My First LnC Experience - 2 in English Love Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | My First LnC Experience - 2

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My First LnC Experience - 2

My First LnC Experience - Part 2

Mala left. I was thinking that there was no point risking to wrestle her in public. If I lose, boys and girls in the whole locality will ridicule me for ages. 

She came a little after 3.30 pm. She had bathed, her hair was still a little wet, so she had kept her hair loose. She had long hair upto her waist. 

She said, “You pick me up first Bhaiya. How do you want to check the time ?”

I said, “We will count 1001, 1002, 1003 this way, saying the full words. When I pick you up, you count. Ok?”

Mala said, “Fine.”

We stood facing each other. At least here I felt a little confident, since I was 2 inches taller than her. 

She asked, “How do you want to pick me up ?”

I said, “Both of us will lift the same way, so nobody gets any advantage. We will lift from the front, straight up.”

She said, “Ok I'm ready.”

I bent down, put my arms around her thighs. She put her hands on my shoulders for support. I straightened up. Or at least I tried to. Ohh God! She was heavier than I thought. I could stand up straight with a lot of effort. 

Mala started counting immediately her feet left the floor. “1001, 1002….” That's all. I had to put her down. It was too much for me. Obviously she was 63 kgs in weight, that is 9 kgs heavier than me. I was panting. 

Mala was laughing, “Bas ? Ho gaya ? Sirf 2 seconds? That's all ? Just 2 seconds only ? Come, it's my turn now.”

She bent forward, put both her hands around my thighs and straightened up. As soon as my feet left the ground, I started counting, “1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005 ….ok ok Mala, put me down. You have won…”

But Mala was not putting me down. She was giggling uncontrollably. She started walking with me held in her arms…then stopped. My feet were dangling in front of her legs. She could not walk. My head was above her head level. She looked up at me and said, “You wrap your legs around my waist Bhaiya. I can't walk with your legs dangling in front of my legs.”

She pressed on my thighs and pulled them inside towards her and upwards, all at the same time. Instinctively my legs went around her waist and I locked them behind her back. She jerked me up a little, which made my body lean on her breasts. I thought I would fall down, so I hugged her tightly around her neck. Mala burst out laughing. “Don't worry Bhaiya, you will not fall. I'll never drop you from my hands. You are so light. Look how you are clinging to my neck like a frightened child.”

She started walking with me. My face was now right in front of hers. She went and stood in front of the full length mirror in my wardrobe. Then she burst out laughing. I was facing her, with my face over one of her shoulders. So I did not understand why she was laughing. I turned my face; Mala also turned sideways so that I could see myself properly in the mirror.

What I saw in the mirror was absolutely shocking. I saw myself, a 22 year old young man being helplessly carried in the arms of a 18 old girl wearing a frock. My legs were tightly wrapped around her firm waist holding on to her body so that I wouldn't slip and fall. My hands were around her shoulders hanging on to her neck, as if my life depended on her. I looked so pathetically weak and helpless being carried effortlessly by this small girl. Mala was holding me with her arms under my butt and slowly rocking me in her arms. She was having a victory smile on her face, having captured me in her arms, totally in her control. It was such a humiliation and embarrassment. All these years I have been so confident of myself, a bustling intelligent young man in my final few sessions in College. I used to pride myself to be an intelligent student, a good sportsman and knowledgeable about almost any subject. Soon I would be out of College, ready to go out and conquer the world. And here I myself was helplessly conquered by a 18 year old school dropout adivasi maid servant, who was rocking me like a baby, captured in her strong arms. I couldn't look at the mirror any longer. I turned and hid my face inside Mala’s neck and held her tightly around her shoulders. 

I don't know what took over me, I started crying. Not loudly, but tears ran down my cheek. It was shame and humiliation at losing and surrendering to a sixteen year old girl so pathetically. To hide my embarrassment from Mala, I buried my face deep inside her neck. Mala understood that I was crying. She was still rocking me slowly in her arms. She slowly moved away from the mirror, but did not put me down. She just stood there slowly rocking me from side to side. She held me up with one hand and with the other, she was slowly massaging and rubbing my back and my head. She was ruffling my hair as if a mother was trying to console her crying child. My face was buried inside her neck. Tears were running down my eyes silently, down my cheeks and even wetting her neck.

She was rocking me from side to side silently, giving me time to sober down. Then she spoke softly in my ears, still rocking me gently in her arms, “Don't cry Bhaiya. I know you are feeling humiliated. A 18 year old girl defeating you in strength, a 22 year old adult young man, and carrying you around in her arms like a baby. But so what Bhaiya, I'm not going to tell anyone. You should be proud that your little sister is so strong. Don't worry Bhaiya, from now on I will protect you. You just tell me if anyone bullies you in college or in the playground. I'll go and teach them a lesson.”

Suddenly her words felt so funny. I started laughing. Mala was confused. I was crying all this time hiding my face inside her neck and now I was laughing. She put her hand on the back of my head. She held the back of my neck, and pulled my face out of her neck. My face was now in front of her face. I was smiling, but my eyes were still filled with tears. Mala had been holding me up with only one hand under my bottom. She wiped my tears with her other hand. She was having a bewildered smile on her face, “What happened bhaiya? You were crying and now you are laughing ?”

I said, still sitting on Mala’s firm stomach, held up by her strong arms, “Mala, if you are calling me your Bhaiya, and since I am older than you by 4 years, then I am supposed to take care of you and protect you. And you are taking a vow to protect your elder brother ?”

