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Rain Flower - 9

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“No, Will. Please. Don’t talk like that. I hundred percent know how much you are suffering.” She hugged him closely. “You just don’t know how much I am worrying for you.”

“I know….…I know…..…you are more worrying for me than my mother and sister. What I cannot understand is why you do love me this much!”

“For your money. Is any part of your mind thinking like that?” she looked into his eyes and asked him.

“No. Never, never.” He turned towards her and said hastily. “Even in my wildest imagination also, I never have thought like that and I never do.” He paused for a moment before saying again. “What all I can see always in you is only love. There is no necessity at all to you  to love me or marry me for money. I am hundred percent convinced about that.”

“Thank you, thank you very much for the trust in me.” She hugged him tightly and crooned into him.

“Now I do want to ask you something.”

“Spit away.” Without trying to move her head from his chest but pressing it tightly to it she asked.

“How could you like me while I was in such mild madness not doing anything but staring blankly ahead?”

Then she looked into his face and said. “You have asked this question before and I answered in a proper way.” She paused for a moment before talking again. “I cannot say. Really I cannot say.” She deeply breathed. “I am attracted towards you when I have seen you the first time itself as you are handsome. But I did not fall in love. When your case has been entrusted to me I took it as a challenge, then too there was no love. But slowly and gradually I cannot say how it has happened, I started loving you. In fact it is sheer out of love I ventured to do that so to you to make you to get your senses. I don’t know how I have fallen in love with you.”

“It is just my sheer luck.” His voice was with joy.

“Don’t you love me in the equal measure?” Rose asked him.

He kissed on her partly opened lips smoothly and met with the metallic touch of her teeth. “Need you ask that?” he whispered in her ear.

Then he found the urgency in him again. He remembered the experience he had in his dream. He felt it thorough, complete and final, even it was with an unknown woman in a dream but surprisingly aroused again. His hands started moving frantically on the back of her.

Rose was in semi-sleep by that time but woke up fully again. She too found an arousal in herself.  She kissed on his lips hard while his hands were moving on her body so. She always liked to cooperate with him and always did enjoy it in the equal measure. It has happened just like every time making them both fully satisfied and exhausted.


She was trying to read a book in her room and then Dibbu entered into it with a tray in his hands. Rose looked into his face and threw her charming smile and as usual it had its effect. Dibbu impressed by it as anyone else would.

 “Madam, have your morning coffee.” He handed the cup in the tray to her.

“Thank you Dibbu.” She took the cup into her right hand.

Dibbu did not move away from there. It surprised Rose. He never stayed in her room once his work completed in it.

“Do you want to talk anything with me Dibbu?” Looking into his face she asked.

“Yes madam. If you don’t mind.” There was hesitation in his voice.

“Why do I mind? Tell whatever you want.” She said with a smile. “Be comfortable yourself in that chair first.”

“Thank you madam.” He placed himself comfortably in the chair opposite to her.

“Now feel free to talk anything.”

“I want to know how our Williams Sir’s position is now.”

“What that means? He is alright. You are seeing him everyday, still why you are asking like this?” she surprised. It was the first time that Dibbu asked her in this way.

“Yes. I have been seeing him since the day of his birth. I have been in this house for more than thirty five years. I joined as a servant at Williams’ father that long back.” He paused

She was listening carefully without interfering at all. ‘Will something useful come out of this?’ she thought.

“He used to be quite active before he became mad like that. Very intelligent! Always behaved so affectionately with me and he had never forgotten anything. Now he is not able to remember his own mother. When this situation shall change? When he can remember everything again?” the anxiety in his voice moved her.

“I can understand you Dibbu. But……...” she hissed out heavily. “It takes time. It takes time to him to remember all his past.”

“How much of time it takes then madam?”

“Difficult to say Dibbu. It may take one year or so to him to become his usual self. In fact……….” she stopped a moment before saying again “He started remembering his past in his dreams.”

“So there is a chance that he can remember everything again?” she could see sudden pleasant expression in his face.

“Sure he does remember everything again. Not just that. He becomes his complete usual self. What I cannot say is, how long it takes.”

“It is indeed a very happy news!” He laughed happily. That pleasant expression continued in his face while he was laughing. Rose also shared his happiness by laughing along with him.

“Every time I see you, I do remember Margaret madam. She was just like you when she entered into this house as the wife of our Raja Prathap sir. Most beautiful and elegant! She aged just twenty years then. No one in our Sir’s family welcomed her. But our Sir was adamant. He did not care for anyone.”

She became serious.  She thought what Dibbu was saying must be true. Madam Margaret now also was appearing very beautiful to Rose. If she was this much beautiful at her sixty years or so of age, Rose could understand how much beautiful when she was just twenty years or so.

