Love at First Slight - 14 in English Love Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Love at First Slight - 14

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Love at First Slight - 14

As the day passes  Rahul's  Diwali  vacations get  over now,....

The morning sun peeked through Rahul's window (🌄), casting a warm glow over his room. He stretched, yawned, and swung his legs over the side of the bed. College was back in session after the Diwali break.

In the kitchen, his mother, Amruta, was busy preparing breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed chai and sizzling parathas filled the air.

Rahul entered the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Amruta turned around, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Amruta said, chuckling. "Back to the grind, huh?"

Rahul smiled, taking a seat at the table. "Yeah, Mom. No more Diwali sweets and late nights."

Amruta laughed. "I'm sure you'll find ways to make up for it. So, what's the plan for today?

Rahul shrugged. "Just the usual – classes, assignments, and trying to stay awake."

Amruta playfully rolled her eyes. "You're such a charmer. I'm sure your professors are thrilled to have you back."

Rahul chuckled, shaking his head. "Mom, stop."

Amruta smiled, placing a steaming cup of chai and a plate of crispy parathas with  spicy chutney in front of him. "Eat up, beta. You need fuel for all that 'trying to stay awake'."

Rahul laughed, taking a bite of his paratha. "You're hilarious, Mom."

Here's the continuation:

"Have your breakfast, beta," Amruta said, smiling. "I'll go wake up little Aarushi."

Rahul nodded, taking another bite of his paratha.

Amruta walked into Aarushi's room, where the little one was fast asleep, her tiny hands curled into fists and her hair scattered across the pillow. She looked like a delicate doll.

Amruta gently shook Aarushi awake. "Rise and shine, little one!"

Aarushi rubbed her eyes, yawning. "Mama, five more minutes."

Amruta chuckled. "No five more minutes, sweetie. You'll be late for school."

Aarushi sat up, her eyes sparkling. "Mama, what's for breakfast?"

Amruta smiled. "Your favorite – parathas  with spicy chutney."

Aarushi clapped her hands. "Yay! Mama, you're the best!"

Amruta laughed. "And you're the most dramatic person I know."

Aarushi grinned mischievously. "That's why Mama loves me."

Amruta playfully rolled her eyes. "Indeed."

As Amruta helped Aarushi get dressed and ready, Rahul listened from the kitchen, smiling at their banter.

"Can I wear my favorite princess dress today?" Aarushi asked.

Amruta chuckled. "Not today, sweetie. You'll wear your school uniform."

Aarushi pouted. "But why not? I want to be a princess."

Amruta smiled. "You're already my little princess."

Aarushi's face lit up. "Really?"

Amruta nodded. "Really."

Aarushi jumped into Amruta's arms, hugging her tightly. "I love you, Mama."

Amruta hugged her back. "I love you too, baby."

Amruta helped Aarushi get ready for school, carefully plaiting her hair into two tight braids and securing them with tiny clips. She then dressed her in a crisp uniform and tied her shoelaces.

"Okay, beta, time for your bag and tiffin," Amruta said, handing Aarushi her favorite backpack and a stainless steel lunchbox filled with homemade parathas and vegetables.

Aarushi's eyes sparkled as she took her bag and lunchbox. "Mama, I want to carry my water bottle too!"

Amruta smiled, handing her a colorful water bottle. "Here you go, sweetie."

As they walked to the door, Amruta applied a small tilak on Aarushi's forehead and handed her a small pouch containing a few rupees and a sweet. "For emergencies and a special treat, okay?"

Aarushi nodded, her eyes shining with excitement.

The school bus honked outside, and Amruta gave Aarushi a tight hug. "Have a great day, my little one. Be good and learn lots!"

As the school bus drove away with Aarushi, Amruta turned to Rahul, who was waiting by the door. "Okay, beta, time for you to head out too."

Rahul nodded, shouldering his backpack. "Yeah, Mom, I'm off."

Amruta handed him a small pouch containing a few snacks and a bottle of water. "Here, take this. Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated."

Rahul smiled, tucking the pouch into his bag. "Thanks, Mom."

Amruta patted his cheek. "Be good, beta. Focus on your studies. And don't worry about Aarushi, I'll take care of her."

Rahul nodded, giving his mother a quick hug. "I know, Mom. You always do."

With a final wave, Rahul headed out the door, joining the stream of students walking to college. Amruta watched him go, a sense of pride and contentment washing over her.

The house felt quiet now, with both her children off to their respective schools. Amruta took a deep breath, feeling grateful for this ordinary yet extraordinary day, filled with love and laughter.