Rain Flower - 8 in English Detective stories by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Rain Flower - 8

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Rain Flower - 8

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“What is the mind then?”

“Mind is nothing but thoughts, imaginations, feelings.”

“If I am not the mind, what I am then?”

“Don’t ask about that. It is difficult to say. It is something related to the philosophy than psychology. You are not the mind. Fix on that. Don’t try to know what exactly you are.” yawning heavily Rose said.

“Oh! You are difficult to understand. But I want to know what exactly I am, if I am not the mind.” Williams stubbornly said.

“Will. Please. Don’t be stubborn. In other situations it may not, but now in this condition you should not strain your brain. Don’t try to make too much concentration on anything.”

“Alright. Alright. Tell me something more. You are talking very important things.” Williams nodded his head and said

“Don’t feel fear to thoughts. They are innocent and they cannot do any harm to you. Don’t fight with thoughts. If thoughts pour into your mind endlessly, let them come and overwhelm you. Separate yourself from the thoughts and remind yourself strongly that you are not the thoughts and you are having no business with them. Surprisingly all the thoughts would be vanished gradually.”

“You have said this in before also. It is not as easy as you have said.” Williams accusingly said.

“I agree.” Rose nodded her head and said. “It needs some practice on your part.”

“Not some. A lot. A lot of practice it requires.” Williams angrily said.

“May be sometimes.”

Williams suddenly laughed and said. “But what you have said is true. It works. It sure wonderfully works.” He paused for a moment. “In the beginning I have got irritated while practicing this technique. But I continued. It really worked and I felt calm and peaceful.”

“I am feeling really very happy on hearing this.” Rose felt very much happy.

“You said something else also in the past, which is even more important. It is not the thought that does really trouble us. It is the feeling evoked by a thought that troubles us. Thoughts are harmless. But the feelings created by the thoughts are painful sometimes.”

“You are absolutely right. All the feelings are not painful. At the same time there is no necessity that every feeling should be preceded by a thought. In the same way every thought does not evoke a feeling.”

“Do feelings happen without thoughts also?” Williams adjusted himself in the chair for more comfort.

“Sure. Hundred percent. In which way thoughts do come into your mind?”

“In my mother tongue.”

“By what age you came to know your mother tongue thoroughly. In other words, upto what age you remain without knowing any language.”

This questionnaire irked Williams. “Upto minimum two years I did not know any language.”

“Can you say that there are no feelings in you until you become two years old?”

“I cannot follow you much.” His irritation became even more.

“Everything you want to be understood instantly. Be ready to do some mind work.” Rose too irritated.

“You asked me not to strain my brain.” He reminded her.

“This much little exercise you can give to it. It would be healthy.” Her charming smile again climbed onto her lips.

“Feelings to a two years or less aged baby……....” he paused for a moment “Yes. It feels. It feels happy when its mother takes it into her hands. It feels bad and starts weeping when it has been left by its mother.”

“Can a baby which is less than two years have thoughts?”

“No, because it does not know any language.”

“What you have deduced so far by all this?”

“Feelings are possible without thoughts.”

“Excellent!” Even however many times he had seen her charming smile, he was mesmerized by it again.

“At the same time that there is no necessity that every thought would evoke a feeling………….A thought about next election may not evoke any feeling in you.”

She was about to say something more but suddenly found him pressing his lips strongly on hers suffocating her almost to death.  


“Fools you both are. Utter fools.”

David and Rita remained listening the cursing of Rita’s father Peterson. They knew they have to hear as long as it would go. Because the mistake they did was like that. It ruined whole of their planning.

“How nice it would have been to us if Rita married to him. I promised to you both that you can live together even after my daughter married him. I assured you that Williams nuisance is not going to be continued for long. But the mistake you did ……………..” Peterson’s voice was still harsh.

“David did all that, you too know about it.” Rita interrupted.

“Both of you did it.” Peterson snapped again.

“Alright. We both did it. A big mistake it is. What we need to do now is to plan what we have to do.” David said.

“What we can do? Nothing. I just cannot see any way at all.” Peterson took his head into his both hands. “What happens if Williams remembers what he had seen in that palace?”

Rita and David looked at each other’s faces. “Disaster! We shall be put ourselves into a big problem.” David said.

“But no need to feel fear. He does not remember anything prior to that incident.”Rita said.

“Don’t talk like a fool. Is there any guarantee that he would not remember anything forever?” Peterson said.

Once again Rita and David looked at each other’s faces. “No,” she said with a small shivering voice. “That rogue did that. He made that Williams go and see that.”

“I want to kill him with my bare hands” David angrily said.

“You do have no such chance. He has been taken care of.” Peterson said.

