Love at First Slight - 11 in English Love Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Love at First Slight - 11

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Love at First Slight - 11

Rahul came down the stairs and made his way to the sofa, where he sat down beside Mr. Gupta. "Namaste, uncle!" he said warmly, folding his hands together in respect. "Aap kab aaye? Maine aapko pehli baar dekha hai. Diwali ki shubhkamnayein!"

Mr. Gupta smiled and replied, "Namaste, beta! Hum abhi aaye hain. Diwali ki shubhkamnayein aapko bhi .

Rahul then turned to Mrs. Gupta and said, "Aunty, aap kaise hain? Diwali ki shubhkamnayein!" 

Mrs. Gupta smiled and replied, "Main theek hoon, beta. Tum kaise ho? Diwali ki shubhkamnayein!" 

Rahul chatted with Mr. and Mrs. Gupta for a while, asking them about their Diwali plans and sharing his own experiences. 

Here is the revised continuation of the story:

As the evening progressed, the families gathered together to worship Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity. The room was filled with the sweet scent of incense and the soft glow of diyas.

Mrs. Amrita Khanna led the puja, expertly guiding the families through the rituals. She began by invoking the goddess, singing traditional hymns and mantras to invite Lakshmi into their homes.

Next, they offered flowers, fruits, and sweets to the goddess, seeking her blessings for prosperity and good fortune. 

After the puja, they lit sparklers and fireworks, filling the night sky with vibrant colors and patterns. The children squealed with delight, running around the house .

As they sat down to enjoy the festive treats, they were greeted by a sumptuous spread of traditional Diwali dishes. In small bowls, steaming hot puranpoli was served with cold milk, the sweet and creamy combination a perfect delight. Alongside, a flavorful potato curry simmered in a rich tomato-based gravy, accompanied by an assortment of soft, fluffy chapatis.

And for dessert, a plate of golden-brown laddoos beckoned, their sweet aroma wafting up to tease the taste buds. The families indulged in the feast, savoring each bite and delighting in the love and care that had gone into preparing the meal.

As they ate, they chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the festive season. Radha and Rahul exchanged glances, their eyes shining with happiness as they relished the delicious food and the joy of being together.

Here is the revised continuation of the story:

As the evening wore on, Mr. Khanna glanced at the clock and smiled. "It's getting late, and the roads can be tricky at night. Why don't you all stay over? We have plenty of room."

Mrs. Gupta hesitated for a moment before responding, "Are you sure, Mr. Khanna? We don't want to impose."

Mr. Khanna waved his hand dismissively. "Nonsense, nonsense! It's Diwali, a time for family and friends to come together. We insist you stay."

Mr. Khanna beamed with pleasure. "Wonderful! Amrita, show our guests to their rooms. We'll have a nightcap and some more snacks before bed."

Amrita smiled and turned to Rahul. "Rahul, beta, please show our guests to their rooms. Mr. Khanna, you and your wife can take the room at the end of the hall. Aayush, you can sleep in the room next to yours, and Radha, you're welcome to take the room across from Rahul's."

Rahul nodded and led the way, carrying Aayush's small suitcase and Radha's bag. "Follow me, everyone! I'll show you to your rooms."

As they walked down the hallway, Rahul pointed out the different rooms. "This is your room, Uncle and Aunty. The bathroom is just next door."

Mr. Khanna smiled and patted Rahul on the back. "Thanks, beta. This is very kind of you."

Rahul continued down the hall, showing Aayush to his room. "Hey, little buddy, you're going to sleep in here tonight. I'll come check on you later."

Aayush grinned and waved goodbye as Rahul moved on to show Radha to her room. 

Rahul's heart raced as he stood outside Radha's room, his mind filled with the words he longed to way but he didn't  say . "Radha, from the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You light up my world in ways I never thought possible. I want to spend every day making you smile, every night holding you close...".

But as he opened his mouth to speak, reality took over. "Hii Radha, please come in!" he said instead, stepping aside to let her enter.

As Radha walked past him, Rahul couldn't help but admire her. Her red saree shimmered in the dim light, and her hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of night. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he gazed at her, his heart pounding in his chest.

Radha turned to him, a hint of a smile on her lips. "Thanks, Rahul. Your home is beautiful."

Rahul's eyes met hers, and for a moment, they just stared at each other. Then, he looked away, trying to composed himself. "Yeah, my mom loves decorating. Make yourself at home, okay?"

Rahul went into his room, his mind still reeling from the moment he shared with Radha. 

He took a refreshing bath, the cool water soothing his skin and clearing his mind. As he changed into a comfortable pair of clothes.

Finally, he stepped out onto his balcony, gazing at the starry sky.

"There is a Said"

When life gets too overwhelming, just look up at the night sky and ✨lose yourself for a while ✨