HAPPINESS - 100 in English Poems by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | HAPPINESS - 100

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Don't look for a home in the ruined cities.


By closely studying the faces of people.


Whatever happens will be seen, leaving the worries of tomorrow behind.


Live happily, blowing worries to the wind.


Thinking that there is a beautiful morning in your destiny today.


Extinguish the lamps and sleep peacefully.


By blowing away the dreamy desires from the trees.


Keep enjoying yourself in your own world.


Who knows about time, how many breaths are left.


Forgetting all the grievances, meet everyone with a smile.




Shifted the home from the ground to the sky.


Prepared myself to settle in the new world.


For years, there was only one quest, which got fulfilled.


Drank the cup of happiness to reach successfully.


To live in the unseen and untouched universe. The desire


was that


Till date, I have lived every moment with a desire in my heart


To face countless unknown challenges


I have strengthened my heart with courage to face every challenge


Whatever happens, however it will happen, I will face it bravely


I have strengthened my decision with full confidence




Stop for now, my heart is not satisfied yet


I have not seen my friend to my heart's content yet


It has not been long since I came here, and I have to go away


I have not lived even two moments in the shade of love


I have hidden my beautiful face behind the veil of shyness


I have not drunk the cup of desires with my eyes


I have sat in the middle of the gathering


I have not even given him the support of my arms yet


Time has passed in talking about this and that


I have not taken the promise of when we will meet again ll



Don't take it to heart, I have a habit of saying anything.


These people who are drowned in sorrow, it is the blessing of love.


They stay away after getting influenced by the world and


This is my complaint against them for making a promise and then going back on it.


If you left the killer of my heart after shocking me,


After refusing, my eyes rebelled.


The pains that I have gone through in my heart have changed that.


I have a years-old desire to burn my heart.


I don't have any intention of ruining anyone.


Whatever the condition is, it is in front of my eyes.




Stop under the blue sky right now where we used to meet.


We used to go for a walk together in the open air holding hands.


I don't know why you are in such a hurry to leave today.


The talks don't seem to end, we used to stay together for hours.


Slowly, slowly we have come closer. of life.


The signs of wandering are getting lost.


Today even the mirror is telling the truth that.


You are getting closer to someone.


Your own shadow asks who are you.


Today you have gone and sat next to a stranger.


You have made the moonlight your companion all night.


You have kept a strange hobby of royalty.


You are living in the atmosphere of the gathering.


All the qualities of a drunkard are visible.




Your smile has done wonders.


You entered my heart in a moment.


As the evening approached, people looked happy.


You lit up the gathering.


After some time in silence, you told me that you will return.


You remain lost in my thoughts.


You have decorated the world of my heart.


You have tried to change the tone of sadness.


Your angry emotions have been pacified. ll



You are flying in the air, wow! It's amazing.

Today, my favorite companion is with me.


Desire and relationship have increased.

This is a moonlit, rainy night of wishes.


There is a shadow of strange desires on the heart.


I remember the intensity of the feeling of love.


Leave the boats to the waves.


There is a glass in my hand to clear the confusion.


There is desire in tea and care in love.


Even now, those who see it, have praise on their lips.




The boat of love is not left in the middle of the river.

The heart filled with desires and emotions is not broken.


Even if it is broken by stones, it gets fixed with time.

The mirror broken by flowers is never fixed.


Life is like this, it will give happiness sometimes, sometimes. If she shows sorrow then.


The heart does not get agitated at the slightest thing said by the loved ones.


Life is all about moving ahead with courage.


Destinations are not changed because of the crooked paths.


It is a very difficult path, even the companion leaves you and goes.


We do not run after those who leave forever.




We pray for you to live even if we regret being with you.


We also teach you to live life in a proper way.


Just take a look and see the truth of my love.


We pour out an ocean of complete blessings.


They are sweating continuously in the gathering today.


They make us drink desire with the intoxication of their eyes.


We waited for years for a moment of happiness.


When we want to live, they fulfill the promise of union.


The love that was yesterday is still the same today, believe me.

People in love spend their whole life remembering. ll



I have no complaint of losing you now.


Even if you are not near, you will still be near.


Listen, in God's house, it is late, but not unjust.


I will take account of the tears that have flowed from my eyes.


I had to leave you and go, so I went.


I have endured the pain of losing you without any reason.


If you are leaving, listen to one thing carefully.


Peace and comfort are wherever you are.


Go anywhere, you have to come back.


Always remember that the world is yours here.


Don't get upset because of a shameless friend.


Don't lose the peace of your heart by being jealous.


Is there a guard available 24 hours a day for free?


Sleep soundly because of such rivers.


There is a war going on in hearts everywhere.


Sow feelings of love on the land of hatred.


If man is dying under his own burden.


If possible, then carry the burden of humanity.


The wind is blowing in the atmosphere of the universe in such a way that.


Wash away jealousy with the milk of love.




Lives are flourishing with the jugaad of money.


This one's cap is going on like this on his head.


The prices of things are touching the sky every day.


Bones are melting due to the blow of inflation.


Earning has become difficult for the working class.

The ground beneath the feet is shaking. ll


If a hungry child steals bread in the afternoon,


The world is looking at you.


Everyone's money is being eaten up ruthlessly.


The corrupt are benefiting from robbery.




It is not necessary to say that love is not necessary.


To live without love is not complete and practical.


Silence and loneliness are spread all around.


There is no freshness in life except for Hum Nawaz.


Look at the fate, bad luck is at its peak.


The person who has not been able to achieve has no conversation.


Be careful while burning the fodder of love, friends.


There is no simplicity in the yellow colour of the atmosphere.


One has to search for it with great determination.


There is no gem connoisseur in the universe.




Destroy your life by falling in love.

Eyes Fill your heart with tears in pain.


Life is for getting entangled and age is for understanding.


Die to solve the puzzle of time.


Accept whatever you get, however you get it.

Float the ocean of the world with happiness.


Speak your heart openly in the gathering.


Fall in love with immense love and take away all your peace.


Those who are in love are the ones who defame.


Take the blame of breaking hearts openly.




I always pretend to look happy.


I keep doing my work with tears in my eyes.


Those who promise to live and die together and then go back on their promises.


I keep smiling and being loyal to the disloyal.


So that they melt with the continuous shower of love.


I always keep doing my work with people with stone hearts.


To stay alive in every situation and every condition.


I keep doing my work with trouble I keep preparing to face it.


The world is like this and will remain like this to live happily.


Even after getting cheated, I keep acting wisely.