“One good thing so far I have heard.” David said.

There was silence for few seconds. Then Peterson said again, “Despite your foolish thing, we are still maintaining good relations with that family. You both as often as possible visit that house and observe everything carefully. We come to know a way to put our hands on their properties.”

David and Rita nodded their heads and said at once “Okay.”

Then Peterson left that room.

“Now I want that we both to proceed into the bed room.” Rita said with a voice filled with desire.

“You are beautiful and enjoyable, but insatiable.” David said with a smile. “One man cannot satisfy you.”

She did not feel offended and moreover there was a pride feeling in her face. “You are more than one man always. You don’t know but you have great libido” she paused for a moment and then said. “I shall go into the bath room and come into the bed room straight. Be ready there.” Removing herself from the chair she said. 

“Alright” he said.

As he expected, she entered all naked into the bedroom after her bath. As always she was beautiful at that time also. Her gold color skin was glistening in the light available in that bed room. There was a strong urge in him to go and kiss her.

“I have expected you to be naked by the time I come here.” She frowned.

“Oh!” he groaned.

“Just be complied with the reciprocal obligation.” There was desire in her voice also. 

He knew that he could not escape. He stood up and slowly undressed himself completely. He did not much interested in making himself completely naked even he liked her saying so. But this devil would not agree.

She went straight to the bed there and laid herself on it. “I am giving you full freedom on this day also. Do whatever you want. I am not going to object.” Looking tauntingly at him she said. Even it was not an unusual sight to him his mouth dried while he was watching her so.

It did go as to their expectation as every time it was. He struggled every time in satisfying her kinks even he also enjoyed them. In fact he liked watching things like these rather than doing. Besides having kinks, Rita also would enjoy watching sexual intercourse especially theirs. With that uncontrollable desire he recorded their coupling in both of their cell phones.  Occasionally they used to enjoy watching those. But they never had thought that desire itself would spoil all their plans.


He was with her …. In her tight hug…. It was not just she. He also hugged her so. So good! So magnificent! Her youthful body was crushing under his weight. It was just like he was in seventh heaven. He kissed on her both eyes and she reciprocated. He kissed on her right earlobe and then the left. Both of them were restlessly moving on the bed.

She was undulating under him like a circle on a lake. She moving her both hands frantically on his back and kissing him time and again on his face. They both were beyond time and space. They did not know how much of time has passed.

Then he moved on her fully naked body. No cranny or crevice untouched by him. She shamelessly, blissfully offered every part of her to him and he enjoyed each of her body parts with the same desire. She let out a groan when he entered her and he pressed her lips with his. Then he kissed on her right cheek again perfunctorily.

Nothing could stop her from moaning with unbearable pleasure while he was making rhythmic movements on the top of her to release himself. It was long, long time for both of them. Then he suddenly went limp on her and hissed out heavily.

Williams woke up and sat at once on the bed. Whole of his body filled with sweat. His whole body was shivering and it was not because of the sexual experience he had in the dream but it was just like part of his past popped up into his mind again.

He sensed a smooth touch on his shoulder and turned his head. “Got another dream?” looking into his eyes Rose asked him.

“Yes.” He sighed and said.

“Do you still remember it?”

“Every bit of it.” He explained the dream in detail to her.

“I think she was Rita.” Rose knitted her brows and said.

“Is she is the woman you said that I loved in my past and broken later.” He asked. Rose told him about that episode a little as she thought it was necessary.

“You are right.” Rose nodded her head.

“Why I have broken my love with her?”

“The fact is; she never loved you but someone else. You came to know about it and she also agreed that and married that someone.” She sighed heavily and said. “There is no need to you to worry about her.”

Williams got irritated. “Why the bloody hell I am remembering the things happened only with her?”

Rose put her hands around him and kissed on his cheek. “Mind is the most complex thing in the entire universe. No one can say why it behaves in a particular way.”

“But the thoughts…. they are killing me….. your ideas are working….but not always. It may be because of my peculiar situation.” Williams hissed out despairingly.

“Don’t fight with the thoughts Williams. Thoughts are not your enemies. They are harmless.”

He laid down slowly on his back again on the bed and Rose followed the suit.  She put her leg on him and kept the hand around his neck.

“But the feelings are….that is what you are going to say.” His voice was weak.

“Of course. You are right.” She planted another kiss on his cheek.

“Whether the feelings or thoughts. They are torturing me. I just cannot bear.” He wailed.

“Just disregard. Let the suffering be there. It does not last long. Many a time you suffered like this by the feelings but that suffering did not last forever. Just be patient. The feelings and suffering both go away.” Rose said.

“You take everything easy. You are not in my place, if you are you can understand how much I am suffering.”

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)