Rain Flower - 17 in English Detective stories by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Rain Flower - 17

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Rain Flower - 17

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

 “I have to have a word with you.” It was her grandmother, Margaret turned and looked into her face.

“Tell me what it is?” by then Margaret understood what her grandmother was going to say seeing there a twenty five years aged guy.

“This boy’s name is Stuart. He wants to have it with you. He is ready to pay huge money and you just know how much we are in need of huge money. Your dad is seriously ill once again and without treatment he will die soon.”

Margaret has no love on her dad and she would feel happy if he died. She looked into the face of her mother and she also might be of the same opinion but with a pathetic expression in her face. Then Margaret remembered the first two customers of her who paid huge money to have her and how they have dealt with her. Even it was so much disgusting to her, she did not feel that much of hardship in the hands of other customers.

“Huge money for what? To deal with my body in the way he wants?” by then Margaret understood she could not escape. But the prospect of having it with the boy there did not appall her but she asked so.

“I deal with you as I deal with a flower!” there was a sudden smile on his lips. “I never hurt anything that I do love. I never even bear the thought to hurt you because I love you so much.”

Margaret could not remain without laughing loud. “Love me? My god! I am first time hearing it from a man.” Then she suddenly became serious. “Alright. I know I cannot escape now. I have no objection to have it with you and you can have me in the way you want as you are paying huge money however much it may be. But don’t say words like that. They are disgusting to me.”

“You are ready to have it with him, that is enough!” her grandmother exclaimed and the sudden happy expression in her face was quite irritating to Margaret. For a long time Margaret was strongly denying to do it and her mother was supporting her.

Margaret’s mother got off from the chair she sat, came near to her, put her hand around her neck and kissed on her right cheek before bursting into weeping. “I am sorry dear! I am so sorry. I have to put you through into this again.”

“Its alright mom. No problem.” Margaret hugged her mother dearly and kissed on her left cheek. “I can understand! Just be relaxed.”

“Whether you mother and daughter can believe it or not, I don’t know.” It was Stuart who came near to them then. “But I am going to be the only man in Margaret’s life from now on. I never let you and your daughter do that bad thing. I give you people more than enough. Just believe me.”

Margaret did not want to believe him at all and it was the very first time she heard words like that from a man.

“Shall we go and start whatever you want. You should have the full value of the huge money you are going to pay to my family.” Margaret said

He nodded his head, took her right hand into his both hands and kissed on that. It was not the first time to Margaret to be kissed and whenever she was with the customers she has experienced their kisses at most of her private parts also. But she felt different with his kiss. It was just like that he tried to convey his true intentions with that kiss.

He was gentle, incredibly gentle with Margaret on the night of that day! Till that day there was pleasure to her body during men were doing that while her heart was with full of hate and disgust. But this time, with him, Margaret enjoyed every movement of him on her body. Upto that moment her feeling towards sex was only hate and disgust. For the first time she understood she also could enjoy that. It was just like very first time that she came to know what sex was while experiencing it with every fiber of her being. He said that he would deal with her like a flower. But he dealt with her even more nicely. When it was over, while she was holding his head pressing it to her naked heart, she kissed on his head and said that thing to him which she never thought she would say to a man even in her wildest imagination.

“I love you!”

“So you came to trust me. You believe my words.” He came up, kissed on her lips and looked straight into her face.

“Of course, yes.” she laughed and her laughter was quite mellifluous to herself.

“But how? How you can trust me in this little time without any proof?” there was surprise in his face.

“I don’t know” she hugged him hard and said in his ear. “Something deep inside me telling me that you meant what you said and you never hoodwink me.”

“What that deep inside you I don’t know..........” holding her even more tightly he said “........but it said an absolute fact to you. I absolutely meant what I said. You are going to be my life and my love forever. I am not going to let either you or your mom do prostitution anymore. I marry you and we both are going to have a very happy life and kids also. I look after all your family.”

Margaret never has expected that she could hear such type of words but those were the words she so much wished to hear from someone. The expression in his face was genuine and she knew in her heart he meant every word he said. She just could not tolerate anymore, hugged him once again strongly and kissed all over his face feverishly. That might have triggered the desire in him once again and once again they both have it together just as pleasantly as before.

