A Story also like Such ? - 1 in English Love Stories by Suprabhati Mohapatro books and stories PDF | A Story also like Such ? - 1

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A Story also like Such ? - 1

Nitu was a B.Tech 1st-year student, studying Chemical Engineering in her 2nd semester. It had been a long time since she had gone home, and hostel life was starting to feel unbearable. She missed her family, the comfort of home, and the warmth of her own bed. The daily routine of classes and the hostel’s monotonous environment had made her feel drained.

One day, after what felt like forever, she finally got the chance to head home. She was on the bus, sitting on seat number 13 by the window, staring outside. The thought of going home lifted her spirits just a little. She could already imagine her mother’s smile and the home-cooked meals she had been craving.

A few minutes into the ride, Mitu boarded the bus. He was in his final semester of his diploma in electrical engineering, also returning home after months of hostel life. Like Nitu, he was tired of the hostel routine and missed his family terribly. Mitu found an empty seat, number 18, just behind Nitu, near the window. He settled down, relieved to be going home.

She was lost in her thoughts, looking out of the window as the bus moved along the road. The cool breeze from the window brushed against her face, making her feel calm. But then,mitu entered into that bus that time something made her turn slightly. A soft voice, a faint laugh perhaps. It was Mitu, talking on the phone, his voice gentle yet deep. She glanced back, just for a second, but that one second was enough.

As soon as Nitu saw Mitu, something in her heart shifted. His eyes were kind, his smile was warm, and there was something about him that made her heart skip a beat. She quickly turned back, feeling her cheeks heat up, wondering why she felt so strange. “What is happening to me?” she thought, her heart racing.

Mitu hadn’t noticed her yet. He was too busy with his phone, laughing softly at something his friend had said. But Nitu couldn’t help but steal glances. She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t stop looking back. There was something about him that made her feel different—like a connection she couldn’t explain.

The bus ride continued, with Nitu's heart fluttering every time she thought about Mitu. She wondered what he was like, what his life was like, and if he felt as tired of hostel life as she did. Little did she know, Mitu was going through the exact same feelings—missing home, family, and the warmth of familiarity.

As the journey progressed, Mitu finally looked up and noticed Nitu sitting in front of him. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes lingered for a moment longer than usual. He smiled softly to himself, thinking how peaceful she looked sitting by the window, lost in her own thoughts.

For the rest of the journey, neither of them spoke. But in that quiet, there was a shared understanding—a mutual feeling of longing for home, a tiredness from hostel life, and maybe, just maybe, the beginning of something special.

Nitu had fallen in love with Mitu at first sight, though she didn’t fully understand it yet. As the bus neared their hotel and also a small stall was there with dim light for light food and cold drink for the passenger