Dhus - Kutus in English Classic Stories by Prabodh Kumar Govil books and stories PDF | Dhus - Kutus

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Dhus - Kutus


In the fifty-year history of this internationally renowned institute, this was the first time that a former student of the institution was appointed as its director. As soon as the Board of Management saw the bio-data of Mr. Lilliputian, they unanimously approved his appointment.Dr. Lilliputian had been the Dean of a college in Oman for many years, but for various reasons, his name continued to resonate here as well. He was also a member of the institute’s alumni and had even attended an event organized by the association many years ago.His family originally hailed from a small village in Kerala, India. Due to the displacement of his father, they had settled in Rajasthan, where he had spent his childhood. Several strange and intriguing stories about the family’s displacement had echoed for years.It was speculated that they might have been converted Christians who later left the country and settled abroad. Some said that his father, in his adolescence, used to graze goats in the village and had fallen in love with a girl from a wealthy family. This prestigious landlord family was outraged that their princess-like daughter could be trapped by a shepherd. Thus, under heavy threats and with some money, the family was driven out of the village, and they eventually settled in a border village of Rajasthan.There, his father married, and after two daughters, the little boy Leeladharan was born. While working at a small shop, his father made every effort, with all his heart and soul, to educate him. When the only teacher at the rural school noticed that there were two Leeladharans in this small settlement, he nicknamed the boy 'Lilliputian' due to his small stature. And thus, this resident of Kerala officially became Lilliputian of Rajasthan.The boy was bright from a young age. After learning a bit of English after the fourth grade, he became 'Lilli Puttian' due to the pronunciation of his name. After topping in this very institution, he went on to study in London. Later, after living in several countries, he reached the position of Dean in a prestigious college.But that was all history. Now, everything had changed, and after several decades, there was hardly anyone left who knew anything about it. There was no sign of these new Director Sir ever having been Indian.All people knew was that the new Director was coming from abroad, from Oman. What would he be like, how would he speak, who would be in his family, how would he find India, and so on.Since the news broke in the media that this popular global institution was planning to celebrate its Golden Jubilee in a unique way, another piece of news related to the institution became the talk of the town. The news was about the name of the annual youth festival held here every year. For many years, the name of this grand cultural event had been a subject of fascination for people—"Dhus-Kutus." No one knew what it meant, why it was named that way, or how this strange name became associated with the cultural event. But the name had been around for years, so all the students and others accepted it and celebrated it with enthusiasm.Interestingly, there had been plenty of research, investigation, and inquiry into this name over the years. It was even searched extensively on Google, but its meaning was nowhere to be found.The special thing was that since this time it was the Golden Jubilee, the event was to be celebrated on an even grander scale. Preparations had already begun.It was also a coincidence that the new Director Sir was supposed to join from Oman, and within a fortnight of his arrival, this festival was to be held. The management committee of the college debated whether the name of the festival should be changed. What impression would it leave on the new Director when he couldn't be told the meaning of the name of the grand celebration? What would he think? How would it impact his perception? How could a prestigious educational institution carry the burden of a festival whose name no one knew the meaning of?The Director might think of everyone as traditionalists. His first impression might be wrong. And if the media asked him about the meaning of the program’s name during the press conference before the event, how embarrassing would it be for him? Everyone would start looking at each other helplessly. Such a high-level institute would become a laughing stock. Since it was the Golden Jubilee, the entire city would gather. The news would spread nationally and internationally that the institution was organizing a grand event without knowing the meaning of its name!After intense discussions and deliberations, it was decided to change the name of the institute’s annual youth festival. The search for a new name began in earnest.But there was a problem with this. All the promotional materials, posters, banners, stationery, etc., related to the "Dhus-Kutus" festival, which had been celebrated for years, bore this name. The registered logo of the program prominently displayed this name. Changing everything at short notice was not only troublesome but also quite expensive.So, after much thought, the plan to change the name was shelved.Time passed, and the new Director Sir arrived. He was warmly welcomed. People were filled with pride at having a foreign scholar as their new leader.Soon, preparations for the institution’s Golden Jubilee celebration began. While the students immersed themselves in their activities, the management began their preparations.Amidst great enthusiasm, under the new Director's initiative, efforts began to invite a prominent leader for the inauguration. A grand press conference was organized, inviting all newspapers, TV channels, and other media, where the new Director was formally introduced.And eventually, what was feared happened.A determined journalist from the country’s biggest news channel asked the Director a pointed question about the meaning of the name of the cultural program the institution was organizing for its Golden Jubilee. Why was so much money being spent on it? What does "Dhus-Kutus" mean?There was a pin-drop silence in the hall. Everyone began looking around uneasily. The senior professors held their breath. They feared the Director would ask them. Everyone started avoiding eye contact. This was the fear. Now, not only would the new Director be embarrassed, but the entire college would become a laughing stock. This entire fiasco would be all over the newspapers tomorrow. No one could think of what to say.The journalists became even more excited.The journalist who had asked the question stood up again, adjusting his gaze slightly more pointedly, to repeat his question.But just then, with a faint smile and a slight hesitation, the Director pulled the microphone closer to him.He didn’t ask anyone anything. He spoke calmly, "Gentleman, there is a very interesting story behind it... I’ll tell you." And it was as if the Director was lost in some half-century-old event. He began, "Fifty years ago, I was also a student of this institution. Since I came from South India, I didn’t know Hindi, but I used to sing very well. I couldn’t remember the lyrics of the film songs completely, but I used to catch the tune and sing them, which my classmates liked very much. One day, I was singing on stage, and the lyrics were - 'Aao twist karein, zindagi hai yahi... gaa utha mausam!' I was singing with great enthusiasm, and the boys were clapping and whistling. But I forgot the lyrics in between and sang, 'Aao twist karein... zindagi hai yahi... dhus-kutus mausam...'"The entire press conference hall erupted with applause. Everyone was amazed that the Director was laughing so hard that he began to cry. - Prabodh Kumar Govil