeling like that. It was because she came to know about his secret.

“You are unnecessarily feeling embarrassment.” Liza smiled. “Just try to feel free and be relaxed.”

“No one in a condition like me can feel like that.” He said.

She came and sat opposite to him and looked straight into his face. He was really handsome! If what the girl was said wrong she indeed had to feel sorry for losing him in this way.

“What is there to talk with me at all? Not just her I am also eagerly waiting to get the divorce. We cannot live together happily at all.” The underlying distress in him was quite evident to her.

“Are you really thinking that you are impotent?” she questioned him straight.

“Yes I am.” There was an instant troubling feeling again in his face. “There is no mistake on her part. I am really impotent.”

She breathed deep and hissed out heavily. He was appearing too young to her. “How much aged you are?”

‘Twenty four.” He replied to her.

“Twenty four.” She repeated the same with a smile. “Have you tried at all that?” she straight questioned him without thinking what he would think of.

“What do you mean?” his face blushed.

“You might not have expected a question like this from your lawyer. But I am having some psychological touch also. In my opinion there is no impotency thing like that. If a woman gives a full chance to a man……………” she paused for a moment and said “………….he sure can do it to her.”

So far by that conversation she could see some easiness and relaxation in his face.

“I do rephrase my question. Did she give you a full chance to do that to her?”

He paused for a moment and then said “Yes, she gave me.”

“When did you have found out yourself that you are impotent?”

“After my marriage.” He replied to her. The shyness and embarrassing feeling in him were lessened a lot.

“Only after your marriage? Never before you have found out yourself that you are impotent? I just cannot believe it at all!” She felt surprise on hearing that.

“I myself never thought like that. I always felt I am perfect for it. If I have found out that I am impotent I would not have ventured to marry at all.”

“What is the problem?” she asked him straight.

“What?” he startled again and looked at her troublingly once more.

“I have asked you what problem you are really facing to copulate with your wife?”

“You are a lawyer to help us to get divorce but not my sexual therapist.” His cheeks became blushed while saying that and he sounded so that she had no authority to ask such questions.

She smiled and said. “But I want to know. I am feeling an unknown nearness to you. I just don’t want you both to be separated because you are the cutest couple. Just let me see whether your problem is solvable.”

“I am feeling very happy that you are feeling like that towards me.” There was an immediate change in him. “Even my problem is solvable I just don’t want to live with her.” He paused for a moment and then said “You just cannot imagine what she did to make me more humiliated and to enunciate my weakness.”

“What she did?” Liza knitted her brows.

“She invited her friend, made him do that to her before my eyes and said I never can do it like that.” His face became completely gloom. “Is it is possible to me to live with her now?”

Liza became aghast and she did not know what to say. “You must have a divorce. She is not a woman but devil. Not just you but no one on the earth can live with her.”

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)