Love at First Slight - 13 in English Love Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Love at First Slight - 13

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Love at First Slight - 13

As Rahul and Aarushi made their way downstairs, they joined Mr. Gupta and Mr. Khanna in the living room, who were sipping tea and engaged in conversation. Mrs. Gupta and Amrita were busy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

Aarushi excitedly announced, "Bhaiya's finally up! He was sleeping like a bear!"

Rahul playfully retorted, "Hey, I was just recharging my batteries!"

Mr. Gupta chuckled, "Well, you're just in time for tea. Aarushi, go get your brother a cup."

Aarushi skipped to the kitchen, returning with a cup of tea for Rahul and a glass of milk for herself and Aarav, who had just joined them.

Aarav asked, "Bhaiya, why do you drink tea? It's so boring!"

Rahul replied, "Tea is not boring, it's sophisticated. Besides, it helps me wake up."

Aarushi chimed in, "Yeah, bhaiya needs tea to open his eyes! Like a robot!"

Rahul laughed, "Hey, watch it, little sis! I'm not a robot, I'm just... caffeinally challenged."

Aarav giggled, "Caffeinally challenged? That's a big word, bhaiya!"

Mrs. Gupta entered with a tray of snacks, "What's all the laughter about?"

Aarushi exclaimed, "Bhaiya's being silly again!"

Amrita smiled, "That's our Rahul, always making us laugh."

After a delightful breakfast, the time came for Mr. Gupta to bid farewell to the Khanna family, marking the end of their Diwali celebrations together.

Mr. Gupta hugged Mr. Khanna, saying, "Thank you for hosting us, my friend. We had a wonderful time."

Mr. Khanna replied, "The pleasure was mine, Gupta ji. Come back soon."

Mrs. Gupta added, "We'll plan a dinner at our place soon. Amrita, note it down."

Amrita nodded, smiling.

Aarav, Mr. Gupta's little son, exclaimed, "Bye, Uncle! Bye, Rahul Bhaiya !"

Aarushi chimed in, "Bye, Aarav! Bye, Gupta Uncle!"

Radha, (Mr. Gupta's daughter), "Bye, Rahul!

Rahul smiled, "Definitely, Radha!

As the Gupta family departed, Rahul couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. He was going to miss Radha😩, who was not only his friend but also the person he had secretly fallen in love with💖💕( but he didn't  tell).

Radha, with her bright smile and sparkling eyes, had captured Rahul's heart. He loved the way she laughed, the way she talked, and the way she made him feel like he was the only person in the world.

As they said their goodbyes, Rahul felt a lump in his throat. He didn't want Radha to go. He wanted to spend more time with her, to get to know her better, to tell her how he felt.

Radha, too, felt a sense of sadness. She had grown close to Rahul over the Diwali celebrations, and she couldn't deny the flutter in her heart when he is surrounded.

After the emotional goodbye, Rahul directly went to his room, his heart still reeling from the moment he shared with Radha. He couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness and longing that had settled in his chest.

With a sigh, Rahul put his phone down and closed his eyes, letting the memories of Radha wash over him, his heart still aching with the longing to be with her again.

Here is the little  message :

The body needs food to survive, but the mind needs people to thrive. Surrounding ourselves with others is essential to our emotional and mental well-being.