HAPPINESS - 99 in English Poems by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | HAPPINESS - 99

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The pleasant and intoxicating weather is seducing the heart.


The bouquet of colourful flowers is entertaining the mind.


Lakhs of desires have been growing for centuries.


The garden of wishes is blooming in the heart.


It is a brief conversation with the loving hands of the sympathizer.


Every part of the body is burning with just a little touch.


We stay well-groomed and in immense love.


Why are you tormenting me today with the talk of separation?


Too much importance has been given to love.

The tyrant is making me yearn to see you even once.



Take an umbrella with you in the rainy season.

Fill your body and mind without getting wet.


Don't let happiness take you away.

Be afraid of the blind and heavy rain shower.


Go in the direction in which the flood is going.

If you want to reach your destination, swim in the flow.


Moving forward without thinking is fatal.

If you know how to swim in unknown waters, then only you should swim.


Your own courage will be useful every time.

Listen, defeat difficulties with complete courage.



One does not let go of hands like this on a small matter.

Blood relations are not broken in haste.


With silence Wisdom lies in remaining silent.


We don't spoil the happiness of others by crying.


We don't make a big deal out of everything.


We don't beat our heads in front of fools.


Friends keep having fun and jokes.


Balloons of common words don't burst.


The well never goes to the thirsty.


We don't gather the breaths of the past moments.




Wounds are not meant to be shown to others.


They are meant to be borne by oneself.


Sore pain is not displayed.


They are meant to be borne by oneself.


The rainy season has taken away our life.


By soaking it completely, it has taken away our identity.


Today, by increasing our harmony with strangers.


The beautiful toys have taken away our memories.


The melodious music of the rain is playing. l

The heavy rain has taken over the night ll


The fun of talking has taught silence ll


Has taken pride by meeting the air ll


The juicy intoxicating surge of the season has taken my friend ll


The frenzy of getting drenched in love ll




Want to grow flowers on the dry land ll


Want to decorate the universe with flowers ll


Has troubled the earth a lot ll


Now want to make the earth a heaven ll


Has forgotten his responsibilities ll


Want to wake up the sleeping man ll


By gathering the stray clouds now ll


Want to please the angry rain ll


A desire is encouraging strongly ll


Want a new beautiful era ll




The surging clouds of desires have brought love ll


Bringing everything along with them We have gone ll


Those who are crazy about their destination do not take advice.


They have got the happiness of the whole world in their fists ll


Silent words have got a tongue so they are like that.


Today in the gathering, we have sung ghazals of congratulations ll


The coercion of the master of the court will not work.


No one is afraid that there is the shadow of God ll


It will become easy to spend the rest of the life.


We have brought the happiness of thousands of years in four days ll




Our daughters are killed in the womb itself.


Our daughters eat the most in the end ll


Even after being completely broken from inside.


Our daughters bring a smile on their lips ll


Shining like the full moon.


Our daughters come to their father's house ll


The daughter is against the good despite being in existence.

Our daughters are the wick of the candle ll


To give freshness to the courtyard in the morning.


Our daughters sing good wishes.


Those who have desires for sons,


They do not like our daughters even once.


They are the ones who give life to everyone, young and old.


Our daughters do not get life.


They do not understand the importance of education.


Our daughters remain uneducated.




Despite being educated, our sons are illiterate.

Despite being intelligent, our sons are foolish.


They do not think once before doing any act.


Our sons are unaware of the consequences of later marriage.


Those who have become evil have become evil.


They have forgotten that our sons are brothers of sisters.




I cannot tell the world the pain of my heart.

I cannot show the sore wounds.


A million oaths Give it to me, this cannot happen.


Even if called, I cannot come to the street.


Listen, there are many sorrows other than love.


I cannot keep the promise of meeting.


I am very ashamed, I could not keep the rituals.


I cannot look into the eyes.


I have left the job of a fire extinguisher.