“Our madam and Sir changed into that big bungalow keeping everyone aside. How happily they led their life the first three years! Our Williams and Jasmine are the part of that happy period. It was quite unfortunate that our Sir died with heart attack in that palace.”

There was a change in his voice. He was trying to suppress his emotion, Rose thought.

“The real difficult time started for my madam. But she did not feel fear. She took the reins of Mammooth into her hands. She ran it with the same profits with the same efficiency as our Sir managed it. She is courageous, intelligent and hardworking.” He paused again.

“I am very happy hearing all this.” Rose said. “You have shared with me very good information.”

“I want to say something to you before going away from here.” He said. “I am here to help you in all respects. Whatever you do want just ask me. Don’t forget that you are having a loyal servant here who always feels pleasure to help you.”

“Thank you very much.” Her face beamed with happiness. “I always do remember it.”

“What he is talking with you? Is he is eating away your mind?”

Rose and Dibbu both stood up when Margaret entered into that room.

“No one can eat away a psychiatrist’s mind.” Rose laughed. “They do have a special protecting system to it.”

“Madam please permit me to go now.” Dibbu asked Rose.

“You can go now……..” Rose said. “……..and thank you very much for the assurance. I am feeling very happy.”

“He said everything good of you. He is indeed a very loyal servant.” Rose said once Dibbu left from that place.

“I know that Rose. He is indeed very good. I always like him. To my husband also he is a favorite.” She placed herself carefully in the nearby chair. Then Rose too sat in the chair in which she sat before and which was just opposite to the chair of Margaret.   

“It was he who stood by my side when everyone else in my husband’s family opposed me. It was he who helped me a lot when I took the reins of Mammooth into my hands. I never can forget his help and I never can repay it either.”

Rose found emotional traces in her voice also.  They both talked nearly half an hour after that.


“Alright, I sure do come.” Saying so Liza cut off her cell phone. There was a small smile on her lips. From twenty minutes back till that moment she made talking with her sister Rose. She felt happy every time she talked with her sister. Her sister was her pride. Even her sister did not like some of her ideologies, she liked Rose a lot. Despite her antagonism with some of her opinions, she knew she was the role model and icon for Rose.

Sometimes she herself felt odd with her own opinions. How and why she could agree and accept with some things even everyone else deny and opposite to them? Some part of her mind would agree with her odd opinions and not just that would compel her, urge her to comply with them.

Liza was nineteen years and Rose was ten years old when her mother who was their only bread winner died. Her father died when Rose was just two years old. Their father was worked as a lower government employee and the three lived on the meager pension available coupled with her mother’s earning as a servant maid in some houses around until that moment. Not only the pension they were getting till that time but their mother’s earning also was completely off by the death of their mother. Then it has become very much difficult to them even to lead their lives not to say pursuing their education.

As Liza mulling over what to do, their neighbor Jhonson came forward to help them. He was sixty years old retired government employee, a widower, while all his offspring settled elsewhere living all alone in the house opposite to them. He had other sources of income also apart from the pension he was getting and he could spare a lot for others also.

He paid for Liza and Rose’s then education and made an ample reserve for their future education also. He promised to give other help also whatever they want. With his financial help like that, their problems were over and they were feeling comfortable to do anything they want.

But Liza was feeling quite dissatisfied. She could find out why she was feeling dissatisfied and there was only one way to her to become satisfy herself. She could not refrain herself without doing it.

“What girl? Do you want anything more?” Jhonson smiled and asked when she entered into his house.

“You are not giving a chance to us to ask anything. You are providing that even before we ask.”

He nodded his head. “Its alright then.” He paused before talking again. “Do you want to talk anything with me?”

“Yes, I do.” After making herself comfortable in the chair there she said.

“Why you are hesitating then? Talk anything you want.”

“Do you allow me to talk anything with you?” she knitted her brows.

“Why do you doubt it? Just feel free.” He smiled.

“A growing feeling of indebtedness towards you is set in me.” Liza said.

“Why indebtedness? Why you are feeling like that?” this time he knitted his brows.

“You are doing a lot for us. How can I ever repay that?”

Jhonson laughed loudly. “I am having a lot. I just gave you a little of that. There is no loss to me at all. Don’t worry about it.”

“No, I cannot help feeling indebted. We are taking a lot from you.”

“If you are thinking like that.” Looking into Liza’s eyes he said. “You and your sister would do me something once you settled in your lives. I stay at both of your homes rather than at my children.”

“What if you don’t live that long? You are already aged more than sixty.” Without any haste, with firmness in her voice she asked him.

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)