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Rain Flower - 4

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“He was found lying face down in a room of their palace. That palace was not in use for a long time only his mother visits it occasionally. He never shows much interest to go into that palace. Why he was in that room in that palace at that time no one can understand. But…..….” He paused again for a moment and Rose found the serious expression in his face was intensified even more. “……….he was unconscious and they tried to take him into this world, I mean, to his senses again. He opened his eyes but to all their utter shock just remained staring at them. He is still staring like that. For the last two days there is no change. There is not even recognition in his gaze. It is just blank gaze. He is breathing and there is life in him, that is all. He became mild mad.”

Her mind reached a conclusion on the patient’s condition.

“What do you suggest?” Charles asked her.

“First, we try to guess, what would have made him mad like this?”

“We don’t come across a case like this till now. What you are thinking that might be?” Charles always liked her questioning and inquisitive nature.

“Difficult to say.” She paused for a moment. “First I recommend complete brain scan. Sometimes because of brain nerves damage or by lack of oxygen to the brain a situation like this happens.”

Charles chortled loudly and said. “Are you thinking none of the scans, tests have taken place so far. This boy is a richest person in our country. He is the managing director of the giant company the Mammooth. He is the son of the great and richest lady Madam Margaret. First he has been taken to a famous hospital and they recommend us to her. All brain tests etc. have been conducted and there is no wrong so far with his brain.”

Rose remained silent thinking furiously. ‘If there is nothing wrong with the brain, what it could have been then? What caused the madness like that to him?’

  “He might have had seen something that shocked him and made him mad like that.” After few seconds pause, she deduced.

“But there was nothing to see in that place. His mother first found him. There was nothing unnatural there. There was no chance that he had seen something shocking there and became mad like that.”

She nodded her head helplessly. “Then it is difficult to say.” She paused for a moment and knitted her brows.  “Anyhow why do we bother what made him mad like that? Our present task is how to make him usual again.”

“You are absolutely right. Why do we bother about that point? Her mother Margaret also not interested in knowing what made him mad like that but wants him to be normal again as soon as possible. “

Rose remained silent observing her senior’s face minutely. At that time only they both were in his chamber.

“What is your opinion? What type of treatment you do suggest at this stage?”

“I have to see him first and assess his situation. Before that I cannot suggest anything at all.”


Rose startled when she had seen Williams. Knowing his condition she expected him in some unattractive way. But, even in his madness also, Williams appeared quite handsome to her.  Seeing his muscled body she understood that he was a sportsman.

There was no reaction in him at all when they were touched him. “How it would be if we administer electric shocks in a mild way?” Charles suggested.

“No. I am quite against that treatment. That does not give good result at all.” She said.

“His mother is a very rich lady and influential person. If we cannot cure him fast, she would change him to some other mental care.”

Rose looked sharply into the eyes of her senior. “That cannot change anything. It does take as much time as it needs. I am feeling confident that I can make him normal. But……...” She paused for a moment. “………I need time.”

“I am having confidence on you Rose. Alright. I am handing over this case completely to you. But it is your responsibility to make him normal in as minimum time as possible.”

She made a complacent smile. “Thanks for the confidence on me.  I put all my efforts to make this boy usual as fast as possible.”

Then they came out of that place, discussed some more time and Charles told her about Williams and his mother Margaret as much as he knew.


Rose once again observed Williams for more than an hour in all respects to come to an opinion in what condition he was. Despite his dormant mental condition at that time also as it has been before, he appeared quite attractive to her. When she arrived at a satisfactory conclusion what to do with him she met her senior again and they both discussed the matter once more at length. Then they met the Williams’ mother Madam Margaret. They explained everything in detail to her.

“It has become difficult to us to know what made him mad like this. As per the scans and other tests there is no problem with his brain and nothing has happened to it. It is in fine fettle then and now also.” Charles paused for a moment. “Should we focus on the point to know what made him mad like this?”

“That is irrelevant to me for the present.” There was anxiety in the face of Margaret. “What all I want now is my son should become his usual self, that cheerful one. Tell me what should we do to make him so?”

“It is something difficult to elaborate now.” Charles looked at Rose who sat beside him. “I have entrusted your son’s case to this Dr.Rose who is an efficient psychiatrist. She told me with confidence that she can make your son his usual self just in one month.”

“Yes, I can.” With a frown on her face which was insinuating her confidence inside, Rose said. “But I cannot explain now what I am going to do. Just leave your son to me. I do give him in a very better condition to you.”

