THE DARK MOON - 6 in English Fiction Stories by Femi charolia books and stories PDF | THE DARK MOON - 6

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The Dark Moon Chapter – 6 – [Unspoken Bonds]

Previously, we saw both Aariyaman and Danny injured and hospitalized. Aariyana uncovered the truth behind the mysterious green board prank—it was Sofiya all along. She has also deciphered the meaning of the tattoo on her back. With the knowledge that there will be two more victims, the stakes are higher than ever. But who are they? Let’s follow Aariyana as she unravels the mystery and races against time to find out.

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[Chapter – 6 – Unspoken Bonds]

Aariyaman is still in the hospital, his injuries serious but not life-threatening. The thought of seeing him made my heart race with anxiety, but as promised, Danny and I made our way there. I wasn’t ready, not emotionally, but I had to go.

Danny: "Aariyana, let’s go and see Aariyaman."

Aariyana: "Are you sure, babe? Is this the right time? His family is right there with him."
(I’d come all the way to the hospital determined to speak to Aariyaman, but now that I’m here, my nerves are getting the better of me. My heart is pounding, and I’m struggling to keep calm. But having Danny with me feels like a lifeline—his presence is grounding, his kindness like a soft shield against the storm inside me.)

Danny: "We have to try. We need to know what he’s trying to say to you and what the hell is really happening."
(His voice is steady but urgent. He’s always been my rock, and right now, that strength is what’s keeping me together.)

Aariyana: "Alright, let’s go. But promise me, babe—promise you won’t lose your temper."
(My voice wavered as I held his hand tightly, my eyes pleading with him. The fear of what we might discover was overwhelming, and I couldn’t handle anything going wrong today. Not with Danny. Not now.)

Danny: "I swear, I won’t embarrass you, darling. I just want to protect you."
(His words wrapped around me like a warm hug, and for a moment, I felt safe.)

We slowly made our way toward Aariyaman’s room, my heart thudding in my chest. When I saw the room number—44—my breath hitched. The number '4'. The same as the one carved into my skin. My pulse quickened, and I froze, the memories of that terrifying moment flooding back. Would this number haunt me forever? Would there really be more people hurt because of me?

Danny noticed immediately. Without a word, he reached for me, his hand resting gently on my back, reminding me that I wasn’t alone. I took a shaky breath.

How lucky I am to be loved by someone like Danny—so genuine, so full of care. He sees every part of me, even the parts I hide from the world, and still, he stays. He admires me, even when I’m falling apart. With him by my side, maybe—just maybe—I could face whatever waited behind that door.

We both breathed a sigh of relief when we saw Aariyaman. He was doing much better—awake and chatting with his mom. His mom greeted us warmly and offered us seats, along with some freshly squeezed orange juice she had brought from home for Aariyaman.

I could clearly see the joy on Aariyaman’s face when he saw me—his whole face lit up. But the moment he noticed Danny, the smile faded. Aariyaman has been after me for what feels like forever, and despite my constant rejections, he never seems to get the hint. He’s just content being around me, no matter what. And, if I’m being honest, I’ve kind of gotten used to it. Maybe I’m okay with it... or maybe not. It’s hard to tell sometimes.

Putting all grudges behind us, Danny and I were genuinely relieved and happy to see that Aariyaman was doing much better. The improvement in his condition eased some of the tension that had built up over the last few days. His mom, always kind and attentive, left the room to pick up the medications the doctor had prescribed. Danny, ever the gentleman, offered to accompany her, but she politely declined with a warm smile. She explained that she wanted to run a quick errand to the nearby fruit and vegetable market as well. With her departure, the atmosphere in the room shifted slightly. It felt lighter, yet still charged with the unspoken history between us. I also noticed a subtle shift in Aariyaman’s expression, as if he had something on his mind but wasn’t sure how to begin.

Aariyana: "Aariyaman, I know you’re in pain, and it might not be the best time, but I need to understand why you called me to meet you at Café Soho. What is it that you needed to tell me?"
(I looked at him with a mixture of urgency and concern. The unanswered questions had been weighing heavily on me, and I could sense the importance of his message.)

