HAPPINESS - 97 in English Poems by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | HAPPINESS - 97

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Don't wish for a long life to a living corpse.


I have received the full punishment, don't punish me again.


Broken threads, stitches of compromise, this is life.


Never betray in the hours of trouble.


After the love breaks, the unfaithful lover becomes my darling.


Don't tell me the secrets of our meetings.


I have become used to love, it has become difficult to live.


They go away from behind my back, don't ever tell me.


Listen, if you want to go, then go quietly.


Don't let love be disgraced in public.




I came back after burning the darkness in my heart.


I came back after hugging you one last time.


Some of it was fate, some of it was your wish.


I came back after making you drink the wine of your juicy lips.


I came back after burning the intoxicating letters filled with love.


When the wind knocks at the door, it feels like Is it you ll


When the wet weather waves, it feels like you are there ll


No one in this world could understand the pain of a mother.


When the messenger comes in the street, it feels like you are there ll


The desire to see you once increased so much that.


When every leaf brings a sound, it feels like you are there ll


Wandering here and there in search of a home.


When a bird hits the window, it feels like you are there ll


Someone is getting restless and anxious to meet me.


If you smile like a child, it feels like you are there ll




The paths will open even if you fight.


The destination will be found even if you get stuck.


Life will become intoxicating.


If you fall in love, it's okay.


If you have fallen in love, be patient.


The memories are deeply rooted in the heart.


You are with the moon.


You can make the stars dance.


In the lines of the palm It was not there.


At least we cried for a few moments.




The phases of life and death are in the hands of the Almighty.


The rhythmic beats of a handful of hearts sow life.


Say that you need your loved ones to live life.


They sleep all night with the feeling of priceless relationships.


Listen, where in this world are people alive by their own will.


They carry the burden of the busy world inside them all their lives.


Perhaps if a few moments of love are enough, then the desire to live, the wish and the desire sow love.


Now there is no difference from the crowd and noise outside.

When the noise inside increases, then the silent breaths cry.




I have no complaint with the lines on my palms.


I never found someone who loved me. ll


From behind the curtain in the gathering.


I did not make you drink from my eyes.


To avoid the evil eyes of the world.


This meeting is not a series.


It matches with the blue eyes.


The color of the dupatta is not blue today.


Look at the magic of boundless loyalty.


Today, even after being separated, it did not shake.




I smile every day after bearing a new pain. This is magic.


This is how I create a new history.


I have never had any relation with love all my life.


I write poems of love. This is magic.


I have never adorned myself to show off to others.


I dress up for myself. This is magic.


They keep making me drink the glass of love continuously through their eyes.


I spill without drinking in the gathering. This is magic. ll


In the crowd of friends, even by mistake, unknowingly.


Even with a little touch, I get carried away, this is a miracle.




Clouds of memories are looming in the month of Sawan.


Peacock and cuckoo have sung melodious songs.


Drops are intoxicated, the body is carried away.


Greenery all around is pleasing the mind.


In the season of getting drenched, bring some coolness.


Now the days and nights of penance and longing are gone.


The voices of drops are saying something in a drizzling sound.


Hope has surrounded the eyes of the separated person.


Swings of excitement have been formed on the branches and leaves.


We are getting relief from the shower of lovely rain.




If they offer us a drink with their eyes, we drink it.

We live by looking at beautiful eyes. ll


Strange people are there who set fire in two moments.


I have lived through the infamy of my lover in the world.


I am not in the habit of beating around the bush.


I am joking on the outside but serious from the inside.


These days I hear a lot of mention of me here and there.


Even if you think I am naive, I am still sweet.


Whom will I tell the reason for my madness.


I have learnt to love perfectly from beauty.




I made a story out of such a small thing.


I did not even think how I lived.


To maintain peace and comfort.


Every time, every moment I drank a sip of sorrow.


I tried countless times to make her understand.


I killed my desires and attacked my heart.


The gesture of the fool increased the confusion.


I am tired of getting a new pain.


The unsaid Kept the words unsaid.


Lips were sealed to avoid arguments.




Life teaches us to live in happiness and sorrow.


Life shows us a new dimension every day.


Listen to your desires and wishes.


Life makes you drink honey filled with pain.


Love yourself like the ones who love you.


Life brings you face to face with life.


Life manages the relationships bestowed by fate.


Life spends time together.


Leaving the crowd, a fair is held in solitude.


Life maintains a relationship with breaths.



No one has been able to understand the play of nature.


Radhey Krishna has created an illusory illusion.


The beautiful view of colorful nature.


Wherever you look, there is a shadow of supernatural power.


In the season of drizzling rains, you are tempted.


This beautiful world has come in the air.


The greenery and flexibility of the green fields.


See the unique shadow of God's form.


Filling everyone's heart with enthusiasm.


The fragrance of sweet and pleasant spring has been brought.




Everyday the rays of the sun provide new energy.


And fill life with new hope and enthusiasm.


With a big ball filled with its light.


It flows around by tearing the darkness.


Work is done from sunrise to sunset.


It dies for the dignity of the time cycle.


The bright rays of the morning fill life with light.


By giving the breath of new life, laziness They defeat me ll


Slowly illuminating the world all around.


They roam around for infinite purity ll




A storm of countless memories wreaked havoc in my mind.


The crazy moth turned into a complete madman.


Those who parted without reason in the middle of the journey at any time.


He gave me a heart disease without calling me.


One evening, he will return by just giving this promise.


He awakened the sleeping desires, wishes, and wishes.


To spend the rest of my life in peace and comfort.


The bouquet of photos in my heart was decorated with flowers.


The beauty itself was surprised to see its picture in the mirror.


In the very first glance, it descended from my eyes and entered my heart.




Smiling slowly was amazing.


For my eyes It was amazing to bow down like this ll


The green bangles stole my heart.


I forgot the sorrows and pains of the world ll


Maybe I will find peace from that street.


Whatever I had, I gave it away with all four hands ll


The garden was very sad without flowers.


The cold weather and cold wind put me to sleep ll


The world wants that distance to remain.


A small thing made my friend cry ll


Life passed in yesterday, today and tomorrow.

I swung it for a while to entertain my heart ll




The mind should be as pure as the Ganges.


High values ​​should be sown.


The meaning of faith should be found every moment.


Good character should always be cherished.


With the pure water of holy mother Ganga.


The sinful body and mind should be drenched.




Start the worship with wine in the gatherings l


Make the night intoxicating and overflowing in love.


If you are in pardaanshi, let's have a small conversation.


To entertain the heart, talk about something juicy.


Let's see how much we make you drink with our eyes.


Today, beat us in the drinking competition.


Morning prayers bring peace to the mind.


Freshness blossoms by giving energy to the body and mind.


There is a festive atmosphere all around the house and courtyard.


With blessings, the face looks bright throughout the day.


The flame of love ignites the heart and mind.


Then the vine of love wraps around and the nerves start shaking.


By sowing the seeds of virtue, faith, flowers, tolerance,


It is sewn with affection, love, simplicity, love and equality.


With folded hands, we request you to always be careful.


The lines of destiny are drawn with daily routine and prayer. She roams around ll