“I do that.” Margaret immediately said. “Take the time you said. But make my boy good. I always do remember you.”

“You need not say this. In fact we both shall be grateful to you to give us this opportunity to treat your son.” Charles said.

“How much I have to pay for this?” she asked directly and immediately. There was a regretting expression on her face for putting it bluntly like that. “Just remember, money is the last concern to me when it comes to my son’s treatment. Luckily we have had more than enough to expend for anything and however much amount I have to expend, I don’t think twice if it is for my son. Just name it and I would give that much to you.”

“I tell you how much it is, after making your son in all respects good.” Charles said.

Margaret nodded her head and put her hand into her handbag which she was carrying then.  She took out a cheque book and torn a leaf from it. Once again she put her hand into the bag and this time it came out with a pen. Fastly she scribbled something on the cheque, signed on it and gave it to Charles.

“It is just token advance. We shall decide how much I have to pay once my son completely recovered.”

Charles’s mouth immediately dried after seeing the figure on the cheque. It was one crore rupees!


Rose started her treatment. She used all the techniques to make him normal. Even this type of case was new to her, she felt confident that she could deal with it and make Williams normal. But even after twenty days were consumed, there was no positive effect at all.

“I cannot understand what is happening” Charles got irritated. “I thought you sure can get the result. Even after twenty days we have got no result.”

“I am trying my level best.” Rose did not know what to say.

“I can understand.” Charles nodded his head. “But Madam Margaret is getting impatient. That is also understandable, is it is not?”

“Of course, I can understand her.”   Rose was helpless.

“I know you are competent. I know you are trying your level best. But…..” he paused for a moment, leaned back in the chair and breathed deeply. “We cannot keep him with us for more than another ten days. We have to have some positive result. Otherwise they do change him from here to somewhere else.”

“I don’t let such a situation arises. You just feel relaxed.” There was firmness in her voice again. Suddenly and surprisingly she felt confident. She could not understand how she had given a promise like that.


He was staring ahead, occasionally blinking, breathing, eating when fed by other people, completing other daily necessities with the help of other people. He was just like dead in all other aspects. There was no recognition, no remembrance, no perception. 

She did not feel any frustration or irritation as she had felt in the last one week or so. Went straight to him and looked into his face.

“You are playing with me, are not you? You are thinking that I cannot make you normal? You want me face defeat? No, never.” There was no one else except them both then. Intentionally she made it like that. She came there with a perfect plan and she was confident that it sure would work.

She kissed on his lips. A small, smooth kiss. It was not the first time she kissed like that an young man but she felt his kiss different! His lips were like cold meat to her. But there was a thrill to her which she could not understand. She looked into his eyes again, they blinked as usual. Nothing more.

Rose did not feel disappointment. She unbuttoned his shirt and exposed his bare chest. She was still staring into his eyes without blinking and kissed on his lips again feeling the same thrill she felt before. Either his mild mad state or non-reaction did not prevent her thrill feeling which she was having by interacting sexually with a young man even it was not the first time to her. After failing in all the other ways, there came an idea in her mind to make him normal and to make him his usual self again and she wanted to follow that. There might be mild mad cases like these before, but treatment of this sort, she was thinking was the first time.

She did not know how much Williams remembered what has happened between them both on that day in that confines but she remembered each and everything very well. At first she could not see any response, she thought and regretted that it was all just silly and never would work. But when she advanced onto him playing with his body to arouse him, he started reacting making her heart speed increasing with anticipation and thrill. Surprisingly that response was primitive, brutal and savaging! At one moment while he was completely euphoric in having her in that brutal way, she could see a change in his facial expression, some recognition in his eyes. She diligently worked on him making him more and more euphoric and ecstatic with her body. She had it with guys even before she became a woman and afterwards also and has a perfect idea on sex. She did not know what exactly worked but he said after he relaxed having that abundant pleasure “My god! It is just like that”

She could not find boundaries to her happiness. She kept her hands like that around his neck on the king size bed and kissed on his both cheeks perfunctorily. “You talked! You just now talked! My technique worked!” she laughed like a child.

“Who are you?” he abruptly released himself from her and got off from the bed.

“You talked again!” Rose was still like a child with the same happiness.

“Just shut up. You did not answer my question.” Then he suddenly found himself completely naked and he hurriedly dressed himself.       

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)