Our Incomplete Romance in English Love Stories by Moonlight Shadow books and stories PDF | Our Incomplete Romance

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Our Incomplete Romance

In a small coastal town, where the waves whispered secrets to the shore, Kavya and Rohit found each other under the warm glow of a summer sunset. They met during a town festival, laughter mingling with music as they danced, two souls lost in the moment. From that night on, they were inseparable, their hearts entwined like the vine that climbed the old lighthouse overlooking the sea.

As time goes, so did their love, deepening with every shared sunrise and every gone dream. Rohit had ambitions of becoming an artist, and Kavya, a wonderful writer, filled their days with creativity and passion. They spent hours on the beach, sketching and writing, the sound of the ocean echoing their hopes for the future.

One stormy evening, while the wind howled and the rain lashed against the windows, Rohit received an unexpected message. His father, whom he hadn’t spoken to in years, was badly ill. Torn between family duty and his life with Kavya, he made the difficult decision to leave. "I’ll be back soon," he promised, cupping her face in his hands. "You’re my heart's rhythm, Kavya."

Days turned into weeks, and Kavya’s world felt dimmer without Rohit’s laughter. She poured her soul into her writing, each word a tribute to the love they shared. One evening, she received a call from Rohit's sister, her voice trembling. "Rohit... he’s in the hospital. It’s serious."

Panic surged through Kavya as she rushed to his side, her heart heavy with terror. When she arrived, the sterile smell of antiseptic invaded her senses, and her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him, pale and frail, connected to machines that beeped rhythmically. She sat by his bed, holding his hand tightly, tears streaming down her face.

“Kavya,” he whispered, eyes fluttering open. “You came.”

“Of course, I did. I’m here,” she whispered, forcing a smile through her tears. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Days passed in a blur of worry and whispered prayers. Rohit’s condition worsened, each moment stretching into an eternity. They shared stories, reminiscing about their first dance and the dreams they still held.  Rohit’s voice grew weaker, but his eyes sparkled with love.

“Promise me something,” he said one evening, the last rays of sunlight filtering through the window. “Promise me you’ll live for both of us. Chase your dreams, write our story.”

“I will,” Kavya replied, her voice trembling. “But you’re going to get better. We’ll still have our future.”

But deep down, she knew time was slipping away. One stormy night, as thunder rumbled in the distance, Rohit took her hand, holdit it gently. “I’m so grateful for you, Kavya. You made my life beautiful.”

Tears flowed freely as she leaned closer, their foreheads touching. “I love you, Rohit. Always.”

With a faint smile, he whispered, “Always.” And just like that, he drifted away, leaving behind a heartbroken girl in a world now void of laughter.

In the days that followed, Kavya was consumed by grief. She wandered the beach where they had spent so many happy moments, clutching the notebook where she had written their dreams. It was time to honor Rohit’s promise.

Months later, the town held a memorial in Rohit’s memory. Kavya stood at the podium, the ocean behind her. With trembling hands, she read her words aloud—stories of love, dreams, and the beauty of their time together. Each word was a piece of him, and as she spoke, she felt him beside her, urging her on.

Afterward, she walked to the lighthouse, where they had shared countless sunsets. Standing at the edge, she let the waves crash against her feet. “I will live for both of us,” she whispered into the wind. “I’ll keep our story alive.”

And with that, Sarah began to write, her heart forever carrying the weight of love and loss, each word a tribute to their last dance.