A Story also like Such ? - 3 in English Love Stories by Suprabhati Mohapatro books and stories PDF | A Story also like Such ? - 3

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A Story also like Such ? - 3

As the bus journey continued through the night, Nitu found herself glancing back at Mitu again and again, sneaking looks whenever she thought he wasn’t paying attention. Finally, Mitu noticed and leaned forward with a smile, asking, “What happened? Why do you keep looking back?”

Blushing a little, Nitu took out her phone, opened the notes app, and showed him a blank screen with a request: “Can I have your number?” Mitu smiled, grabbed her phone gently, and typed in his number. A moment later, Nitu texted him, “Hi.”

Mitu, with a playful grin, replied, “Good morning!” because by then, it was already past midnight.

Nitu laughed at the message, then asked, “What’s your name?”

Mitu replied, “Mitu.”

Curious, Mitu asked, “And what’s yours?”

Nitu thought for a second and texted back with a riddle, “All three letters of my name are the same as yours, except the first letter. My name starts with the letter that comes just after yours alphabetically in English.”

Mitu smiled, realizing her name must be Nitu. “Nitu?” he texted.

“Correct!” she replied, feeling happy that he figured it out.

Their conversation continued, and Nitu suddenly typed, “By the way, the lady sitting next to me will get off at the next stop. After she leaves, can you come sit next to me? It’s my first solo trip, and... I’m a little scared of the darkness outside.”

Mitu felt a wave of warmth and protectiveness. “Of course, I’ll come. Don’t worry.”

But just as their conversation was flowing, the network started acting up. The bus was moving through a forest and hilly area, causing the signal to go in and out. The texts became delayed, and soon, they couldn’t message anymore.

Meanwhile, Mitu started talking to the passengers around him, sharing a part of his life story. He told them how, just three months ago, his father had passed away suddenly, and how that loss had deeply affected him. He hadn’t had much time to spend with his mother since then, which weighed heavily on his heart. He spoke of how, after class 10, he struggled to continue his education. His father had a stroke and became paralyzed, and the responsibility of supporting the family fell on his shoulders.

Mitu shared how he had worked several part-time jobs to fund his studies—working at a bookstore, giving tuition, serving as a night guard, and even cooking at parties and functions. Despite the hardships, he managed to pursue both ITI and a diploma while also helping his elder brother pursue the degree he wanted.

Nitu, who usually wasn’t very attentive to other people’s stories, listened carefully to every word Mitu said. She felt a deep respect for him growing inside her. Mitu wasn’t just a student on the bus; he was someone who had faced life’s struggles head-on and never given up. His strength, determination, and love for his family touched her heart.

As they neared the next stop, the lady sitting beside Nitu gathered her things to leave. Mitu got up to help her carry her luggage outside. Once she was safely off the bus, he looked at Nitu and smiled warmly before sitting down beside her.

With Mitu now by her side, Nitu felt safer, more at ease. The darkness outside didn’t seem as frightening anymore. She looked out the window, then at Mitu, realizing that this simple bus ride had brought them closer in a way she never expected.