Krishna - The Protector of Dharma - 5 in English Mythological Stories by Suresh Trivedi books and stories PDF | Krishna - The Protector of Dharma - 5

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Krishna - The Protector of Dharma - 5

5) Thinking Unthinkable

When Krishna had finalised strategies of swayamvar of Draupadi with Dyumna, he had told Dyumna that his task was over. In fact, his task was yet not over. He still had two important tasks to be performed before the swayamvar of Draupadi.

First task was to inform and prepare Arjun to take part in the swayamvar contest and the second task was to convince Kunti to take a revolutionary decision. The second task was an important but difficult task, so Krishna decided to get guidance from some learned rishi. His representative in Kampilya had informed him that Maharshi Ved Vyas was in Kampilya city for some religious function. He, therefore, visited Maharshi Ved Vyas and got his valuable advice and blessings, for that task.   

Krishna had already sent a message to Pandavs to reach Kampilya City. His spies, keeping watch on movements of Pandavs, informed Krishna that Pandavs along with mother Kunti have arrived at Kampilya and have taken asylum in a small room attached to the Shiv temple in the eastern outskirts of Kampilya city.

Krishna reached there to meet Pandavs, who were hiding themselves in brahmin dresses as per the strategy devised by Krishna. 

Krishna bowed his head to aunt Kunti, who showered blessings on him. Then he greeted his cousin Pandavs one by one. Pandavs were happy to meet Krishna.

Bhim asked anxiously: ‘Krishna, it was so nice of you to warn us in advance about the dangerous palace of lac. We have been saved only because of your cautiousness. We shall remain grateful to you for our whole life. But why have you advised us to remain hiding in brahmin dresses? That rascal Duryodhan would have burned us alive in the fire of the palace of lac. I am so impatient to kill him with my bare hands.’

Krishna said with a smile: ‘Brother Bhim, have some patience. Killing Duryodhan is not our immediate goal. Our aim is to get the throne of Hastinapur as its rightful heirs.’

‘But how shall we get Hastinapur by remaining in hiding?’ Bhim was unable to understand the strategies of Krishna.

‘You see, Bro. Duryodhan is a Yuvraj of Hastinapur at present, however virtually he is the real emperor of Hastinapur. Although Grandsire Bhishma and Uncle Vidur love and care for you all, they will not be able to protect you every time. Duryodhan had earlier also tried to kill you by offering poisonous sweets and throwing you in the river Yamuna. So for the safety of you all, I had advised you to remain in hiding.’

‘But how long should we remain in hiding? I am tired of it now, Krishna.’

Yudhishthir interfered to calm down Bhim: ‘Brother Bhim, Krishna must have thought of a proper strategy. Please listen to it first patiently.’ 

Krishna continued: ‘In my opinion, you should remain hiding till you get some powerful backing. You see, Brothers, Grandsire Bhishma and Uncle Vidur do accept your first right on the throne of Hastinapur, but they will not act against the wishes and the orders of Dhritarashtra. Similarly, many kingdoms theoretically agree and accept your right on the throne of Hastinapur, however they will not fight with Hastinapur for your rights. You must, therefore, get the backing of some powerful kingdom, who would not only support you, but would also fight for you. Such backing is received either by birth or by marriage. Therefore, the only way out for you is to marry a princess of some powerful kingdom, so as to get backing of that state.’

Bhim exclaimed: ‘O my God! Krishna, I wonder how you can think of all this! Why do such thoughts never emerge in my mind?’ 

‘Because your tongue and belly do all the work and do not allow your mind to work.’ Krishna said lightly, referring to Bhim’s talkative nature and craving for food.

‘Anyway, I have got caring brothers like you, so I need not to think much. I am happy and satisfied with my talks and my food,’ Bhim laughed.


Arjun asked: 'That means, Krishna, first of all, we should find a princess of some powerful kingdom, who will marry one of us.’

‘Don’t worry for that part also, Arjun. I have already found such a princess.’

‘O Krishna, you are really great.’ Bhim praised Krishna.

‘Listen brothers, Panchal is a very powerful kingdom. If the princess of Panchal marries one of you, you will get strong backing and then Dhritarashtra will be compelled to give you your rightful part in Hastinapur kingdom. I don’t know whether it is the whole kingdom or a part of it, but still you will get something.’      

‘But Krishna, will the princess of Panchal marry to some prince hiding as a brahmin and not having any kingdom at all?’ Arjun raised doubts.

‘The princess will marry a person who has skills, ability and bravery.’

‘How it will be decided?’ Arjun has again raised a question.

‘Panchal Kingdom is arranging a swayamvar of princess Draupadi, the most beautiful woman on the earth, who is equally brilliant and dignified. There will be a tough archery contest to win the swayamvar. I wish Arjun to participate and win the swayamvar.’

‘Perhaps, you yourself would have set tough archery conditions, Krishna. Can’t you set some wrestling bout, instead of an archery contest, so I get a chance to marry the princess.’ Bhim said jokingly.

‘Bro, when you got married to Hidimba, did you think of other brothers?’ Krishna was ready with an answer.

Pandavs and Kunti laughed loudly with reference to Hidimba. Bhim blushed and tried to save his skin: ‘Mother Kunti had forced me to marry her, otherwise I was not ready for it.’

Everyone laughed again to see Bhim blushed with reference to Hidimba.

‘No one can beat you in discussion, Krishna. But I like to lose to you,’ Bhim declared frankly.

Krishna said: ‘Jokes apart, brothers, but keep in mind the strategy. You have to come to the swayamvar ceremony in brahmin dress without revealing your identity. I fear, after winning the swayamvar by Arjun, there will be resistance from some of the participants. So, remain alert and prepared for a fight. I will see that you get the required weapons.’

