Letter to a Dad from Daughter… in English Letter by Hitakshi Buch books and stories PDF | Letter to a Dad from Daughter…

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Letter to a Dad from Daughter…

With the purpose of confessing I am writing this mail to you. Dad I know you maybe surprised when this mail. But sometime things which you can’t say, that you can able to express more effectively through this communication tool.

Ok now let me come to the point. I know you like straight talks. It’s been one month of my marriage today. After coming here today is the first day when I feel helpless. Yes you read correct. And you know the reason also. You are aware that I am happy here and doesn’t have any problem, but today I need you. Yes Dad its first day today. You know much pain I used to have on first day.

When I had a word about my periods to Paritosh (Husband), he just smiled and said it’s a natural process. You have to deal with it. Dad why can’t he understand the way you used to ? He is also… Anyways. And when I told how we used to discuss about my periods, he laughed at me and said how you could talk about this to your Dad.

Dad I was doing anything wrong ? I never thought periods can be seen from gender issue. You remember when I admitted in hospital and the same day I had a period ? I still remember the way you explain to nurse. (She went into flash back)

Daughter : Dad, My period started. Can you please help ? Can you bring sanitary napkins from pharmacy ?

 Dad : Yes beta, off course. Give me 10 minutes. ( He went and brought sanitary napkins. When he gave to his daughter nurse said)

Nurse : Madam, how could you ask about this to your father ? He is a male. You should not ask like this.

Daughter : Why ? what is wrong in this ? He know about my period cycle and even he is aware what kind of problem I face.

Nurse : Madam, where is your mother ? she is….

Dad : No No she is very much alive. (He understood when nurse was asking about his wife)

Nurse : Sir…

Dad : Nurse, you are right at your place. But I feel we have to break this so-called wrong notions. This is wrong from every angle. Because of this in society many daughters cannot come forward and don’t talk about her health issues. They have been taught not to open mouth when it comes to their personal health and hygiene. I feel its rubbish. When we can talk to our wife about periods and reproductive process, than why can’t with daughters.

In fact I believe every father should free in this aspect, so daughters can share their problem and able to discussed openly without any fear. This restrictions prevails only in Indian society. Go and see in western countries, there daughters can able to discuss many things with father, brother. Even they talk about physical barriers and relationships. When we accept the way they are, than why can’t we accept our daughters doing this?

Most importantly periods is not a wrong notion. It’s a physical change which makes you woman from girl. Period is not a crime. It is a natural process with every girl. Look at as a scientific way, not as a social stigma. Bring a napkin for wife is justified right ? Than why not for daughter ? When every father explain whole process of periods and why it is necessary in any woman’s life, it become easy for daughters to understand. In which book says that this kind of knowledge only mothers can give ? I am open with my daughter and that is the reason she never feels shy when she needs medical advice for herself. When daughter delivered a baby, father feels proud. But with that it is his equal duty to support in the journey once she conceived.  

Nurse : Sir, I think you are saying right. Every father should think like you. Hats off to you both.

(She realise her fingers were not typing anything. She smiled and started typing mail again.)

Dad I feel proud that you are my father. We share such a bond that I can tell anything and everything. Thank you so much for being there for me. Ya Ya I know you told me what to do when cramps comes. I will take medicine also and if feels will call you to talk. Be with me like this ever.

Love You Dad, 