I cannot extinguish the fire in my heart.


I want to enter the heart by being in the eyes.


I cannot shake the pictures from the eyes.




Old things should be forgotten.


Intoxicating nights should be forgotten.


Come out of the cage.


Pricking memories should be forgotten.


She should refresh the gatherings.


The charming taunts should be forgotten.


We are of speech and of language.


We should forget the colorful flowers.


She spreads a sheet of flowers.


Forgetting the beautiful paths. should be known ll


I have a years old desire to fulfill my dreams.


I am telling you the truth, these dreams are the only remaining wealth.


I am alive because of you, till today.


What else should I think, I have no time from your thoughts.


Understand whatever you want to understand, but I am speaking my heart out.


Your life seems rude without you.


You are the only heir of my love, know this.


Your boundless love has become my habit.


Now there is no need to meet secretly.


Today, tell the world openly that I love you immensely.


God has made her with great leisure.


Why shouldn't I love her, my friend, she is very beautiful.


I had asked God repeatedly by spreading my bag.


We met after a long time, this is my complaint.




Of Kanha's flute The melodies have made Vrindavan crazy.


Every moment of the day is celebrated with enthusiasm like a festival.


Exhilarated in the cool waves, half engrossed, shy, abashed, with lowered eyelids.


The madness of Radha and the gopis has been lovingly handled by Krishna.


Today, she has left all the household chores, children, old people and husbands.


All those crazy girls have been looked after with love and care.


She is immersed in the tune with complete engrossment in the nectar of divine songs.


The house and courtyard have been decorated for the happiness of the mischievous Krishna.


The holy land of Vrindavan has become thrilled with the nectar of nectar.


Manmohan has performed Raas with Radha on the banks of Yamuna.




The heart-thief has stolen the heart and has hidden himself.


Along with peace, comfort has also been robbed. ll


Ever since the flirtation has become a passion of the heart,


I have lost touch with the world.


I have started roaming around the streets.


My connection with shame has been broken instantly.


I want to hold my hand and embrace me.


I have lost patience with the naughty butter thief.


To tease the milkmaids.


The butter pot has broken due to a wet thing.




Life has passed in complete dilemma.


When the reality came out, I understood everything.


I did not know that when the shadow of my head goes away, I will be scattered.


Till now, when I remained attached to the tree, I was able to control myself.


When lightning was thundering from all sides,


My eyes started raining as soon as I got a little support.


Now, I used to get disturbed by the slightest sound.


My eyes started yearning for that love-filled eyes. ll


The garden is ruined without a gardener.


A slight wave of memories has tormented me.




Look at the generosity of the ocean. It absorbs the river within itself.


Whoever it meets, in whatever way it meets, it keeps it within itself.


It keeps growing silently in the joy of time.


Flowing alone, it wakes itself up from its loneliness.


Neither afraid of spreading nor afraid of spilling, it just smiles.


It seeks intensely and embraces with passion.


In the joy of meeting, it drenches itself in madness.


It maintains the lifelong friendship with love and affection.


Taking a stretch, the foolish keeps flowing towards the shore.


It spends the rest of its life happily in its own tune. ll



As soon as the eyes met, the piece of moon felt shy.


I got scared of the constant gestures and the innuendos.


The ghazals kept getting embellished with the words the whole night.


The beautiful bottles were overflowing in the gatherings.


I have been longing to hear a voice for so long.


And his silence for so long made me yearn.


I kept my eyes fixed on the road, hoping to see him somewhere.


I made him yearn by showing him a glimpse for a moment or two.


Whoever he is, he is true to his promise, where was he to come.


I kept my heart entertained for a moment or two.


Today, his mischief reached its limit.


Passing very close, I made my breaths wander.


We will go somewhere, but will definitely come back here.


I made my yearning heart understand.


My love, since so long, has come to rain in abundance. Love was showered to make us wet.

Kinaayan - Signs