‘Don't worry about the fighting part, Krishna. I will crush them all single handedly without any weapon too. I have not fought for long, after killing Hidimb and Bakasur. My body aches, if I don’t get fights,’ Bhim shouted, showing his arm muscles.

Krishna smiled and caressed back of Bhim lovingly.

‘Brothers, now my task is over. I take your leave. We shall now meet directly at the swayamvar ceremony. I will leave after offering prayers to this Shiv temple,’ said Krishna showing the nearby temple.

‘So nice of you, Dear. We are also required to bring alms from the city for today’s food. When we have become brahmin, we shall have to play that role faithfully, you know.’ said Yudhishthir smilingly.


Although Krishna had said that his task was over, he had yet to complete his second task which was in fact really a difficult task.

He entered the temple and offered prayers to Mahadev. He also kept a close watch on Pandavs. When Pandavs left their room and reached far away towards the city, Krishna again reached their room to meet his aunt Kunti.

Kunti was surprised to see Krishna again. She asked worriedly: ‘What happened, Krishna? Did you forget anything?’

‘No aunty, I have come purposefully to talk to you privately.’ Krishna said with a smile.

‘What is such a matter that you could not say it in the presence of my sons?’ Kunti was a bit surprised.

‘Yes, aunty, the matter is confidential but also very important.’

‘I see… Please sit near me and tell me what it is,’ Kunti said calmly.

‘Aunty, I am going to tell you something strange and shocking, but rest assured that it is for the benefit of your family.’ Krishna prepared a background for his difficult task.

Kunti got worried with the serious tone of Krishna and anxiously looked at the face of Krishna. It was as usual shining and smiling. Kunti relaxed a bit.

Krishna continued: ‘As I have already told, Draupadi is a very beautiful, intelligent and brilliant princess. The person to whom she will marry, will be very lucky to get such an ideal wife. She is also an ambitious lady and I feel that she is born to be an empress of a great empire and not just a queen of some ordinary kingdom.’

‘Happy to know, but then what is the problem?’ Kunti asked with desperation. 

Krishna continued: ‘I am sure, if Draupadi marries Arjun, she will definitely inspire and encourage Arjun to be a great emperor. But in that case elder brothers Yudhishthir and Bhim would feel insulted and it would result in breaking the unity of Pandavs.

‘At present all five brothers are strongly united and they love and respect each other more than their own life. Yudhishthir’s ethics and wisdom, Bhim’s power and strength, Arjun’s skills and valour, Nakul’s art and artisanship and Sahadev’s knowledge and foresight have made Pandavs a strong, powerful, unbeatable and trustworthy group. To establish and to run an empire successfully all these qualities are essential. So, in my opinion unity of Pandavs is of foremost importance.’

Kunti replied calmly: ‘If the unity of my sons is at risk, then we should forget Draupadi. There is no drought of princesses in Aryavarta.’

‘Yes aunty, ample alternatives are available for your able sons, however none of them is as good as this one. Keep in mind, we need support from a powerful state which is available only in case of Arjun marrying Draupadi,’ said Krishna with his iconic smile.

‘Oh, that is also right. Then what shall we do? Please find some way out. You are the best person to find ways in difficult conditions,’ Kunti handed over his worries to Krishna.

‘I have already thought of a solution to this problem; however, you will have to be brave enough to take a revolutionary decision,’ said Krishna.

‘What is it?’ Asked Kunti worriedly.

‘To keep Pandavs united, Draupadi should marry Pandavs, I mean not only Arjun but all the five brothers. In that case, the unity of Pandavs would remain intact.’ Krishna unfolded his plan.

Kunti shivered and became pale to hear these words. Her mouth remained open and eyes widened as if she was electrocuted.  She was aghast and felt that Krishna had made bomb blast in her ears. She asked with a deep shock: ‘What do you say, Krishna? How can you even think about such an insane and indecent proposal? Have you gone mad?’

‘I am saying this in full sense, aunty and I have come to this conclusion after deep thinking and thorough deliberations,’ said Krishna calmly.

‘But you are proposing that a woman should marry five men? This is a totally unsocial, unethical and unheard-of proposal?’ Kunti was still under deep shock.

‘Yes, it may be an unheard thing, as it is not a usual practice in our society, however it is neither unsocial nor unethical. Before coming here, I have discussed it with Maharshi Ved Vyas, who has advised me that if it is essential, a woman can marry more than one man, just like a man marries more than one woman and there is nothing unethical in it.’

‘Maharshi Ved Vyas has really said so? Will it not be adharma?’ Kunti got some relief as she had full faith in the knowledge and wisdom of Maharshi Ved Vyas.

‘Yes, aunty, Maharshi has said it categorically and unambiguously that there is no adharma in such practice. He has also cited similar examples from the history of Aryavarta,’ said Krishna, taking the hand of Kunti in his hands.

‘If Maharshi gives consent, then who am I to object?’ Kunti got consolation with the name of Maharshi Ved Vyas and the soothing touch of Krishna’s hands.

‘If you wish, I can arrange your meeting with him, as he is presently in Kampilya only.’

‘No Krishna, I have trust in you. When you say Maharshi has said it, then Maharshi would have definitely said it.’

‘Aunty, I agree that it is a harsh decision, but you know very well that political decisions are always harsh and unpleasant. We shall have to bear with it,’ said Krishna with a smile.

Kunti also smiled and caressing the cheek of Krishna said lovingly: ‘In the end you have made me agree to whatever you wanted. You are too smart.’

Krishna enjoyed the lovable touch similar to his mother Yashoda, which he had missed for long.  