Stuart kept his word! He made it quite clear to her grandmother that her mother and she were not going to do prostitution anymore. Her grandmother was angry to that even though Stuart was looking after all their needs because they lost the extra income. The later on deaths of her grandmother and bedridden father were just a relief to her mother and herself.

Once the deaths of her grandmother and her father, Stuart changed the house they were residing and took her mother and she into a more spacious and luxurious house. He financed her to complete her degree also and she got college first in that. Even she did not have any interest, he made her to undergo some secretarial course also. Everything was quite nice with Stuart except his postponing the marriage of them both. Her mother many times requested him to marry her but every time he was postponing that on one pretext or the other. Suddenly on one day her mother also died with heart attack.’

Margaret sighed heavily and took the note book on the table into her hands in which she recently started writing her own story.


In her room she was all alone, engulfed by her own thoughts. She was feeling really very happy that her sister’s life settled in such a way. When she heard that Rose was going to marry someone who almost lost his mind she felt very much worried. Even she was only her sister, she always felt as if she was her mother. She tried to stop her sister marrying that Williams, but Rose did not hear to her. Sometimes Rose would behave adamantly and it was such a situation. She said that she have to marry Williams.

When Liza understood the density of love between Rose and that Williams, she agreed to their marriage. After talking with Williams, Liza indeed satisfied. Even he could not remember any of his past, he was handsome, educated and clever. Moreover he was superrich! After suffering such poverty in their lives, Rose and Liza always gave ample importance to richness.

She smiled in herself. She could not understand why her life became like that.  Even some people came forward to marry her, she could not decide to marry them. She was leading a satisfying life as a successful lawyer but was that enough to make a woman’s life complete? Sometimes she too wanted a happy married life, children but she could not understand why deep from her, her subconscious was giving suggestions that she was not suitable for married life and not apt to have children.

That day, when she was gang raped by those three, there had come a lot of change in her. Why and how she could not think, but it changed her. In fact she herself could not understand that change in full! It was just more maturity and more understanding power! How such a ghastly incident got such a change in her was surprising to her. She still could remember that day, how it has happened and that memory was still bothering her. She took a bath in her bathroom then. She had just forgotten that those three were present in the adjoining room. All naked she entered into the room without even covering her body with a towel. Her idea was to open the cupboard there, took a dress out from it and dress herself. But when she had seen those three staring at her with open mouths her mind became blank and could not think of what to do next.

Those three were her friends indeed. They helped her in many a way until that moment. There were never any disagreements or disputes between her and those three. She did not know why but for some seconds she could not move at all. It was just like a shock to her and some happening which she did not expect at all. She knew that those three have got full view of her naked body in those few seconds of time. When she understood the situation, she tried to move fast towards the cupboard with an intention to open it and took a dress from there. But she could not reach there as one of them, Amrut, came to her fast and hold her with his both hands.

“What the bloody hell you are doing? Leave me,” she struggled to release herself from his grip. But the more hard she tried to escape from his grip, the more his grip tightened around her.

The one other among those three, Varun started protesting what Amrut was doing and he stood up. There came hope in Liza that Varun sure would help her to escape. But as he was coming towards her, she had seen his expression changed and he started wetting his lips with his tongue. He was watching something more of her more minutely than before.

“Oh! I am for the first time seeing a grown woman all naked in this way.” Continuing licking his lips with the tip of his tongue he said. There had come complete change in him and there was no protestation now.

Liza became even more aghast while the third one Vinil hurriedly making himself naked. She could easily understand what was his intention. Her heart filled with disgust.

“Whatever may be the consequences, I am not going to leave this beauty without enjoying.” With such firmness in his voice he said. Liza understood that there would be no escaping for her.

“Liz, I am sorry. I know that I should not. But I cannot refrain myself from doing this.” kissing on her left cheek he said.

“You bloody………” Liza tried to curse them but Varun covered her lips with his.

“Take her on to the bed. Lay her gently on it. Each of us needs the other two’s help to finish our job.” Vinil’s voice was shivering.

It seemed the other two also perfectly understood what Vinil said.

It created a shudder now also while remembering what happened on that day. When at last it was finished she was a blooded mess on the bed. But instead of a happy and satisfying expression on those three faces, there was complete regret.

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)