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Rain Flower - 5

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“You have become completely normal” Rose was still happy and got off from the bed. Her nakedness started making her feel embarrassed. My god, this man has got his full sense back. She too dressed herself fast.

“Who am I?”

She hurriedly turned towards him. He was in the chair clutching his head in both of his hands. “Why cannot I remember anything at all?” the frowns on his forehead became thickened even more.

Then she understood. She was mistaken. She was not completely successful. She could make him come to his senses but could not make him remember his past.

“Don’t force yourself to remember anything” putting her hand on his right shoulder she said.

“Who are you? Why did you make me do it to you like that?” knitting his brows together and looking into her face, he asked her.

“Not your enemy but your well wisher in all respects. Just calm yourself.” She too slumped herself in the other chair nearby to him.

“No, you must tell me. Who are you and why you are with me?” he was persistent.

“Why did not you ask this question before having me like an animal?” becoming herself little irritant, Rose asked him.

“No, I am sorry” he nodded his head helplessly. “I cannot remember anything, anything at all. I cannot remember even who I am. If you are in a position to help me, please do that.”

“I am sure in a position to help you and I help you. Just be patient.” Rose said.


 “I am sorry.” he said. “I should not have done this to you.”

It was nearly an hour or so after that incident. Both of them were still in the same room and she made him slept in that one hour. He said the above immediately after he woke up. The deep sleep of one hour or so relaxed him a lot and his face was calm now.

“Why you are thinking like that?” keeping her gaze on his face she asked him.

Instantly there was a frown on his forehead and a painful expression. “I don’t know.” He said. He was trying to remember again.

She got off from the chair she sat, went near to him, took his face into her hands and kissed on his lips. “Don’t worry. Everything of this happened with my consent and knowledge.”

 “I cannot understand anything.” There was lot of confusion in his face. “If I can remember anything I may understand.”

“Relax yourself. Don’t force yourself to remember anything.” Her hands were still around his neck.

“Please don’t keep me in dark. Tell me everything. Who I am? Why I am here? What exactly happened?” looking pleadingly into her face, he asked her.

She was thinking furiously whether it was better to tell him what made him mad like that or not.

“Your keeping me in suspense making me mad. Please tell me. Who are you and why you are with me? Are you my wife? Even before telling any of this, tell me who I am?”

Rose suddenly came to a decision, she nodded her head and said. “I tell you everything I know. But don’t excite yourself for anything. Just remember all the time your well wisher and your close friend I am here to help you in all respects.”

Then she released her hold from his neck, dragged a chair nearby to him and put herself in that. Then she told him who he was, how he was found in the old palace of his in an unconscious stage like that, how he remained mildly mad after he regained his consciousness, how he has been entrusted to her and why she made him do it to her. She told him everything she knew about him also.

“My god! You made me do that to you to bring me to my senses?” looking surprisingly into her face, he asked her.

“Absolutely for that, what else?” she threw her charming smile. “I always want success with my patients.”

He got off from the place he sat and said “So I am the son of great rich lady Margaret and I am the managing director of Mammooth.”

“Don’t you remember any of that still?” she clipped her lower lip between her teeth frames.

“Not even a little bit” he vehemently turned towards her and said. “That is what torturing me. The other thing which is torturing me even more is, why I have become mad like that in that room in that old palace?”

Rose released her lip, got off from the chair and came near to him. She took his right hand into her hands and squeezed it. “Do you agree that I am your well wisher?”     

He looked into her face and smiled “I agree that you are more than my well wisher.”

“Then don’t try to remember anything. Just leave it like that.” Looking assuredly into his eyes, she said.


“Marvelous! Wonderful! How you could get it happen? Madam Margaret is very much happy now.”

Rose felt more joyous seeing the happy expression on the face of her senior. But she knew very well the task has not completed yet.  

“You are still thinking a lot. What is it?” Charles inquired.

“We have not yet reached the required stage to feel full happy Charles. I am not thinking that our gentleman is out of problem completely.” The serious expression on her face was still intact.

“Oh, you are a pessimist Rose. You did this much. Remaining also you can accomplish. Don’t worry.” Charles assured her.

Despite her inside feelings Rose laughed. She knew her senior was worrying more than her and he knew more than about the treatment and other things. But he has a tendency to put the people at optimism at all times.

