Eternal Flames: A Love Unfinished in English Love Stories by Abhijit Chakraborty books and stories PDF | Eternal Flames: A Love Unfinished

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Eternal Flames: A Love Unfinished

"I cannot grant you this permission," the Judge declared firmly.

"Why not? Is it a crime to live together?" Tina cried out in desperation, her voice shaking with emotion.

"Living together isn't a crime," the Judge replied with a sigh, "but you cannot live with your friend Sanjeev. That is the court's decision."

Tina broke down in tears, memories of every moment spent with Sanjeev flooding her mind. Sanjeev wasn't just a friend; he was everything to her. He had proposed marriage to her several times, but Tina always put him off, as she wanted to focus on her studies. Now, she regretted every moment of hesitation.

Despite her heartfelt pleas, the Judge remained unmoved, leaving her behind in despair.

This story begins at college, where Tina first met Sanjeev while pursuing her master's degree. Sanjeev was the head of the student union, and a charismatic leader known for his intelligence and kindness. Tina, new to the college, sought his help during the admission process, and from that day on, they became good friends. Sanjeev excelled in his studies, and so did Tina. Although Sanjeev was her senior, they both shared a passion for learning, which strengthened their bond.

After classes, they would meet at the college canteen every day, discussing their studies and exchanging ideas. Their friends often teased them, calling them "bookworms" because of their intense focus on academics.

One day, Sanjeev didn’t come to college, and Tina, feeling an unusual sense of worry, searched frantically for him. After making numerous inquiries, she found out from their common friend that Sanjeev was very ill and had been hospitalized. Tina, who had grown close to Sanjeev's mother, Kamala Devi, over time, would visit her every Sunday to be by her side.

As the days passed, Tina realized just how special Sanjeev was to her. The feelings she had been ignoring for so long could no longer be denied. She had fallen deeply in love with him and was finally ready to accept his marriage proposal. But when she arrived at college to share her feelings, she was met with terrible news. Without wasting any time, she rushed to Sanjeev's home to see his mother.

Kamala Devi was waiting anxiously at home, her face lined with worry. She had raised Sanjeev with great love and care after his father passed away when he was just ten years old, succumbing to blood cancer—a disease that had afflicted every male in their family.

Seeing Tina, Kamala Devi felt a bit relieved. In her heart, she had already accepted Tina as her daughter-in-law. Tina hugged her tightly and broke down in tears.

"What’s wrong, my dear? Have you fallen in love with him?" Kamala Devi asked softly, her voice tinged with concern.

Tina nodded and began to cry even harder, her emotions overwhelming her.

Kamala Devi grew concerned but composed herself and asked, "Have you eaten anything since morning?"

"No, Aunty," Tina replied through her tears, her voice barely a whisper.

"Sit down; I’ll get you something," Kamala Devi said, but just as she was about to get up, her phone rang. She walked towards the kitchen, talking on the phone, her expression growing more tense with every passing second.

Tina sat alone, lost in thoughts of Sanjeev. She was completely absorbed in his memories, feeling his absence more acutely with each passing moment.

"Who are you missing so much?" A voice startled her. She opened her eyes to find Sanjeev sitting in the chair beside her, looking as healthy as ever.

"How did you get here?" she asked, confused by his sudden appearance.

"Why? I walked here," he replied with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"I mean, weren’t you in the hospital?" she questioned, her heart racing.

"Yes, but they discharged me, so I came home," Sanjeev said, his tone reassuring.

Seeing him, Tina couldn't hold back her emotions anymore. She hugged him tightly and started crying.

"Don't ever leave me. I can’t live without you," she sobbed, her voice muffled against his chest.

"What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?" Sanjeev asked, gently wiping her tears. "I’m fine, Tina. There’s nothing to worry about."

"I proposed marriage to you several times, but you kept putting it off," Sanjeev teased.

"I’ve realized how much you mean to me. I’m ready to marry you now," she confessed, her voice trembling with sincerity.

Hearing this, Sanjeev’s eyes filled with tears. The emotions he had been holding back for so long were finally overwhelming him. He began to cry loudly, and the sound jolted Tina from her reverie. She glanced around, only to find Sanjeev's mother in tears. Sanjeev was nowhere to be seen.

"What went wrong, Aunty? Why are you crying?" Tina asked, her voice trembling. Kamala Devi's face was ashen, and her grief was palpable, casting a dark shadow over the room.

"Tina, my dear, there's something you need to know," Kamala Devi said, her voice barely audible as she sat down beside her.

Tina looked at her, confused. "What happened, Aunty? Why are you crying?" she asked, her heart sinking with dread.

Kamala Devi explained that the phone call was from the hospital. Sanjeev had been suffering from blood cancer, just like his father, but he didn’t know it. The disease had progressed to its final stage, and he had passed away just moments ago. Some of his friends were bringing his body back from the hospital.

The ground seemed to slip from under Tina’s feet. She was in shock, unable to comprehend the reality of the situation. She collapsed. Kamala Devi gave her some water, helping her regain consciousness. After she regained her senses, tears streamed down her face.

A while later, Sanjeev’s lifeless body arrived from the hospital. By that time, Tina's parents had also reached Sanjeev's home. Seeing Sanjeev's lifeless form, Kamala Devi broke down, her sobs filling the room. But not a single tear fell from Tina’s eyes. She seemed to have turned to stone, unable to process the enormity of her loss. In her mind, Sanjeev was still alive, standing beside his dead body, smiling like he always did. He was trying to let her know that he was alive. Tina could see him wandering here and there with her open eyes.

As preparations began to take Sanjeev’s body to the cremation ground, Tina refused to let them take him away. She demanded that they leave the body with her.

"My love is still alive. Nothing has happened to him. I will marry him right now," she declared, taking a box of vermillion and filling her hairline in front of Sanjeev’s body. Seeing this, neither Kamala Devi nor Tina’s parents tried to stop her, realizing that Tina’s mental state had deteriorated. Tina insisted on keeping Sanjeev's body with her. Being aware of her mental condition, no one attempted to stop her, and she was allowed to keep the body with her.

Despite their efforts to keep the body from decaying, it eventually started to decompose. When the stench began to spread through the neighbourhood, a concerned neighbour filed a complaint to the police.

When the police took Sanjeev’s body away, Tina went to the police station, pleading to bring him back. When that proved impossible, she begged the court for help. The Judge ruled, "The body cannot be kept at home. It must be cremated immediately."

This judgment was the final blow to Tina. Her last hope was being taken away from her. She watched in horror as the police began to cremate her beloved. Unable to bear it any longer, Tina threw herself onto the burning pyre, joining Sanjeev in death.

Thus ended the tragic love story of Tina and Sanjeev, united in death as they could not be in life. Their love, though incomplete in the world of the living, found its tragic completion in the afterlife—a love that remained unfinished, yet eternal.