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Interview Technics

Interview Technics : 

Interviews are a great deciding force in a Career or Interpersonal Relationships.

They are all about first impressions which rests partly on the presentation of your portfolio or resume,  as well as presentation of your self ie., the way you use language skills, modulate your voice, your facial expression, gestures, how you are dressed and above all your Vibes, the aforementioned play a discreet role in creating your vibes.

They play a part in deciding about your personality and conduct without actually having given you a chance to prove any of these qualities.

Some of these things appear      insubstantial but play a very substantial role in your favor.

It is clear now that your personality is just as important as your knowledge and education because Interviews are not just a question and answer round.

They are also not tricky sessions to trick you into submission. The interviewer is not your enemy.

Interview is a search for a person who is level headed, balanced, dependable, trainable and responsible. Someone who will be enthusiastic about making new self discoveries on the job rather than being rigid and confined in his ways.

If you come across as a sincere person with integrity you will interest the interviewer.  How does the interviewer come to the conclusion about you because probably most of the resumes are actually very similar that’s where your personality gives you that extra edge.

The interviewer is not only consciously but also subconsciously absorbing a lot about you as a person. With all the visual, audio and written aid you provide, he is not only studying you but also studying your silence. Every information you provide helps him to turn you into a multi dimensional individual.

Remember job interview is like opening the company’s or organization’s door to a stranger, just as we are careful about opening the doors of our homes for others similarly companies are vigilant too.  Understandably nobody would like a person who cannot deliver their best. How do the company’s assess the person?

First of all if the academic record of a person is consistent, it speaks volumes about his consistency and perseverance. Next if the candidate is well-groomed it means he has self-love. A good eye contact indicates confidence, curiosity and nothing to hide attitude. Good communication skills point to the fact that self-improvement is a habit with the candidate.

Good body language is a great statement of your personality  because it is so intertwined with your conscience and subconscience that it can give away so much about you without you realizing it.

However it can be learnt like an art not to mislead others but to understand others for your own benefit.

Next right from the way you’ll knock at the door, to how you will  enter the room,  greet the interviewer, pull the chair and and settle in the chair will declare a lot about you as a person. 

It is the first time the interviewer is meeting you. Remember you are not only a resume you are an energy field which may not be visible but it is there and it is also called your vibes. Many a times the interviewer can sense a lot about your personality there and then.

Another important thing to remember during the interview is not how much you speak but how intently you listen and understand the question for your answers will show your perceptiveness which is of utmost importance, for a job rests upon cooperation and coordination among different personalities and agencies only those who have the skill rise the rungs of success in any given profession.

The way you use your language skill to answer each question as concisely yet substantiating your answers with data or examples without digressing from the facts is of utmost importance.

Finally remember if you are called for the interview you are a prospective candidate. Your resume has appealed to them, now it’s your turn to appeal to them. They are not hiring your school or college, they are hiring you and you are much more than your qualifications?

The interview is going to test you on accout of your aptitude and attitude. 

It is said interview skills can be acquired it doesn’t mean learning these skills to fool the interviewer but to enhance your own personality after all interview is like any other first meeting with anybody. We like some, we don’t like some. Our like and dislike has a lot to do with the latent personality of that person which comes across through their words, looks, manners and above all beliefs.

Acquiring interview skills is like doing a self-improvement course that will tweak your personality for better growth. Remember the interviewer wants to make you comfortable your duty is to remain comfortable, composed, alert and honest, these are the virtues required in any job.

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Am I self-disciplined, Divinely Spiritual, truly Religious, worldly wise and virtuous that others can observe and absorb all this from me?

Or am I an ideal daughter, sister, wife, mother, teacher, friend, colleague or companion that I can teach them a thing or two?

Well, I am none of the above and yet here I am breathing through my Blog. Every word that I breathe out will breathe into you. This organic osmosis is a great responsibility. I honor the space I am given and will use it as my own. I will share the space to share the slices of wisdom I have gathered, over the decades I have left behind.

Some slices will be sweet, some sour and some spicy, some will sieve into you like soup, some will stir your soul, some may stay with you and from some you may walk away.

Here are some common interview precautions to help you prepare and make a positive impression:

1. *Research*: Learn about the company, role, and industry.

2. *Review*: Study the job description and requirements.

3. *Prepare*: Practice answering common interview questions.

4. *Dress*: Wear appropriate attire for the company culture.

5. *Punctuality*: Arrive 10-15 minutes before the interview.

6. *Materials*: Bring extra copies of your resume, references, and notes.

7. *Body Language*: Maintain eye contact, smile, and use confident gestures.

8. *Communication*: Speak clearly, concisely, and professionally.

9. *Questions*: Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer.

10. *Follow-up*: Send a thank-you note or email after the interview.

Additionally, be cautious of:

- *Negative talk*: Avoid speaking negatively about previous employers or colleagues.

- *Overconfidence*: Show enthusiasm, but avoid coming across as arrogant.

- *Lack of preparation*: Make sure you're familiar with the company and role.

- *Inconsistencies*: Ensure your resume, online profiles, and interview answers align.

By taking these precautions, you'll be well-prepared to showcase your skills and make a positive impression during the interview.

Ashish Shah

Making A Difference