Aariyaman: "Aariyana, there’s something I’ve been meaning to share with you for a while now. I’ve been feeling guilty for not speaking up sooner."

Aariyana: "Please, just tell me. You’ve already done so much to help me, especially with finding out about that troublesome Sofiya and the green board prank. It’s incredibly frustrating that Shayan still won’t believe me, but at least I have a video to back up my side of the story."

Danny stayed quietly observant, his face reflecting a range of emotions as he listened. His expressions shifted from concern to curiosity, revealing his deep engagement in the unfolding conversation.

Aariyaman: "Sofiya has tried everything she could to hurt you. She loves Shayan, but she always knew Shayan has liked you since the day he saw you. He has never been honest about his feelings, not even with himself, but anyone who is even slightly close to him can tell how much he likes you. Sofiya, however, has always tried to create misunderstandings between you two, and she has most of the time succeeded in doing so."

Aariyana: "How do you know, and how are you so sure that he likes me? Let’s keep all that aside for now. I’ll deal with it later."
(I was stunned by Aariyaman’s revelation. My mind was racing with questions, but I chose to set aside the topic of Shayan for now. I sensed that Danny was uncomfortable discussing my ex-boyfriend—or whatever I might call him—and I didn’t want to push the issue any further. It was clear that Danny’s discomfort added a layer of tension I wanted to avoid.)

My heart started racing as I learned that Shayan had always liked me. I had never heard this from anyone before, not even from Shayan himself. He always gave me mixed signals, which were sometimes so frustrating. Hearing this from Aariyaman made my heart shiver. It felt wrong to have these emotions while I’m with Danny, who is so honest, true, and clear about his feelings for me. Danny has been a constant anchor for me, always supportive and steadfast.

Danny: "Aariyana, are you there? Say something. Where are you lost?"

Aariyana: "Sorry, Danny! So, Aariyaman, what about the tattoo? I need to understand how I got this tattoo. From what I know, it's a Caduceus, and the number on your wrist and my tattoo is ‘4’ in Urdu/Persian. Considering the hospital connection and the fact that two of my friends are injured, I need to find out who the other two victims might be so we can protect them."

Aariyaman's eyes softened when he saw the concern in my voice. He was clearly moved by the fact that I addressed him as a friend and showed genuine worry for him. He chose to keep his feelings to himself, respecting the tense atmosphere that hung over us.

Aariyaman: "I got my tattoo during a school picnic to Mount Abu. I’m not sure how you ended up with a tattoo or why it has the same number ‘4.’ I chose the number 4 because it’s my lucky number."

Hearing this, I felt a rush of mixed emotions. There was a sense of relief that Aariyaman had gotten the tattoo himself, and it hadn’t mysteriously appeared on his wrist. But my curiosity was only heightened by the fact that our tattoos shared the same number. I decided to let Aariyaman continue, even though the questions in my mind were multiplying.

Aariyaman: "At Café Soho, I wanted to tell you everything about Sofiya. I felt terrible for not sharing this with you sooner. I was afraid that if I told you, you and Shayan might get back together, and that made me insecure."

Aariyana: "Aariyaman, please, not Shayan again."

I could see how upset Danny was. He left the room, clearly distressed and insecure. Perhaps he thought that if not for the misunderstanding between me and Shayan, we might still be together. It was hard to know exactly what was going through his mind.

Aariyaman: "But listen, Aariyana, I think Shayan could be the next victim."

Aariyana: "What? Why would you say that, Aariyaman?"
(I was stunned, my heart pounding as worry overtook me. The idea of Shayan being in danger was almost too much to bear.)

Aariyaman: "Because he truly cares about you.”

I didn’t stop Aariyaman from speaking this time, as Danny wasn’t around. I felt a pang of guilt for not intervening. Aariyaman continued.

Aariyaman: Look, both Danny and I were injured, and you know how much we care about you. If there’s anyone outside your family who genuinely cares for you, it’s Shayan. He could be the next one targeted."

