Gray Zone in English Philosophy by Kamlesh Vichhiya books and stories PDF | Gray Zone

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Gray Zone

Gray Zone

Hello good evening ✨

Do you think u are a confused being , than its Good news buddy here is why-

I m here to discuss a much wider point of view linked with humanly mindset , it’s people who feel joy and misery for others deeds or by themselves. We as ordinary humanly behaviour can not change the emotions that we bound to Experience although if we have different ideas of how to respond to good or bad events, that will change the perspective from the base of human heart. And that will become practical if we try to come out of gray Zone.

Here by means of gray zone is basic instinct to categorise things on only two options right and left or black and white which looks more uncivilized behaviour but is now commonly seen. Mindful people always keeps multiple choices within their limits. It’s not always results in fruitful outcome but it decreases misery and improves our allover focus or work-life balance either it’s study or job.

There must be clearity of thoughts but not a narrow spectrum of choices for our mind because it can be self destructive in nature. being atheist or theist, bad or good , strong or weak all things have multiple aspects and depends of many circumstances and not a clear line between two concepts and that’s why a classification for anything is always an incomplete work due to novel one is always in queue to add on a table. Just look at the sky, clouds have two colors black one with heavy rain possibilities and and white one with silent weather but if these dust full clouds removed then color of sky would be clarified based on the time. Gray zone of mind is similarly acting on our perception we have to look for infinite possibilities of sky rather than black and white clouds full of dust. If we rely on survival nature of kill or nill like animal instincts than it would be dumbest thing done after years of struggle and evolution humankind has experienced.

Evolution taught us to be diverse and if we do opposite by challanging the nature than our fall is waiting so let's try to be practical. We must give a chance to ourselves to explore our multiple ideas explore our inner being and experience a joyful ride of life that confusion looks like too many good opportunities and let our intellect know how selection must go on politely with no misery for past or future. Just live in present situation with calm breathing and feel the surroundings.

Do not get affected by others perception because it's their choice. If We just control our mind and keep it out of anger it will show a fruitful results to livelihood. That Anger is manifested by disturbance of our preoccupied expectations which is also part of gray zone. Let it be vaporized, making free mindset without affected by any competitive or comparative behaviour will form a curious soul like a newborn calf. In short our ecstatic journy of life is in present which can be unlocked as soon as we come out of grayzone.