Red Zone in English Philosophy by Kamlesh Vichhiya books and stories PDF | Red Zone

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Red Zone

This article is in continuation of My previous one


Hello friends

Do you think life's not going my way ?

Let him win ,if you are interested in life not race , let universe win in his own way of dealing, nature had better plans for you to shine. If you still believe you are not going towards your dreams let's try to complete someone's dream your inner soul will be happier than ever for that. Than what about our problems ?

Everytime we don't have to invest in our Ratrace because Of impermenance of life ~ an Greek philosopher Plato described it as life is constantly changing that is too unpredictable and surely it's human instinct to have instutions and predictions but that are as fake as our daydreamings. If those dreams comes true than it will lost it values for sure. When we have no value for the closed one or things around us it's called ignorance because it will setup sorrow when that closed one or things gone out of reach. This ignorance is built by grayzone of our mind. Inspite of feeling the people or things around us , we focused on money and success. Why just because someone classified success as money or power or status. After this much manipulation we got tricked by belief and disbelief scam and completely messed up with our multicolored mind and got just 2 ways of happiness as admiration and power. We must break this self restricting boundary of mind. Whatever we have sensed It's always not reality. As Aristotle explain this to Socrates that our understanding of reality should be grounded in empirical evidence. And when Socrates asks about perceptions through senses, then Aristotle replied that our senses provides intial knowledge but reason refined it by combining observation and intellect, we approach a deeper understanding. He is right as here it's about using intellect is important to perceive life situations.

But Socrates had problems with this he again asked that I doubt that trusting sensed may lead to error, and here his curiosity was accurately reasonable, because senses can fool us frequently without complete knowledge and rational reflection.

The ignorance we had discussed about is causing restrictions to enjoyment, as this ignorance can be due to our selfish nature which is the intentionally created gray zone for mind. Once epicurus talked about this with epictatus. According to him desires for excessive pleasure fosters turmoil, we must distinguish between desires and necessities. Focus on what you can control, and accept what you can not. The journey and race have different tastes, race will end up soon with grayzone as won or lost but journey will be nostalgic for lifetime unless you having dementia !!

And this one is for all Men that please stop acting as you are being stoic , no you feel everything but just not discussing. Lack of discussion leads to a lot of problems because when suppression of emotions succumbs to Anger which results in war like situations.

Even lord krishn gave a last chance of discussion to Kauravas. Now all women understood why so much wars between Men in past because we are lazy tongue. Lazy tongue converts emotions to Anger and more precisely prejudice. Here anger is Red zone of mind it has tendency to break the relationships , breaking home, countries or humanity. I labelling it as red zone in view of the fact that Anger controls you doings and it diverts you from being humble. Anger is the zone when it gets over it brings so much remorse or guilt. So whenever signal is Red just try to control and get out of that zone of mind. Think of our basic nature, ruleout the reasons for being angry is it rational if yes than too you have to try to forgive the reason because it's only human intellect which allows us to show this precious act of forgiveness. It's never an over situation because you are an ordinary man or woman , you don't have to fit in to societal situation as you are neither a political leader nor in warzone so trying to forgive is the first step towards resolution.

And the most important factor that is to needed for righteous is the patience. If I have to conclude I would say perception is the method to diagnose the situation, anger is the way to destruction, and patience is the way of dealing with life.

ways to cultivate patience:

1. Mindfulness Meditation: Regular mindfulness practice helps develop patience by:

- Focusing on the present moment

- Recognizing and accepting thoughts and emotions

- Cultivating calmness and clarity

2. Self-Reflection and Journaling:

- Identify triggers for impatience

- Analyze situations and reactions

- Set realistic goals and expectations

- Record progress and reflect on successes

3. Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques:

- Diaphragmatic breathing

- Progressive muscle relaxation

- Visualization

- Yoga and tai chi

4. Empathy and Perspective-Taking:

- Put yourself in others' shoes

- Understand different perspectives

- Practice active listening

- Show compassion and understanding

5. Gratitude and Realistic Expectations:

- Focus on the positive aspects of life

- Set achievable goals and timelines

- Practice gratitude journaling

- Recognize that setbacks are opportunities for growth