“Come. Madam Margaret is coming. We have to talk with her. She changed her opinion and now trusting us completely. I am going to leave everything to you. You have to talk with her.” Keeping his hand on her shoulder Charles said.

“No. You also must contribute, must have a share in whatever we are going to say. First of all I have to thank you for keeping trust like this on me.”

“I know you. I know about your capacity. If it was anyone else, the result would not have been like this. I am afraid, I too could not have a result like this. You must tell me the treatment you gave to him for this wonderful result, at a later point of time.”

Her cheeks blushed. Could she tell him what she did to Williams to cure him from that madness?

“Sure” She said with a smile.


 “First let me thank you both for your great help. I never have thought that I could see my son in this way again. Even he cannot remember the past, he is behaving in a normal way.” There was pleasure on the face of Margaret.

Charles and Rose looked at each other. “I must say one thing now here itself.” Charles said. “It is because of this psychiatrist your son has out of his madness. The whole credit in this regard must go to her.”

“It is not at all like that. It is never can be my own greatness. Unless my senior credited me with that much trust and put the case in my hand like that, I would not have done it like this. Moreover…………..” She paused for a moment before continuing. “………..Williams also cooperated with me a lot. Now also he is trying his level best to become completely normal again.”

“Yes, I have seen it in him. He is struggling a lot. You don’t know how he used to be before becoming like this. Quite active. A sports man. Vigorous. But….” Margaret smiled. “……..I cannot undermine your effort and intelligence in this. What your senior has said is true. The total credit must go to you.”

Rose felt embarrassed as she was praised like that. She could not think of what to say.

“But what I cannot understand is, why he became like that? He was just like a rice filled sack on the floor when I found him. The other important thing here is, even it is impertinent to you both, why he has come into that palace? Why he was in that room then? I could not understand! ” there were suddenly frowns on the face of Margaret.

“Why it is so? Why he has not been expected in that palace?” Charles asked her surprisingly.

“My husband died with heart attack in that palace. After that I left that palace and came into the house we are now living in. Lot of rumors sprouted regarding that palace afterwards. People started hearing strange sounds from that palace. They started saying that my husband has been wandering in that palace as a devil! They are all rumors and none of them are true.” She stopped and looked into the eyes of Rose and Charles.

“So it has become a haunted and desolated palace. My children are not having any feelings about the palace. They seldom go into it. But only I visit the palace as it associated with my husband’s memories.” After a pause she said again.

“So, the billion dollars question is why your son went to that palace and into that room then?” Charles said.

“Yes, you are right.” Margaret nodded her head.

“How it has happened that you went into that palace at that time?” Rose could not restrain herself from asking that question.

“I already said that my husband’s memories were there to me. It is the place where my husband and I spent our time so happily for more than three years. Even it is painful to me to go to that palace, to remember those sweetest things, I do go there sometimes. So it has happened like that I went to that palace then.” She paused for a moment before continuing “I cannot say what would have happened if I did not go there at that time. Quite accidentally I have decided to go there at that time.”

Rose was about to say something but then Margaret said again. “Thank God! I went there then. Otherwise when my son could be found and what would have happened to him I cannot think!”

“For how long your son was there like that?” Rose intervened.

“I went there eleven thirty in the morning. I have seen my son going out at eight thirty from the house. It takes twenty minutes to go there in a car. If we assume that my son was in that house from nine, it would be two and half hours.” Margaret said. “Anyhow it could not be known for how long he was unconscious like that there.”

Charles and Rose did not say anything. 

“But I want to know why it has happened like that. Things like this happen to people sometimes? Is there a chance that the same thing may happen to my son again? I just cannot bear if anything like this happens to him once more.” Her face was clouded with fear.

Charles and Margaret once again looked at each other’s faces. “Initially we have thought it was because of some chemical reaction or brain cells disturbance or lack of oxygen. Physically your son’s brain is quite nice. There is no trace of any disturbance even a little physically to your son’s brain. Medical reports so far proved that.” Charles paused for a moment observing the expression on the face of Margaret. Margaret was still appearing anxious.

“No one attacked physically your son. There are no body injuries to him.” Charles said again.

“Then what would have happened?”

“Difficult to say, but my best guess is he might have seen or heard or did both of something which upset him a lot and led to that mild madness.” Rose said

“But there was no chance that he could see or hear something unusual there.” Margaret said

“That is why I said difficult to say.”

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)