Numerous health benefits of Aloo Bukhara in English Health by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | Numerous health benefits of Aloo Bukhara

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Numerous health benefits of Aloo Bukhara

Aloo Bukhara, Aloo ,Plum and Prunes are the name of same fruit.In this article we will be interchangeably use these names.
English name of the Aloo Bukhara or Aloo fruit is"Plum."'
Whereas Prunes are actually the dried version of European plums and hence Prunes are also known as dried plum. In India, the plums (both dried and fresh) are known as Alu Bukhara in Hindi.
The name Aaloo Bukhara is linked to the city of Bukhara, one of the most famous in Uzbekistan.
Aloo Bukhara' as it derives 'Aloo' from Persian for plum and 'Bukhara' indicating the source from the Balkan region mostly Uzbekistan.
In India,their primary producers are Uttarakhand Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir .With a production of 34.84 thousand tonnes and a national share of 44.40%, Uttarakhand is the first state with the most plum production in India.
Plums are edible fruits with great nutritional value. China, India, and Serbia are three top producers of plum in the world.
In 2019, global production of plums was 12.6 million tonnes, led by China with 56% of the world total Romania and Serbia were secondary produce.
China is the top producing country accounting for 6,663,165 tons followed by Romania with 512,975 tons and Serbia with 463,115 tons.
China is the world's biggest plum producer in the world, producing nearly 7 million tons every year. Like many large countries, China features a wide variety of different climates, geography types, and landscapes, many of which are just right for abundant plum production.
Plum cultivation requires less water. Therefore, berry is cultivated in areas with less rainfall and in dry climate. It does not cost much to cultivate plum and farmers get good profits. So it is beneficial for the farmers.

The Indian Plum produces small, beautiful, white flowers in early March that become pendant with the lengthening days. The flowers and leaves have a rich almond fragrance. The small fruits are a deep purple in color.
It is a sweet, juicy summer fruit that helps to keep one's health strong and powerful.
Plum is a beautiful colored fruit that belongs to the Rosacea family. Rosacea also includes other fruits like peaches and almonds.

Colour of plums:
Skin color of plums changes from green to yellow, red, purple, blue, or black. Greengage plums remain green, but may develop yellow highlights when ripe.
The fruit of plum is green, red, purple, yellow in colour and it appears ball-shaped. It is rich in anti-oxidants, polyphenols and carotenoid compounds.
The yellow plum, also known as lemon plum, is a small, round, yellow specialty plum available from South America. The fruit is smaller than a regular plum.

Red plums have sweet, juicy flesh with slightly tart skins, while black plums have a more sour taste with sweet skin. If you prefer sweet fruit, red plums should be your go-to choice. While if you like a slight tartness, black plums will do just fine!

Sweetest plums:
Mirabelle plums are one of the sweetest accessible plum species. Yellow and soft, they often find their way into jellies, jams, and plum pies. Greengage plums and Santa Rosa plums are also among the sweetest plums you can buy.

.When pruned, the fruit is a drupe, with a firm and juicy flesh.
China the largest producer of plums, followed by Romania and Serbia. Japanese or Chinese plums dominate the fresh fruit market, while European plums are also common in some regions. Plums can be eaten fresh, dried to make prunes, used in jams, or fermented into wine and distilled into brandy.

Plum kernels contain cyanogenic glycosides, but the oil made from them is not commercially available.

In terms of nutrition, raw plums are 87% water, 11% carbohydrates, 1% protein, and less than 1% fat. They are a moderate source of vitamin C but do not contain significant amounts of other micronutrients.

