Heat and Your Heart in English Health by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Heat and Your Heart

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Heat and Your Heart

                                                        Heat and Your Heart 

Have you ever thought that heat can impact our heart significantly? We all know that too much exposure to heat can cause sunstroke , dehydration , fatigue and other heat related illness . But in the recent past it has been noticed that excessive exposure to heat can create problems for our heart which might be concerning sometimes .

How bad heat can be for our heart -  During study , it has been seen by doctors that heat causes strain on the heart . Due to this heart needs to pump faster and stronger .It means the heart is overloaded as it has to  do more work than it is usually supposed to do. Excessive heat may make blood thinner which is not good for those already on blood thinners like aspirin , heparin , Plavix ( Clopidogrel ) etc. 

People having Cardiovascular problems , stroke , heart attack or heart failure are more prone to ill effects of heat / rapid change in temperature on heart . It is still unconfirmed if heat affects only  those already having heart issues or in general. Yet it is believed  that not only existing patients are exposed to the impact of heat but it can impact others also , however the former have more risk and may face heart attack. Rapid increase in temperature can cause Hyperthermia . On the other hand, too low temperature is also bad. It can cause Hypothermia ,coma , organ failure/ malfunction or it might be even fatal. Athletes working in heat for long hours should also be careful .

Some medications can impact the heart's capacity to tolerate Heat - There are some medicines , particularly heart medications , which can exaggerate body response to heat  when exposed to high temperature  . 

Aspirin - Study shows that Aspirin , a blood thinner , can make people more sensitive to significant / rapid change in temperature .

Beta blockers - This medicine is used to treat high blood pressure .Beta blockers block the effects of hormone Epinephrine ( aka adrenaline ) like Atenolol , Metoprolol etc.

Calcium channel blockers - like Felodipine , Amlodipine etc. are also used to lower blood pressure .They stop Calcium to enter into cells and arteries of heart which may cause blockage . 

Diuretics aka Water Pills - This medicine is used to treat high blood pressure , kidney disease , heart failure etc. This causes frequent urination to flush out water and sodium dissolved in it . Some of the common water pills are - Hydrochlorothiazide , chlorothiazide , Lonopin , Dytor etc.

Tips on Heat and Heart health - Seniors 60 plus , existing heart patients and athletes working in heat for long hours are more prone to ill effects of heat on heart . As we age our natural capacity to resist such changes is reduced significantly. 

Some tips to reduce impact of heat on heart -

* We should try to  avoid /minimize exposure to rapid temperature changes . Those living and / or working in hot climates should try to remain in air conditioned air as far as possible. 
* Workers working in the open should use cold packs or cold towels to keep cool in between .
* Keep hydrated . Drink plenty of liquid . People on diuretics , beta blockers and water pills should be more careful. 
* Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol 
* Take break between working hours , when working outside 
* Find some cool place / shade . Rest for a few minutes then hydrate before going to work again . 

Risk Symptoms to watch - Keep an eye on the following symptoms - 

Body temperature ( should not rise beyond 102 / 103 F )
Red , dry , hot , damp skin 
Fast pulse rate 
Headache , dizziness 
muscle cramps 
Significant change in sweating behavior . 

Above are signs of heat stroke / heat exhaustion 