I felt a surge of anxiety and guilt. Aariyaman’s words struck a chord deep inside me. My emotions were a whirlwind of concern and helplessness as I realized that someone I once cared about might be in danger. The tension in the room was suffocating, and I was left grappling with the fear of what could come next.

I thanked Aariyaman for his time, letting him know I needed to leave soon as his mom would be back any minute. I quickly said goodbye, expressing my gratitude once more for helping me figure out what was going on.

When I turned to find Danny, he was standing quietly near the balcony. I ran to him and threw my arms around him, overwhelmed with guilt for having taken him for granted. We didn’t say a word; instead, we just embraced, finding solace in the quiet comfort of each other’s presence. After a while, I finally broke the silence.

Aariyana: "Let's get back home. You need to rest."

Danny’s driver was waiting for us in the parking lot. Danny offered to drop me off, and I accepted gratefully, my energy completely depleted. As we drove home, Danny spoke up.

Danny: "I know you’re worried about Shayan. If he’s the next victim, you should alert him and keep in touch with him. I understand this is difficult for both of us, but he needs your help right now."

I was struck by how incredibly caring Danny was. Despite feeling insecure and knowing the situation with Shayan, he still offered to help him. It was such an amazing quality in him—his ability to remain calm and supportive even in the midst of his own feelings of doubt. I couldn’t help but marvel at how Danny, despite everything, was willing to put his own discomfort aside to assist someone who could be considered an enemy. His compassion was something I deeply admired, and it made me appreciate him even more.

Aariyana: "Hmmm."

In my mind, I was already planning to contact Shayan, even though I knew Danny wasn’t entirely comfortable with it (even if he says he is). I was prepared to put our relationship at risk for Shayan, though I didn’t mention anything to Danny. The weight of my decision made me feel both selfish and conflicted. Shayan had brought out a side of me that I never knew existed.

Soon, we arrived at my home. Reluctantly, I let go of Danny’s hand and said goodbye. I promised him I’d see him at school the next day. As I watched him drive away, a wave of mixed emotions washed over me—gratitude for his support, sadness for the tension between us, and a deep, unsettling worry about what lay ahead.

When I got home, I found my mom in the kitchen, preparing dinner for us. I rushed over and embraced her tightly.

Mom: "How are Danny and Aariyaman, my love? I hope they’re both doing well."

Aariyana: "Yes, Mom, they are. I’m just so tired. I never want to visit a hospital again. I know you’re making dinner for us, but I’m exhausted and don’t even feel like eating right now. I’m going to skip my meal and head straight to my room to rest. I’m really sorry, but I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow."

My mom, though slightly disappointed, always showed such understanding. She simply nodded and said, "Alright, dear. Get some rest."

I thanked her and headed to my room, closing the door behind me. The weight of the day’s events settled heavily on me, and I felt a deep need for rest and solitude.

In my room, I stared at the painting of the wolf, my spirit animal. My mind kept replaying Aariyaman's words over and over: *"Shayan could be next."* The thought was relentless, causing my heart to race with anxiety.

Just then, a message popped up on my phone, breaking me out of that haunting loop. It was from Danny, letting me know he had made it home and reminding me to take care and relax.

Even though Danny was recovering from his injury caused by Shayan and had shown such care and concern for me, my heart wasn’t entirely with him, not at this moment, it was with Shayan.

I took my phone and typed out a message for Shayan, my fingers trembling slightly as I hit the keys.

"Shayan, I need to see you tonight. Stay at home and be alone. I don’t want to see Sofiya's face."

My heart raced with anxiety and urgency as I hit send. I knew this wasn’t just about the tattoo or Sofiya being the villain; it was much more profound. It was about Shayan himself, about the bond we shared—a connection that had always lingered beneath the surface, one we never fully explored after our breakup. This wasn’t just a matter of resolving a mystery or dealing with a threat; it was about confronting the feelings and the history between us. The thought of him being in danger stirred a deep emotional turmoil within me, making me realize how intertwined our lives still were.


Stay tuned for the next chapter, where secrets will unravel, relationships will be tested, and the true nature of our connections will come to light. Don’t miss what comes next—every twist brings us closer to the truth.


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Instagram handle: femi_charolia