Plums are a diverse group of species. The commercially important plum trees are medium-sized, usually pruned to 5–6 metres (16–20 ft) height. The tree is of medium hardiness. Without pruning, the trees can reach 12 metres (39 ft) in height and spread across 10 metres (33 ft).
They blossom in different months in different parts of the world; for example, in about January in Taiwan and early April in the United Kingdom.
Fruits are usually of medium size, between 2–7 cm in diameter, globose to oval. The flesh is firm and juicy. The fruit's peel is smooth, with a natural waxy surface that adheres to the flesh. The plum is a drupe, meaning its fleshy fruit surrounds a single hard fruit stone which encloses the fruit's seed.There are several species of plums.
Prune (prunus domestica) is the dried state of the plum obtained from the European plum species. In order for the plum variety to be dried into prunes, the firm-fleshed plum of the Prunus domestica species with a high soluble solid content that doesn't ferment at the time of drying is needed.

Take full advantage of it while the plum season is still on! .Aloo or Plums are available in Indian market in plenty during monsoon season and is preferred in fast .

Way of eating plums:
An adult can eat 4 to 6 fresh plums in a day depending on how big the fruits are. Children however should eat only 2 to 3 plums a day.
Aloo Bukhara is best eaten either in the morning or in the afternoon.Plums that is Aloo Bukhara can be eaten as a whole fruit .It can be used to make jams, wines, and dried plums ( prunes).
You can eat one Aloo Bukhara and be done for the day health if you eat it as part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Eating Aloo Bukhara can help you keep your weight steady and fight diabetes and obesity. It lowers cholesterol, improves the quality and flow of blood, and helps keep the heart healthy.
Avoid drinking water after eating fruits: because it causes interruption with the absorption and digestive process in the stomach that would eventually cause acidity. With this, people feel sick and nauseous after eating fruits.
It is recommended to drink water at least an hour after eating.
Skin is edible, but if you want raw plums without the skin, drop into into boiling water for around 15 seconds, then plunge immediately into cold water.
Soak dried plum that is prunes in water overnight. Heat a saucepan at low medium flame, add soaked prunes .Mash the prunes using a masher, so they open up and cook faster. Add roasted cumin powder, red chilli powder and salt to taste.
Aloo Bukhara is mostly used for consumption. It may be consumed directly as fruit, or is sometimes used in the preparation of other dishes. It may be used in fruit salads. Dried fruits are sometimes used for their medicinal benefits.

*Benefits of eating Aloo or plums :
Eating Aloo Bukhara helps to maintain body weight and combats diabetes and obesity. It lowers cholesterol, improves blood circulation and quality, and helps to maintain proper heart health. It also improves vision, helps to maintain proper digestive health, and helps to keep a healthy glowing, and vibrant skin.

(1) Lowers Cholesterol Level: Plums are commonly consumed in food. Plums include soluble fibre, which lowers cholesterol levels and stops the liver from producing cholesterol. Bile is created by cholesterol and is absorbed by the soluble fibre

(2) Low GI and low GL fruit for diabetics:
Plums have a low glycaemic index and also contain sorbitol which helps in lowering the levels of glucose in the blood. If yout.or someone you know is suffering from diabetes, avoid using any herb or fruit without consulting your healthcare provider.
For diabetic patients, plums can be included in moderation as part of a well-balanced meal plan. The high fiber content in plums can help slow down the digestion and absorption of sugars, which can be beneficial for blood sugar control.
Plums are low in sugar One cup contains 16 grams compared to 1 cup of grapes which has 23 grams and therefore also low on the glycemic index, meaning they have only a small effect on blood sugar.
Plums have a glycemic index of 35 and a glycemic load of 3.9. This makes plums a low GI and GL food- ideal for people with diabetes and weight loss journey.

(3) Helps maintain cardiovascular health. The fruit is rich in antioxidants called" Anthocyanins" that help prevent cell damage. It also helps in checking cholesterol oxidation.

(4) Helps to reduce oxidative stress:
Furthermore, polyphenolic compounds such as cryptoxanthin, lutein, etc., help reduce oxidative stress in the cells Oxidative stress on the cells is lessened by these compounds.
It is also recommended eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants such as Plums , Prunes, berries and raisins as they may helping to counteract the oxidative stress

(5) For weight loss:
Using Aloo Bukhara as a snack is a good way of getting nutrients in the diet. Because of its low calorie and high fiber content, it helps the digestive system and digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as making you feel full for a longer time. Both of these properties will help you lose
body weight.