Mala laughed, “Yes Bhaiya, you will definitely take care of me. You will soon pass out from College and get a good job. I am a poor sister of yours. You will definitely give me all your care and support with your social status and official position. But this little sister of yours will still give physical protection to my older brother because I am stronger than you. I will pick you up in my arms and protect you from whoever tries to harm you. If you allow me, I will carry you in my arms and take you to College and wherever you need to go. I will hold you on my lap and hug you tightly from behind and will never let you set foot on the ground.”

I was having a strange transformation of feeling. The humiliation and embarrassment which I had been feeling was slowly fading away. Instead I was having a sense of safety and security being held so strongly and easily by this 18 year old girl who is vowing to protect me from any physical harm. The way she had been carrying me, a 22 year old adult young man for such a long time without tiring, shows how much physical strength this 18 year old girl has. In fact I was so comfortable being carried around in her arms that I was actually loving the experience. 

I laid my head on her shoulder facing her, burying my face inside her wide neck. She bent her head a little, trapping my face inside her neck. My nose and cheeks touched her cold skin. It was such a comforting feeling. I said softly, “Mala, I feel so secured and protected being carried in your arms and lying on your breasts. You are so strong Mala, I feel so safe surrendering to your strength and power. I feel like I'm your baby and I love being carried by you lying helplessly in your arms.”

Mala was so happy she went into a spin three times holding me tightly on her breasts. I clung to her body tightly. Then both of us started laughing. 

That was the first day. From then on, she used to lift me in different ways. I loved the cradle carries, with her one arm behind my back and her other arm under my knees, with me lying on her breasts. But mostly she used to take me in the front straddle, like the first day. My arms around her neck and shoulders; and my legs wrapped around her waist. I used to lay my head on her shoulder with my face buried in her neck. She used to walk carrying me in her arms like that.

Of course, these lifts were only possible when there was nobody at home. Or I used to sneak some fast lifts when she came to clean my room, which was on the terrace. She would be working then and would be sweating. I did not care. I buried my face inside her sweaty neck, while she carried me and cleaned the room holding me tightly to her body. That aroma of her body odour mixed with her sweat was intoxicating and made me excited.

At other times, she would take me on piggy back. That was easier for her and she could keep me lifted and carry me for longer periods. Also it was easier for her to work with me riding piggyback on her. I used to lock my feet in front of her stomach and wrap my arms tightly around her neck. So both her hands were free for doing her work, carrying me on her back.

And she used to come late nights to my terrace room when everybody was sleeping downstairs. Then she used to carry me around in her cradle, on the open terrace in the darkness of night. I used to lie on her breasts with my head resting on her shoulder. She used to sometimes stand and just rock me slowly from side to side. I used to feel so safe in her arms as if she was my mother and I was her little baby boy.

She had developed full power and total control over me. Whenever there was an opportunity, she used to pick me up anytime she wanted, whether I was busy in my studies or my project work or whatever. She understood that I loved getting lifted by her. So she used to just lift me up in her arms and carry me away. And I couldn't say no, however busy I was, because I used to love to be carried in her arms.

At other times, when I really had important studies to complete, she used to sit and hold me sitting on her lap, while I used to study. Sometimes on the chair, sometimes on the sofa, she used to sit hugging me tightly on her lap, while I read my books.

Although she was only 18 years and I was an adult man of 22, she used to dominate me like she owned me. Although she was a little less in height, since she weighed 9 kgs more than me, she was physically much stronger. I used to playfully wrestle with her on my bed and she used to beat me everytime. In fact I put my full strength, but everytime she pinned me down and sat on my chest and forced my hands down on the floor, in a typical school boy pin. She knew that I enjoyed losing to her. She always did not even use her maximum strength to beat me easily. Sometimes she used to keep me pinned on the bed and did not let me get up. She forced me to say, "Mummy please let me go." Then she used to get up from my chest and set me free.

One day I was getting ready to go out. Suddenly I find her head pop out from behind me and under my legs. She just stood up holding me on her shoulders. She was not letting me down. I was supposed to go to a movie with my friends and she wanted me to stay back and spend time with her, since there was nobody at home. 

I was literally pleading with her to put me down. She said, “Why don't you tell your friends you can't go. Let them sell off your ticket at the theatre hall.”

I said, “That's not possible, they will come directly to the hall. And all the tickets are with me.”

She still did not put me down. Then I told her, “If you don't put me down I'll jump.”

She pushed back both my legs and pressed them tightly under her armpits and clasped her hands in front of her. So my legs got trapped under her armpits. 

She was laughing, “Now if you jump, you will fall and break your head or nose. And you won't be able to even tell anybody that a 18 year old girl had forcefully lifted you, a 22 year old adult male, on her shoulders and was not letting you down.”

I felt so defeated and helpless being captured by this 18 year old girl on her shoulders, that I started crying. Without even her telling me to, I started pleading and requesting her saying, “Mummy please put me down. From next time I'll ask you before making any program of going out with my friends. Please let me go this time.” Only then did she put me down. She squeezed my cheeks between her fingers and wiped my tears with her hands and smiled sweetly at me. Then she said, “Ok my baby, you go and enjoy. Now don't cry any more, give me a smile. Your mummy loves you”. 

Imagine I was an adult young man of 22 years and she was just a teenage girl of 18 and she was bullying me. She made me cry and I had to beg her to let me down from her shoulders.

She had made me her puppet and I had to do whatever she said.

That was my first experience of getting lifted and carried and being dominated by a girl; and I got addicted to that ever since.