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Rain Flower - 13

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Is he is not able to remember anything regarding his past before that day?”

“Almost no.” Rose pouted her mouth and then explained about his dreams.

“Again surprising! How and why he is remembering only that?”

“Mind is a very complex thing. We cannot explain why it behaves in a particular way.”

Liza nodded her head. “What you are doing to make him remember his past?” Liza asked her.

“I am not doing anything in particular. I want him remember everything in a natural way all by himself.”

“Why it is so? It may take a very long time to him to remember things.”

“Oh! Dear.” Rose garlanded both her hands around her sister’s neck. “I am feeling fear. I am feeling fear if I do anything to make him remember the past, he may remember the thing he had seen also.”

“What happens if he remembered that?”

“Cannot you see?” Rose tightened her hold and said “It may again drive him crazy. Make him mad as in the past or in a different way”

“Absurd. You are worrying for nothing. It may not happen in the way you are feeling.” Liza said.

“It may happen in the way I am feeling also.” Rose said. “Then it may be disastrous.”

There was a pause then and Liza said. “You are the psychiatrist. You can think better than I in this regard.”

“But it is you who encouraged me to become a psychiatrist.” Rose kissed on the right cheek of her sister. “You know better about the mind than anyone else. I always feel surprise why don’t you prefer to become a psychiatrist.”

“Because as you have said I have already known about the mind in full and there is no necessity to me to study psychiatry.” Liza laughed. “I want to ask you something more.”

“Just ask. I am all ears. Yours words are always interesting to me.” Rose said with a smile.

“How is your sexual life going with Williams?”

“Just fantastic!” Rose’s cheeks were blushed.

“Yes I am telling you the truth.”Rose released her hold around her sister “Its really so wonderful! There is no necessity to me to tell you lies.”

“But I felt fear when you said that you do want to marry Williams.” Liza said. “But now I am feeling happy. There is no problem to you with Williams.”

“But why did you have thought I may be facing problems in my sexual life?”

Liza nodded her head. “In animals there is no connection to mind and sex. But it is not so between human beings. Mind is the most important thing in them in leading their sexual lives. If it is not working proper, their sexual lives would not be proper.”

“Williams mind is in proper condition. The only problem with his mind is he cannot remember all of his past.” Rose said.

“Alright then. I am feeling happy hearing it like this from you. I always wish that you and Williams lead a happy life forever” looking affectionately into the face of Rose, Liza said.

“You need not worry about it. It would be so.” Rose said.

They both sat in the bed on that room comfortably and talked some more time.


She woke up in the middle of the night. Her whole body filled with sweat and her mouth dried with thirst. Margaret got off from the bed and went near to the fridge and opened it. She took out the bottle from it and drank the water in it without stopping.

Still she was feeling uneasy. Recently she was often remembering the past. Why her mind often preferring to remember that past she could not understand. She was trying not to remember those incidents, that horrible and disgusting past, but she could not. However hard she was trying not to remember those incidents, those memories were haunting her more and more.

“We need money. For your education. For our home necessities. For the treatment of your father.”

She was silently listening what her mother was saying. She knew what her mother intended her to do.

“Two lakhs rupees. Only one or two hours maximum. You can study whatever you want. We can have our necessities.”

Margaret did not get angry.  She could understand the plight of her family. Her mother  was doing that already but she has become routine and old and could not earn much by that! And it was not new to Margaret also and she already has some experience in that.  She still could remember how horrible and terrific her first experience in the hands of that sadistic fifty years aged brute! Her mother was sparing her from doing that most of the time but sometimes it was becoming inevitable like this. She has to continue her studies and money was necessary for that. Not just that but for the treatment of her bedridden father also money was necessary.  Her grandmother, the mother of her father, did not let them think to do anything else except that for earning money.

“I have asked him to behave gently with you. It is not going to be every time.” Looking hopefully into the eyes of Margaret, her mother said.

“Alright” Margaret nodded her head.

This man also might have had fifty years of age or so. He was sturdy just like that man and Margaret felt fear looking at him. There was smell of tobacco from him which she did not like at all.

“I have paid two lakhs rupees for you. I know this is very first time to you. That is why I have paid that much of money, otherwise that much is not necessary.” He was talking and Margaret was listening silently. It meant he did not know about her experience in that already. Margaret was praying to god that he could not guess about her previous experience after having it with her.

“You need not feel fear. I shall be gentle. You do really like it and once you experienced it, you want it every now and then.” He guffawed.