(6) Alteration in liver function by use of prunes may have clinical relevance in appropriate cases and prunes might prove beneficial in hepatic disease..According to the phytochemical analysis test results, plums (Prunus salicina Lindl) contain anthocyanins, quercetin, and carotenoids. Quercetin is part of a flavonoids compound that has been shown to reduce triglyceride levels which can prevent liver damage.

(7) Blood pressure regulation: Plums are high in potassium and low in sodium and cholesterol. Flavonoids and anthocyanins also promote the health of your blood vessels, help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and may lower the risk of problems such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, and stroke.

(8)Aloo Bukhara helps in constipation.Plums are rich in dietary fibre. The compounds such as sorbitol and isatin, found in plums help to maintain bowel movements and regulate smooth flow. Sorbitol is a natural laxative that assists the large intestine to absorb water and stimulate bowel movement, thereby relieving constipation.

(9) Aloo Bukhara helps in better vision::
Plums have a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin A, in them.
Vitamin A is important for healthy eyes and clear vision, and it also protects against macular degeneration. Zeaxanthin is found in a lot of Aloo Bukhara. Plums not only keep the membrane that lines the eye healthy, but they also protect our eyes from the damage UV light can do..

(10)Skin benefits of plums:
Fruits with a lot of colour, like aloo bukhara or plum, can make us look better. Because it is high in antioxidants, it can fight the signs of ageing, make our skin look younger, and lessen scars. Plums can also help your body heal, which makes your skin look young and healthy.

(11) Plums are good for bone health as it contains high levels of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium
Plums are good for bone health, especially for women who have gone through menopause.Vitamin K in plums can stop bone loss in women who are going through menopause. In addition to vitamin K, it has a lot of phenolic and flavonoids compounds, which can stop bone loss. Aloo Bukhara also has boron in it, which is an important part of the process of ossification and helps keep the bone density and general health of the bones.

(12) Aloo Bukhara kills cancer cells:
Plums, also known as Aloo Bukhara, can help prevent cancer, especially cancers of the breast, digestive tract, and lungs. Anthocyanins, which are reddish-blue pigments in this tasty fruit, protect against cancer by getting rid of the free radicals that are present. Plums have a lot of vitamin A, which is known to protect against cancer of the mouth and teeth. Plums are especially good at keeping breast cancer from happening. Aloo Bukhara's antioxidants and phytonutrients stop breast cancer cells from growing, but they don't kill healthy cells.

(13)Aloo Bukhara makes blood flow better:
Plums and prunes help the body absorb iron better than most other foods. This is possible because this fruit has a lot of vitamin C. The iron in Aloo Bukhara is very good for making erythrocytes , which are red blood cells. It makes the body's blood flow better and keeps anaemia from happening.
(14) Plums are good for hemoglobin:
The iron present in the fruit also purifies your blood and hemoglobin carries oxygen to all the parts.
Prune juice (Juice of dried plums) is an awesome plant-based drink to raise haemoglobin levels
Plums are also rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that also helps the body produce collagen. In addition, vitamin C increases the body's absorption of iron in the diet and helps the immune system work properly. Plums and prunes are good sources of fiber.

*Side-Effects and allergies of Aloo Bukhara:
Over consumption of these fruits can lead to certain complications.Plums contain oxalic acid, which can crystallize and form stones in the urinary tract due to over eating and low consumption of water. People with kidney issues should moderate their plum intake due to their oxalate content. Overconsumption may interfere with certain medications.
Plum might cause stomach issues like gas and diarrhea.Eating too many can lead to diarrhea and GI issues.
Excessive consumption may lead to digestive discomfort, particularly in those with sensitive stomachs.
If dried plums or pits are swallowed whole, they might block the intestines .
Side Effects of Plum include Upper respiratory tract infections, Bronchitis, Anemia, Hypoglycemia , Edema.

Enjoy a plum and get all the great health benefits plums have to offer and stay healthy.

Information compiled by Dr.