When Wife Turns Out Sister - 3 in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | When Wife Turns Out Sister - 3

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When Wife Turns Out Sister - 3

                                             Concluding Part 3      When Wife Turns Out Sister 

Note - So far you read two strangers Manon and Andre meet in a college . They love each other and get married . They were blessed with two kids , a son and a daughter . Their kids enquired about their grandparents and insisted to find them out . Manon and Andre proceeded to trace their roots but the result shocked them .  Now read further ….

Next day both Manon and Andre left for another fertility clinic . It was situated on the Belgian border . They checked  into a hotel . There Manon scrolled through the telephone directory . She got the new phone number and address of the clinic . She  called the number also but it was late evening and the clinic was closed . “

Next day both reached the front desk  of the clinic .  After introducing herself Manon asked the daily at the counter “ I want to speak to the supervisor in charge . Where can I meet her ? “ 

The lady pointed to the last window and said “ She is there . “  Both Manon and Andre went to the last window . An old lady was sitting there . When she saw them she asked “ Good morning , how can I help you ? “

After formal introduction Manon showed her the old half worn out certificate of the clinic . “ 

The Old  lady picked up her glasses , wearing them up. She looked repeatedly at Manon and asked “ Well, what do you want from me ? “

“ I want to know the name of the biological father of Margot’s child . “ 

“ But that’s illegal . Moreover Margot delivered a boy . You are not a boy . “  The old lady scratched her head and said “ Are you the first baby of Margot . I faintly remember her face .” 

Manon got excited and asked a bit loudly “ Do you know Margot ?” 

Andre was sitting closely in the waiting lobby .Hearing  Manon’s voice he got up and came to the window . The old lady at the window started looking up at him repeatedly after cleaning her glasses . Mamon asked “ Why are you behaving so ? He is my husband Andre . “ 

“ Your faces are quite alike . “   she replied gently but her face became serious 

Tjem Manon requested her repeatedly to disclose the name of the biological father of Margot’s second kid . “ 

“ I don’t know and even if I know I should not tell you. “ 

“ Please mam . “

“ I don’t know why , but I have developed a soft corner for you . I was present when Margot breathed her last . Before dying she did tell me she already had a daughter . She was crying - both my kids would become orphans . I remember Andre was adopted by one  Mr. Sousa . That’s why he has different surname otherwise Margot would have given him also her name .” 

After a couple of minutes of silence the old lady said “ Let me note down the reference number from your certificate . “ 

After noting it down she said to Manon “ I will try to help you but it’s top secret . I might get fired at the fag end of my carrier if caught . You me at night at my home .’” She gave a card to Manon 

When Manon and Andre met the supervisor lady of the clinic in the night , she said “ Welcome . Would you like some drinks ? “

“ No , thanks . We want to come straight to the point .  “ said both 

“ No , problem . Here it is .  I have taken a photo from the original records . I can just show you can’t let you copy or shoot it . “  Just look at  it carefully , you can note the name of the donor , that’s it . “ 

Here also the donor was same - Frederick de Souza 

After looking at the photo both started looking at each other and became very serious and sad . 

“ I knew  when you know the result , it won’t make you happy . I was in doubt from the moment you introduced your husband Andre . But this Frederick may be different from the other Frederick , donor in Manon’s case . Don’t get disheartened . Your mom may be the same  but if there were two Fredericks then you are safe . Your similarities of face may be due to Margot being mother of both of you . Manon will be three years older than her hubby , that’s it . It doesn’t matter at all .. “ 

“ What should we do to be sure about Fredericks ?” asked Manon 

“  Both of You will need to get DNA matching done with Frederick’s .  I can help you in Anfre’s case who was delivered here .” 

The DNA of Andre was matched with that of Fredrick. Both matched very closely . So Frederck was the biological father of Andre . 

Then both went back to the first clinic . There also with great efforts Manon succeeded in her DNA test with that of Frederick , donor in her case . Here also DNA of Frederick and Manon matched closely .  

They met the DNA expert and asked “ What to do in our case ? “

“ I will suggest both of you get your DNAs tested. Then I can tell you confidently . “

DNA of Manon and Andre were tested . They also matched more than 60% , which meant there were siblings . 

When both met the doctor he said “  It's very shocking to know that both your biological parents are the same  and your own DNAs also match significantly . It means you are biological siblings even though you have been living as a husband and wife for the past several years  . It’s a very strange story .“ 

“ What should we do now at this stage ? “ 

“ That’s up to you both what relationship you would have onwards . But think carefully and seriously . You can get advice from an attorney and also from the Father of your local church . “ 

Both met Father and explained the whole truth . There was a pin drop silence in the room . Both Manon and Andre kept their heads down in disgust and shame .  The Father  said “ Look up . Whatever you did in the past , you  have done it unknowingly . Whatever good or bad , moral or immoral , sin or evil done was done with God's will , at least I can say that . “ 

Both Andre looked up with wet eyes .  The Father said again “ You need not be ashamed for what you did unknowingly .  but now you have the facts about what will be your future relationship , you have to decide very carefully .Morally you should no longer live as a couple .  “

“ What should we tell our children ? “  asked Andre 

“ Let the truth  be unknown to them , keep mum on this topic . You live your normal life except no longer as a couple . For any legal aspect you can consult your attorney , if you like .” 

When they met their attorney and explained the whole story , he said “ You have not committed anything wrong or sin till yesterday . But after this fact is known to you , the law of the land doesn’t permit you to live as a couple. You were a couple but now you are siblings . You too are well educated and know moral and legal aspects . “

“ What to tell our kids ? “ both  asked 

“ No new story . Just keep silence on this issue and continue your family life as I said above. “   said attorney 

“ We are feeling deeply ashamed . “ 

“ Oh, forget all that happened . You are not the only couple who have faced a similar awkward situation . There are several donors like Frederick . Such donors don’t know how many their kids exist on the earth . Only recently I have read the story of a professional donor who has donated more than 140 times . Just think , no surprise if a similar case like yours comes to light in near future . Just go back home and relax . “ 

Both Andre and Manon nodded their heads in agreement and left . On the way back they were thinking why people used to look at them with surprise . 


Note - The story is a Fiction .