Margaret felt irritated and disgusted but she knew it was inescapable. “Come. We are not going to waste any more time. I do want to get the value of every rupee I paid.” Taking her right hand into his he said. The he led her onto the bed and laid her on it.

“You are indeed beautiful!” Margaret closed her eyes as he was watching her with lusty eyes. “Why you are still keeping your dress? Take that off.” He started undressing her. She desperately wanted to stop him but she knew she could not. He paid an enormous sum of two lakhs for that pleasure. 

She still could remember how brutally that person behaved! The experience in the hands of this brute was worse than her previous experience! Her feeling was just the same. He damaged her psyche more than her body. Why she had to be subjected to such inhumanity and such cruelty? She had got angry more on their poverty than that man. Why some people do remain in such utter poverty while some other can enjoy such richness? She became angry on her own helplessness.

‘Sorry dear, so sorry I must say.’ Her mother hugged her and wept when that man left her as a bloodied mess on the bed just like the previous man did.

“Its alright mom. Don’t worry too much. I can understand.” There were no tears to Margaret. 

But now tears were flowing down on her cheeks. She was damaged mentally to the maximum extent. The experience like that in such a brutal and cruel way made a big scar on her psyche. Anyhow, the money that brute paid helped her family. It looked after their necessities including her education and she could continue it. For sometime her parents as promised to her did not bother her.


“It is so nice you are coming here everyday.” Marissa said to Jasmine. “I really like your company.”

 “I do try to come like this.” Jasmine laughed. “I don’t like looking after these business affairs. As my brother’s condition turned out to be so, I have to come here in this way.”

Marissa was the secretary of Williams and she was a very efficient one. She used to help him in all respects. It indeed was bothering her as he was troubling like that with his mental condition.

“What is the problem to him to come to the office?” Marissa said. “He is thinking rationally and a sane man now. Just because he cannot remember the past, he need not stay at home like that all the time. Coming to the office and staying here may bring back his memories.”

“He came here and stayed. That did not help and he could not remember anything so he stopped.”Jasmine said.

“Not just on few occasions.”Marissa said. “I wish him to come to the office regularly and stay here for a considerable time. Then that would surely be quite helpful to him.”

Jasmine nodded her head understandingly. “What you have said is making sense. I shall persuade him to come here regularly.” She paused for a moment and then asked Marissa. “Can you remember any odd happenings just before my brother going mad?” She suddenly then got the idea.

“I cannot understand what you really want to know?” Marissa frowned with confusion.

“Did any new people meet him, has he discussed any unusual things with you, like that just before he turned mad. One or two days before that incident.”

After thinking a while Marissa said. “It is more than five months now. But….no … nothing like that happened before his madness.”

“But anything remarkable happened that you found out of regular?” Jasmine questioned again.

“Why you are asking like that?” Marissa puzzled.

“Because………...” Jasmine got off from her chair and went to the middle of that office room. “………..I am thinking some person or at least something or some incident made my brother to go to our old palace.”

Marissa closed her eyes and started thinking again. “I cannot say it is remarkable or unusual but before your brother becoming mad like that, Tippu came here and met him.”

“Tippu met my brother in the office? As you said it is not unusual. Many a time in the past also he met my brother in the office.” Jasmine said. “Anything more to it?”

“They both discussed a long time in the office room. I have entered into their room while they were discussing so.”

“What happened then?”

“I don’t know why but there was a heated discussion between them both. Your brother appeared a little tense then. Surprisingly he asked me to get out of the room.”

“My brother asked you to get out of the room?” Jasmine knitted her brows.

“Not very unusual. Sometimes your brother gets angry like that on me.”

Jasmine smiled. “Yes. My brother loses his temper like that on me also sometimes.” She paused for a moment and then said. “Nothing unusual so far.”

“At that time Tippu came towards me going out from that room.” Marissa paused before continuing. “The expression on his face was surprised me then.”

“What type of expression it was then?”

“A sadistic and satisfying expression. There was a crooked smile on his lips.”

“How can you say about his expression so? Have you observed him that clearly at that moment?”

“Involuntarily but I did” Marissa nodded her head. “I know Tippu well. He came here many a time with your brother. But there was never such an expression on his face before. Yes, it was a sadistic expression and the smile on his lips was a crooked smile.”

“What’s more? Have you overheard any of their conversation?”

Marissa closed her eyes and thought for a moment before saying again. “Not much. I think I have heard only two or three words of their conversation clearly. That is the ‘the old house.”

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)